Vsoil pools version 2024-12-04

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list of pools_install processes

generated by vsoil-processes version 1.20241212.11770 on 2024-12-12 15:43:45

process: atmosphere gaz conditions

description: Returns atmosphere air gas concentrations/pressure at the soil surface.

category: external factors

inputs: none

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

process: bioturbation

description: Simulates the redistribution of soil solid and liquid phases components caused by soil organisms.

category: biological processes

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

process: bottom boundary heat flux

description: To provide bottom imposed heat flux as a function of time.

category: external factors

inputs: none

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

process: bottom boundary pressure head

description: To provide imposed water content or pressure head at the lower boundary.

category: external factors

inputs: none

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

process: bottom boundary solutes concentration

description: Provide the concentration at the bottom of the soil profile. To be used as a boundary condition.

category: external factors

inputs: none

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

process: bottom boundary temperature

description: To provide imposed bottom temperature as a function of time.

category: external factors

inputs: none

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

process: bottom boundary water flux

description: To provide a prescribed flux of water at the lower boundary as a function of time.

category: external factors

inputs: none

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

process: canopy water transfer

description: To model the fate of water applied to a crop canopy. Intended to account for water storage on leaves, water redistribution to soil, water evaporation from canopy and to modify the climatic demand applied to the crop.

category: physical processes

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

process: chemical dispersion-coagulation

description: The effect of soil solution composition on the dispersion or coagulation of clay.

category: geochemical processes

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

process: chemical weathering of primary minerals

description: Explains the weathering flux of Ca, Mg, K and Na from Anorthite, Chlorite, Microcline and Albite in soil solution.

category: geochemical processes

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

process: climate

description: To supply meteorological information usually provided by meteorological services.

category: external factors

inputs: none

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

process: complexation

description: To simulate the biological degradation of molecules in the soil solution and eventually sorbed on the solid phase.

category: geochemical processes

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

process: crop development

description: To simulate crop growth (leaf area index, rooting profile, dry matter, solute demands, etc...)

category: biological processes

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

process: crop pesticides fate

description: To model volatilisation of compounds from the crop leaves.

category: physical processes

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

process: denitrification

description: To model denitrification and associated gaseous productions and consumptions.

category: biological processes

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

process: erosion

description: Describes the removal of soil from the top layes and its effect on soil properties.

category: physical processes

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

process: evapotranspiration

description: To calculate crop evapotranspiration demand.

category: physical processes

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

process: flood irrigation

description: To provide irrigation amounts and concentrations for flooding irrigations.

category: external factors

inputs: none

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

process: gas transport and balance

description: To model gaseous transport in the soil profile.

category: physical processes

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

process: geochemistry

description: To model geochemical processes in the soil solution and at the interface solid-water.

category: geochemical processes

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

process: heat transport and balance

description: To model heat transport and balance in the soil profile.

category: physical processes

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

process: mineral fertilisation

description: Provides mineral fertilisation -schedule and amounts- at soil surface

category: external factors

inputs: none

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

process: molecules degradation

description: Simulate degradation of molecules in the soil profile.

category: geochemical processes

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

process: mulch dynamics

description: To model the changes in mass, volume and soil coverage of a mulch in interaction with the soil profile.

category: biological processes

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

process: mulch heat transfer

description: To model heat balance and temperature of a mulch in interaction with climate and soil.

category: physical processes

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

process: mulch solutes leaching

description: To model the leaching of solutes contained in a mulch.

category: physical processes

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

process: mulch water transfer

description: Water balance of a mulch in interaction with climate and soil.

category: physical processes

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

process: organic fertilisation

description: To provide organic fertilisation amounts, composition and schedule.

category: external factors

inputs: none

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

process: organic matter dynamics

description: To model organic matter transformations in soil profile.

category: biological processes

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

process: organic pollutant compost

description: Simulate exchange of organic pollutants (HAP fo example) between compost and soil solution.

category: geochemical processes

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

process: organic pollutant sorption

description: Adsorption of HAP and more generally of organic pollutants (OP) on soil solid phase.

category: physical processes

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

process: particles and colloids mobilisation

description: To account for particles and colloids mobilisation or detachment. Mobilisation of particles can have several origins 'chemical, physical) that are all accounted for in this process. Particle and colloid transport is accounted for by the "particles and colloids transport" process.

category: physical processes

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

process: particles and colloids retention

description: To account for retention of particles and colloids in the soil profile. Retention can have several origins (deposition, filtering, etc...) that are all accounted for in this process. Transport of particles and colloids is accounted for by the "Particle and colloid transport" process.

category: physical processes

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

process: particles and colloids transport

description: This process accounts for colloids and particles transport by the liquid phase.

category: physical processes

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

process: physical weathering

description: Describes the breakage of soil particles due to strain caused by temperature gradients. The consequence of this process is an increase in clay fraction of soil.

category: physical processes

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

process: physico-chemical equilibrium

description: To describe the physico-chemical equilibrium between liquid, gaseous and solid phases.

category: geochemical processes

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

process: preferential water flow

description: Accounts for water flow and water balance in the soil macroporosity

category: physical processes

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

process: root solutes uptake

description: To model solute uptake by roots in the soil profile.

category: biological processes

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

process: root water uptake

description: To model water uptake by roots in the soil profile.

category: biological processes

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

process: slash and burn

description: To mimic the consequences of a slash and burn human activity.

category: external factors

inputs: none

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

process: soil deposition

description: Describes the deposition of soil on top of the profile. Describes also changes in soil properties due to this addition.

category: physical processes

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

process: soil hydraulic properties

description: To model changes in soil hydrodynamic properties (retention curve, hydraulic conductivity).

category: physical processes

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

process: soil pesticides fate

description: To model pesticides degradation and pesticides exchange between aqueous and solid phases in the soil. Transport and balance are handled within the solute transport process. Volatilisation towards the atmosphere is accounted in the "crop pesticides fate" process.

category: biological processes

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

process: soil tillage practices

description: Describes the impacts on various variables of the mixing of the soil top layer due to different tillage/ploughing practices.

category: evolution of soil properties

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

process: solid mineral balance

description: The process responsible for the mass balance of the solid minerals.

category: physical processes

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

process: sorption

description: Sorption of molecules on soil solide phase.

category: geochemical processes

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

process: splash

description: Effect of rain drops on soil particle release.

category: physical processes

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

process: sprinkling irrigations

description: To provide schedules and amounts and concentrations for the sprinkling irrigations.

category: external factors

inputs: none

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

process: surface boundary heat flux

description: To provide a prescribed surface heat flux.

category: external factors

inputs: none

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

process: surface boundary pressure head

description: To provide a surface pressure head as a function of time.

category: external factors

inputs: none

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

process: surface boundary temperature

description: To provide a prescribed surface temperature as a function of time.

category: external factors

inputs: none

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

process: surface energy balance

description: To model energy balance at the soil surface.

category: physical processes

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

process: time synchronisation

description: To synchonise the simulation times with calendar dates. Examples: days, months, years or arbitrary calendar dates. The modules representing this process should set the output to a value different from 0 to indicate time has been forced in the previous compute call. 0 otherwise

category: external factors

inputs: none

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

process: transport in liquid phase

description: To account for transport of disolved species.

category: physical processes

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

process: useless and testing

description: Use this only for testing purpose. For example, sandbox modules.

category: external factors

inputs: none

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

process: volatilisation

description: To model volatilisation of dissolved species.

category: geochemical processes

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

process: volume change

description: Calculates the change in soil volume (soil compartment tickness) due to processes such as bioturbation and tillage. For now, it uses Alexander PTF to calculate bulk density and then to calculate the change in volume by RHO_alex=Total_Mass/Volume.

category: physical processes

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

process: water flow and balance

description: Account for water flow and water balance in the soil profile.

category: physical processes

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

process: water runoff

description: To model water run-off at soil surface. In other words, the draining away of water from the soil surface.

category: physical processes

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

process: worm dynamic

description: To model population dynamics of earthworms.

category: biological processes

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

list of pools_install modules

generated by vsoil-processes version 1.20241212.11770 on 2024-12-12 15:43:44

module: BLAS_example_cpp

description: An example on the usage of Blas (Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms) library. See "www.netlib.org/blas/" for more information.

dimension: 1

keywords: demo, example, linear algebra

publications links:

scientist to contact: Nicolas Moitrier (nicolas.moitrier@inrae.fr)

is in no input mode

compatible with grid change

language: C++

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: useless and testing

inputs: none

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: BLAS_example_fortran

description: An example on the usage of Blas (Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms) library. See "www.netlib.org/blas/" for more information.

dimension: 1

keywords: demo, example, linear algebra

publications links:

scientist to contact: Nicolas Moitrier (nicolas.moitrier@inrae.fr)

is in no input mode

compatible with grid change

language: Fortran

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: useless and testing

inputs: none

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: CDE

description: The module uses the vsoil_cde_cn routine to solve the CDE equation. Refer to the documentation of the routine to have a more complete description of inputs, outputs and parameters required. Several solute species can be simulated simultaneously. The module accepts layer dependent parameters. A linear isotherm can be used for sorbed species. This module does not accept sink or source terms. A first-order degradation rate is simulated. Solute exchange with a water layer at the surface can be simulated if needed. If runoff exists, the amount lost is calculated. To deal with sink or source terms one must use modules with names CDE_OM, CDE_OM_den, etc. The suffixes indicate the type of sink/source terms accepted. This module is more likely to be used for field situations. The module CDE_LEA has less inputs and parameters and is more adapted to laboratory experiments.

dimension: 1

keywords: convection, dispersion, solute transport, local equilibrium assumption

publications text: Lafolie. F. 1991. Modeling water flow, nitrogen transport and root uptake including physical non-equilibrium and optimization of the root water potential. Fertilizer Research, 27, 215-231.

language: Fortran

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: transport in liquid phase

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: CDE_LEA

description: The module uses the vsoil_cde_cn routine to solve the CDE equation. Refer to the documentation of the routine to have a more complete description of inputs, outputs and parameters required. Several solute species can be simulated simultaneously. The module accepts layer dependent parameters. A linear isotherm can be used for sorbed species. To deal with sink or source terms one must use modules with names CDE_OM, CDE_OM_den, etc. The suffixes indicate the type of sink/source terms accepted. This module is more likely to be used for laboratory experiments. The module CDE has more parameters, requires more inputs and is more adapted to field experiments.

dimension: 1

keywords: convection, dispersion, transport, Local Equilibrium Assumption.

publications text: Lafolie. F. 1991. Modeling water flow, nitrogen transport and root uptake including physical non-equilibrium and optimization of the root water potential. Fertilizer Research, 27, 215-231.

language: Fortran

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: transport in liquid phase

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: CDE_OM

description: The module uses the vsoil_cde_cn routine to solve the CDE equation. Refer to the documentation of the routine to have a more complete description of inputs, outputs and parameters required. Several solute species can be simulated simultaneously. The module accepts layer dependent parameters. A linear isotherm can be used for sorbed species. A first-order degradation rate is simulated. Solute exchange with a water layer at the surface can be simulated if needed. This module accept sink or source terms induced by organic matter transformations. To deal with other sink or source terms one must use modules with names CDE_OM_den, etc... If no sink source required, you can use the module CDE. The suffixes indicate the type of sink/source terms accepted.

dimension: 1

keywords: convection, dispersion, transport, local equilibrium assumption, organic matter, sink, source

publications text: Lafolie. F. 1991. Modeling water flow, nitrogen transport and root uptake including physical non-equilibrium and optimization of the root water potential. Fertilizer Research, 27, 215-231.

language: Fortran

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: transport in liquid phase

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: CDE_OM_crop

description: The module uses the vsoil_cde_cn routine to solve the CDE equation. Refer to the documentation of the routine to have a more complete description of inputs, outputs and parameters required. Several solute species can be simulated simultaneously. The module accepts layer dependent parameters. A linear isotherm can be used for sorbed species. A first-order degradation rate is simulated. Solute exchange with a water layer at the surface can be simulated if needed. This module accept sink or source terms induced by organic matter transformations and by uptake by roots. To deal with other sink or source terms one must use modules with names CDE_OM_den, etc. The suffixes indicate the type of sink/source terms accepted. If no sink source required, you can use the module CDE.

dimension: 1

keywords: convection, dispersion, transport, local equilibrium assumption, organic matter, sink, source, roots uptake

publications text: Lafolie. F. 1991. Modeling water flow, nitrogen transport and root uptake including physical non-equilibrium and optimization of the root water potential. Fertilizer Research, 27, 215-231.

language: Fortran

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: transport in liquid phase

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: CDE_PAH

description: The module uses the vsoil_cde_cn routine to solve the CDE equation. Refer to the documentation of the routine to have a more complete description of inputs, outputs and parameters required. Several solute species can be simulated simultaneously. The module accepts layer dependent parameters. This module accepts sink and source terms coming from modules simulating the sorption, desorption and degradation of organic pollutents, such as PAH for example. A source term for pollutent release provided by a module using organic matter decomposition is also available. The module manages the exchange with a water layer at the soil surface if needed. To deal with other sink or source terms one must use modules with names CDE_OM, CDE_OM_den, etc. The suffixes indicate the type of sink/source terms accepted. If no sink source required, you can use the module CDE or CDE_LEA.

dimension: 1

keywords: convection dispersion, transport, organic pollutents sink source terms, degradation

publications text: F. Lafolie 2012. Résolution des équations de transport de solutés en Non-saturé. Modèle convection dispersion et modèle avec eau immobile. 21 pp. Rapport interne.

language: Fortran

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: transport in liquid phase

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: CDE_PEST

description: The module uses the vsoil_cde_cn routine to solve the CDE equation. Refer to the documentation of the routine to have a more complete description of inputs, outputs and parameters required. Several solute species can be simulated simultaneously. The module accepts layer dependent parameters. This module accepts sink and source terms coming from modules simulating the sorption, desorption and degradation of pesticides. The module manages the exchange with a water layer at the soil surface if needed. To deal with other sink or source terms one must use modules with names CDE_OM, CDE_OM_den, etc. The suffixes indicate the type of sink/source terms accepted. If no sink source required, you can use the module CDE or CDE_LEA.

dimension: 1

keywords: convection dispersion, transport, pesticides sink source terms, degradation, sorption

user documentation: CDE_PEST.pdf

publications text: F. Lafolie 2012. Résolution des équations de transport de solutés en Non-saturé. Modèle convection dispersion et modèle avec eau immobile. 21 pp. Rapport interne.

language: Fortran

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: transport in liquid phase

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: CDE_kin_sorp

description: The module uses the vsoil_cde_cn routine to solve the CDE equation. Refer to the documentation of the routine to have a more complete description of inputs, outputs and parameters required. Several solute species can be simulated simultaneously. The module accepts layer dependent parameters. The module accept exchange terms provided by a module simulating kinetic sorption. Other CDE modules are available to handle various combinations of sink and source terms. This module is intended to be used for column experiments.

dimension: 1

keywords: convection, dispersion, transport, local equilibrium assumption, kinetic sorption

publications text: Lafolie. F. 1991. Modeling water flow, nitrogen transport and root uptake including physical non-equilibrium and optimization of the root water potential. Fertilizer Research, 27, 215-231.

language: Fortran

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: transport in liquid phase

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: CDE_tracer

description: The module was extracted from the PASTIS model. This version implements a numerical schema for the solution of the convection dispersion equation for a tracer (no sorption) . The module uses a Crank-Nicholson time integration schema. It offers the possibility to choose between a centered or a upwind finite differences schema for spatial derivatives discretisation. Several solute species can be simulated simultaneously. The schema in this module does not accept sink or source terms. This module is intended to be used for laboratory experiments as inputs do not consider rains. To deal with sorbing species (LEA assumption) one must use module CDE_solute. To deal with sink or source terms use modules with names CDE_solute_OM, CDE_solute_OM_crop, etc. The suffixes indicate the type of sink/source terms accepted.

dimension: 1

keywords: Convection, dispersion, transport, tracer

publications text: Lafolie. F. 1991. Modeling water flow, nitrogen transport and root uptake including physical non-equilibrium and optimization of the root water potential. Fertilizer Research, 27, 215-231.

language: Fortran

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: transport in liquid phase

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: CD_Pastis_SGEN_fast

description: The module was extracted from the PASTIS model. This version implements a numerical schema for the solution of the convection dispersion equation. The module offers the possibility to use a fully implicit or a Crank-Nicholson time integration schema. It also offers the possibility to choose between a centered or a upwind finite differences schema for spatial derivatives discretisation. Several solute species can be simulated simultaneously. The module accepts sink and source terms coming from a "organic matter" module. Accepts also sink terms coming from a root solutes uptake module. Accepts sink/source termes from a geochemistry module. Details on the numerical solution can be found in the report and articles indicated below. Simplified for SGEN by assuming that the diffusion coefficients are the same for all the species, which enables to calculate the matrix only one time for all the species. The second member only changes from one species to another.

dimension: 1

keywords: convection dispersion, local equilibrium assumption, transport, organic matter sink source terms

publications text: F. Lafolie 2012. Résolution des équations de transport de solutés en Non-saturé. Modèle convection dispersion et modèle avec eau immobile. 21 pp. Rapport interne.

scientist to contact: Hamza Chaif (hamza.chaif@inrae.fr)

compatible with grid change

language: Fortran

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: transport in liquid phase

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: DOC_TOC_association_PolDOC

description: Calculates the sink/source terms for the soil solution resulting from the complexation in solution of 3 solute species: the pollutant (TOC), theDOC and the association of both. The sink/source term calculated is positive if it is a source for the soil solution and negative if it is a sink. This modue uses concentrations expressed in moles per unit volume. WARNING: Does not work with concentrations in mass per unit volume.

dimension: 1

keywords: DOC, TOC, complexation, kinetic, association, dissociation

scientist to contact: Valérie Pot (valerie.pot@inrae.fr)

language: Fortran

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: complexation

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: DOC_TOC_degradation_PolDOC

description: Calculates degradation rates with a first order law. Rates are positive to comply with the transport module. Calculates hydrolisis of soil organic carbon. This module controls the time increment using the degradation time constants for mobile water, immobile water and sorption sites. The module was developed for the PolDOC model, but can be easily used as a starting point for developping a new module for degradation.

dimension: 1

keywords: degradation, first-order kinetic, hydrolisis, soil organic carbon, mobile solution, immobile solution, sorbed species.

scientist to contact: Valérie Pot (valerie.pot@inrae.fr)

language: Fortran

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: molecules degradation

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: ETP_SGEN

description: Generates the Potential Evapo-Transpiration as done in SoilGen model. Provides the PET at various time scales. Yearly PET are read in a file and are distributed daily according to a typical climate. Instantaneous PET is calculated according to day length that depends on day of year and latitude.

dimension: 1

keywords: ETP, SoilGen model, forced output values

scientist to contact: Hamza Chaif (hamza.chaif@inrae.fr)

is in no input mode

compatible with grid change

language: Fortran

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: evapotranspiration

inputs: none

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: ETP_from_file

description: Reads daily PET (Potential EvapoTranspiration) in mm/day from a file. Returns instantaneous, daily and cumulated PET. Instantaneous PET is assumed to follow a sinus function and is calculated according to day length which is calculated according to latitude and day of year. An example of file containing daily PET is provided in the "Parameter" tab. Copy this file in a directory of your choice and change the content while respecting the format.

dimension: 1

keywords: PET, forced output values, sinus interpolation

scientist to contact: Cédric Nouguier (cedric.nouguier@inrae.fr)

scientist to contact: Nicolas Moitrier (nicolas.moitrier@inrae.fr)

is in no input mode

compatible with grid change

language: C++

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: evapotranspiration

inputs: none

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: LAPACK_example_cpp

description: An example on the usage of LAPack (Linear Algebra Package) library. See "http://www.netlib.org/lapack/" for more information.

dimension: 1

keywords: demo, example, linear algebra

publications links:

scientist to contact: Nicolas Moitrier (nicolas.moitrier@inrae.fr)

is in no input mode

compatible with grid change

language: C++

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: useless and testing

inputs: none

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: MIM_LEA

description: This version implements a numerical schema for the solution of the mobile-immobile (MIM) solute transport model. The immobile phase can be heterogeneous with respect to its characteristic exchange times. The module uses a Crank-Nicholson time integration schema. It also offers the possibility to choose between a centered or a upwind finite differences schema for spatial derivatives discretisation. No provision for sink terms. Several solute species can be simulated simultaneously. Local Equilibrium Assumption (LEA) is used with a linear isotherm if the transported species is sorbed.

dimension: 1

keywords: solute transport, MIM model, LEA assumption, aggregates, size distribution

user documentation: MIM_LEA.pdf

language: Fortran

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: transport in liquid phase

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)


description: The module was extracted from the PASTIS model. This version implements a numerical schema for the solution of the mobile_immobile transport model. The immobile phase can be heterogeneous with respect to its characteristic exchange time. The module offers the possibility tu use a fully implicit or a Crank-Nicholson time integration schema. It also offers the possibility to choose between a centered or a upwind finite differences schema for spatial derivatives discretisation. No provision for sink terms. Several solute species can be simulated simultaneously. Details on the numerical solution can be found in the report and articles indicated below. Specificity: The module accepts sink source terms coming from: a complexation module, a degradation module and a sorption module. The module uses the names of the species coming from the sorption module in order to apply the kinetic sorption to these species and to apply a partition coefficient to the other species.

dimension: 1

keywords: Solute transport, MIM model, sink and source terms, adsorption, complexation.

scientist to contact: Valérie Pot (valerie.pot@inrae.fr)

language: Fortran

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: transport in liquid phase

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: OM_CANTIS

description: Implementation of the CANTIS module taken from PASTIS. Contains the possibilty to correct the decomposition rate of RDM as a function of the ratio (HCEL/(HCEL+RDM)), or to correct HCEL and CEL decomposition rates as a function of the ratio lignin/(sum of the pools) . OM_CANTIS_original module is simply the original version of CANTIS model.

dimension: 1

keywords: organic matter, Van Soest, biomass

user documentation: OM_CANTIS.pdf

language: Fortran

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: organic matter dynamics

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: OM_NRM_2001_basic

description: Implementation of the organic matter transformation model take from the article by Nicolardot, Recous, and Mary indicated below. The module implements a numerical solution of the equations. The system of equations is soved with a Cranck-Nicholson schema. The solution was verified against the analytical solution described in the article. The numerical solution is available in the module: OM_STICS_RES_2001_ANA. There is no guaranty that the module produces the same results as the residues decomposition module implemented in the STICS model. This module does not accept organic matter application during the course of the simulation. The module OM_STICS_RES_2001 offers this possibility.

dimension: 1

keywords: humified, residues, biomass, organic mater, first-order

publications text: Nicolardot, B ., Recous, S., Mary B. 2001 Simulation of C and N mineralization during crop residue decomposition: A simple dynamic model based on the C:N ratio of the residues. Plant and Soil, 228: 83-103.

scientist to contact: Gwenaelle Lashermes (gwenaelle.lashermes@inrae.fr)

scientist to contact: Hugues Clivot (hugues.clivot@inrae.fr)

language: Fortran

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: organic matter dynamics

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: OM_compost

description: Organic matter module for compost decomposition. The model is proposed in the paper by Zhang et al. 2012. The differential equations for the pools Slow, Fast, Hcel, Cel and Lig are solved with a Cranck Nicholson schema. The differential equations for the soluble pool and the biomass are coupled and in addition, the equation for the soluble pool is also coupled with the equation for the Slow, Fast, Hcel, Cel and Lig pools and is non linear due to the Michaelis term. The coupling and the non linearity are treated by an iterative schema. The first estimate for the pools is their value calculated at the end of the previous time increment. The equation for the soluble pool is solved first. The compost pools are taken at their estimated values. The Michaelis term is calculated using the soluble pool at its estimated value and the biomass is taken also at its estimated value. The equation for the biomass is solved next with a Cranck Nicholson schema, the Michaelis term being calculated with the estimated soluble pool. The humified organic matter pool is simply calculated using the mean of the humification rates calculated at the current time and at the previous time. Iterations stops when the relative variation for all the pools at all the nodes is lesser than a prescribed value (1.e-05 by default). Convergence seems to be very fast for the treated cases; usually within one or two iterations. Comparison with a linearisation schema shows very small differences. The CO2 production is also calculated. Equations and methods are more precisely described in the PDF: "Mod elisation du Compostage. R esolution des equations du modele COMPOST dans VSOIL"

dimension: 1

keywords: organic matter, first order model, compost

user documentation: compost.pdf

publications text: Modelling of organic matter dynamics during the composting process Y. Zhang, G. Lashermes, S. Houot, J. Doublet, J.P. Steyer, Y.G. Zhu, E. Barriuso, P. Garnier

language: Fortran

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: organic matter dynamics

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: PAH_DOC_degradation

description: AIM: calculate the sink terms for an organic pollutant in the soil solution through a cometabolisme mechanisms and/or a specific metabolism. It simulates the growth of the specific biomass, the metabolites production and degradation, the residues bounded to the biomass, the total non extractable residues, the sink term for the soil solution and the CO2 production. Works for only one PAH at a time. METHODS: see the attached documentation.

dimension: 1

keywords: HAP, degradation, biomass, specific, co-metabolism, metabolites, residues, CO2

user documentation: PAH_DOC_degradation.pdf

publications text: Brimo, K., Ouvrard, S., Houot, S., Lafolie, F., Garnier, P. (2018). Modelling the fate of PAH added with composts in amended soil according to the origin of the exogenous organic matter. Science of the Total Environment, 616-617, 658-668.

language: Fortran

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: molecules degradation

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: PAH_compost

description: (1) WARNING: This module only handles one PAH at a time. If several should be considered the module must be modified to include a loop for the PAH. It also need the parameter k to be modified to accept several values. The concentration of PAH is initially the same whatever the organic matter pool considered. It changes in time given that the pools are hydrolised at different rates. (2) AIMS: To calculate PAH flux from compost applied on soil to the soil solution and to strong sorption sites of the soil solid phase. To calculate the evolution of the amount of PAH in the compost. (3) METHODS: The module solves the following equation: dS/dt = dMO/dt*S/MO-kS where S is the amount of PAH (KgPAH.Kgsoil-1), MO is the amount of compost (KgC.Kgsoil-1), dMO/dt is the change of compost pools size and k is a time constant for modeling the flux of PAH towards the strong sorption sites. The first term dMO/dt*S/MO corresponds to the loss of PAH by the compost pools due to hydrolysis. The PAH amount S is obtained by solving the equation with a fully implicit schema: S(t+dt) = S(t) (1-k*dt)/(1+k*dt-dt*dMO/dt*1/MO) In this equation, we consider only the compost pools containing PAH. The concentration of PAH in the compost is obtained by: Conc(t) = S(t)/OM(t) The flux of PAH from the compost to the soil solution due to pools hydrolysis is given by: Flux = -dOM/dt*Conc*rho. It is expressed in kgPAH . m-3 of soil . s-1 The flux of PAH from the compost to the strong sorption sites is given by: Flux = -k*S(t). It is expressed in kgPAH . Kg-1 of soil . s-1 The time constant k being usually small there is no constraint on the time increment being assumed that it is usually less than 1hour in simulations involving transport.

dimension: 1

keywords: compost, flux PAH, single PAH

user documentation: PAH_compost.pdf

language: Fortran

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: organic pollutant compost

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: PAH_sorption

description: To calculate the sink/source terms for the pollutant as result of sorption on organic mineral fraction of soil.

dimension: 1

keywords: sorption HAP, pollutant

user documentation: PAH_sorption.pdf

language: Fortran

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: organic pollutant sorption

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: Python_example

description: This an example of a VSoil C++ module running a Python script with an embedded Python interpreter.

dimension: 0

keywords: Python, script, embedded, interoperatility

scientist to contact: Nicolas Moitrier (nicolas.moitrier@inrae.fr)

is in no input mode

compatible with grid change

language: C++

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: useless and testing

inputs: none

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: R_example_cpp

description: An example on the usage of of R API from C/C++ code. See "https://cran.r-project.org/doc/manuals/r-release/R-exts.html#The-R-API" for more information.

dimension: 1

keywords: demo, example, R exts

publications links:

scientist to contact: Nicolas Moitrier (nicolas.moitrier@inrae.fr)

is in no input mode

compatible with grid change

language: C++

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: useless and testing

inputs: none

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: Richards_KDW

description: Provides the numerical solution of Richards equation extracted from the PASTIS model. The module provides the numerical solution for a wide variety of surface boundary conditions: imposed pressure head, imposed volume (flooding with a prescribed volume), imposed flux. At the lower boundary the module can accept: an imposed flux, an imposed pressure head, a zero matrix potential gradient and a column bottom at atmospheric pressure. The module also accounts for a distributed sink term coming from a water uptake module by roots. The module has a sink term to account for water exchange between matrix flow and preferential flow taking place in a macropore network. At soil surface, the module can be coupled with a mulch water balance module and is able to simulate water flow from the soil to the mulch. The module can also accepts a pressure head surface boundary condition provided by a runoff module. Numerical solution is based on a finite difference schema and time integration can be carried out using either a purely implicit schema or a Cranck-Nicholson schema. For more details refers to the documentation. The module was adapted to be used in the cases where you want to stop the simulation at a given time and then restart the simulation in the situation where it was stopped. The module was also adapted to handle cases where the whole profile becomes saturated during rains and then goes back to unsaturated conditions. The management of the time step was modified in these conditions. The module was also adapted to handle changes of boundary condition type at the surface and at the bottom. At the surface one can shift from a flux to a charge. A file containing the time interval during which the boundary conditions apply is read in a module attached to the process : surface_water_mixed_conditions. At the bottom one can use a boundary condition to shift from a container to a no-flux or a boundary condition allowing to mix the container, no-flux and Dirichlet boundary conditions. A file containing the time interval during which the boundary conditions apply is indicated and read in this module.

dimension: 1

keywords: Richards equation, water content, water matrix potential, finite differences schema, numerical solution, implicit schema, Cranck-Nicholson schema.

publications text: F. Lafolie. 1991. Modeling water flow, nitrogen transport and root uptake including physical non-equilibrium and optimization of the root water potential. Fertilizer Research, 27:215-231. F. Maraux and F. Lafolie. 1998. Modelling soil water balance of a maize-sorghum sequence. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J., 62:75-82

scientist to contact: Éric Michel (eric.michel@inrae.fr)

scientist to contact: Stéphane Ruy (stephane.ruy@inrae.fr)

scientist to contact: Hamza Chaif (hamza.chaif@inrae.fr)

language: Fortran

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: water flow and balance

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: Richards_Pastis

description: Provides the numerical solution of Richards equation extracted from the PASTIS model. The module provides the numerical solution for a wide variety of surface boundary conditions: imposed pressure head, impose volume (flooding with a prescribed volume), imposed flux. At the lower boundary the module can accept: an imposed flux, an imposed pressure head, a zero matrix potential gradient and a column bottom at atmospheric pressure. The module also accounts for a distributed sink term coming from a water uptake module by roots. At soil surface, the module can be coupled with a mulch water balance module and is able to simulate water flow from the soil to the mulch. The module can also accepts a pressure head surface boundary condition provided by a runoff module. Numerical solution is based on a finite difference schema and time integration can be carried out using either a purely implicit schema or a Cranck Nicholson schema. The module Richards_KDW allows coupling with a module simulating preferential flow.

dimension: 1

keywords: Richards equation, water content, water matrix potential, finite differences schema, numerical solution, implicit schema, Cranck-Nicholson schema.

publications text: F. Lafolie. 1991. Modeling water flow, nitrogen transport and root uptake including physical non-equilibrium and optimization of the root water potential. Fertilizer Research, 27:215-231. F. Maraux and F. Lafolie. 1998. Modelling soil water balance of a maize-sorghum sequence. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J., 62:75-82

language: Fortran

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: water flow and balance

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: Richards_Pastis_SGEN

description: Provides the numerical solution of Richards equation extracted from the PASTIS model. The module provides the numerical solution for a wide variety of surface boundary conditions: imposed pressure head, impose volume (flooding with a prescribed volume), imposed flux. At the lower boundary the module can accept: an imposed flux, an imposed pressure head, a zero matrix potential gradient and a column bottom at atmospheric pressure. The module also accounts for a distributed sink term coming from a water uptake module by roots. The module has a sink term to account for water exchange between matrix flow and preferential flow taking place in a macropore network. At soil surface, the module can be coupled with a mulch water balance module and is able to simulate water flow from the soil to the mulch. The module can also accepts a pressure head surface boundary condition provided by a runoff module. Numerical solution is based on a finite difference schema and time integration can be carried out using either a purely implicit schema or a Cranck Nicholson schema. For details refers to the following document extensively describing the numerical solution: Lafolie F. 2012. " Résolution de l'équation de Richards. Formulation en pression. Formulation mixte. Couplage avec le ruissellement." Rapport interne. 14pp. The module was modified to accept changes in soil profile dimension (erosion, deposition, etc..). Examples of routines are available to create a new grid and to calculate the variables at the nodes of the new grid from the values taken at the nodes of the old one. The module also takes care of water content changes induced by bioturbation.

dimension: 1

keywords: Richards equation, water content, water matrix potential, finite differences schema, numerical solution, implicit schema, Cranck-Nicholson schema.

publications text: F. Lafolie. 1991. Modeling water flow, nitrogen transport and root uptake including physical non-equilibrium and optimization of the root water potential. Fertilizer Research, 27:215-231. F. Maraux and F. Lafolie. 1998. Modelling soil water balance of a maize-sorghum sequence. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J., 62:75-82

scientist to contact: Hamza Chaif (hamza.chaif@inrae.fr)

compatible with grid change

language: Fortran

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: water flow and balance

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: Ross_FHAVeT

description: The fast solution for Richards' equation developed by (Ross, 2003) is a mono-dimensional non-iterative process based on a temporal linearisation of fluxes. This solution uses the mixed form of Richards' equation thus switching between saturation degree and Kirchhoff potential when soil becomes saturated (and conversely). The method developed by Ross reduces numerical problems and allows the resolution of Richards equation on a coarse grid with large time steps while incurring only a negligible degradation of the precision in most situation (Crevoisier et al 2009). This module contains the resolution of the Kirchhoff equation as in the module Ross_module_FHAVeT_original . The difference is that the hydraulic properties and their parameters have been removed and put in a module with name hydraulic_properties_FHAVeT.

dimension: 1

keywords: Richards equation, fast resolution of Ross, Kirchoff transform

user documentation: Richards_Ross.pdf

publications text: Tinet A.-J., Chanzy, A., Braud I., Crevoisier D., and F. lafolie. 2015. Development and evaluation of an efficient soil-atmosphere model (FHAVeT) based on the Ross fast solution of the Richards equation fpr bare soil conditions. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 19, 969-980.

language: Fortran

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: water flow and balance

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: RothC_SGEN

description: Carbon dynamic module based on RothC.26.3 taken from SoilGen model. Module able to handle changes in finite difference grid characteristics. Examples for required data files are attached (see the "Parameters" tab).

dimension: 1

keywords: Organic Matter, Organic Carbon, Carbon pools

scientist to contact: Hamza Chaif (hamza.chaif@inrae.fr)

compatible with grid change

language: Fortran

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: organic matter dynamics

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: air_gas_forced

description: Returns molar fraction and gas concentrations for the "atmosphere". If molar fractions are read, then converts to concentrations with perfect gas law. If concentrations are read calculates the molar fractions.

dimension: 1

keywords: forced output values

scientist to contact: Cédric Nouguier (cedric.nouguier@inrae.fr)

scientist to contact: Nicolas Moitrier (nicolas.moitrier@inrae.fr)

is in no input mode

compatible with grid change

language: C++

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: atmosphere gaz conditions

inputs: none

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: balance_batch_PAH

description: Simulates the solute balance of species involved in: sorption, degradation and exchange with a compost. Sorption is supposed to occur on "strong" and "weak" sites. Only one water phase is considered. The module carries out the integration of the mass balance equation for the species in solution and for the "weak" and "strong" sorption sites. A Cranck-Nicholson schema is used for integrating the differential equations. The module do not have parameters. This module was specifically developed for the simulation of PAH fate in batch experiments, but can be easily reused/modified for any situation with sorption, degradation and exchange with a sorbent.

dimension: 1

keywords: batch, sorption, degradation, mass balance, PAH

user documentation: balance_batch_PAH.pdf

language: Fortran

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: transport in liquid phase

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: none

module: balance_batch_deg

description: Module for calculating the mass balance in a batch system. It accepts sink and source terms provided by a module simulating degradation. The degradation terms must be available for all the species declared in this module.

dimension: 1

keywords: batch, degradation, mass balance

language: Fortran

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: transport in liquid phase

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: none

module: balance_batch_pest

description: Simulates the solute balance of pesticides involved in: sorption, desorption and degradation. Sorption is supposed to occur on "fast sites " and "slow sites" . Only one water phase is considered. The module carries out the integration of the mass balance equation for the species in solution and for the "fast" and "slow" sorption sites. A Cranck-Nicholson schema is used for integrating the differential equations. The module has no parameter. This module was specifically developped for the simulation of pesticides fate in batch experiments, but can be easily reused/modified for any situation with sorption, degradation and exchange with a sorbent.

dimension: 1

keywords: batch, pesticides, balance of molecules in solution, balance of sorbed molecules, fast sorption sites, slow sorption sites

language: Fortran

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: transport in liquid phase

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: none

module: bioturbation_CD

description: This module describes the mixing of the soil components due to the biological activities. Migration of soil components in depth is modelled with a convection-diffusion equation with parameters depending on depth. The equation is taken from the article by Jagercikova et al. 2015. The Cranck Nicholson method is used to solve the equation. The equation is used for all the components: particles, minerals, organic matter pools, solutes, water, heat. Parameters of transport are the same for all the components. Hence the matrix of the system is calculated only once and the second member only changes from one transported element to another. The module is based on the bioturbation module "bioturbation_SGEN". Only the mixing process is modeled diffrently. This module is suitable for a situation where the finite difference grid changes to follow soil volume variations.

dimension: 1

keywords: bioturbation, convection-diffusion

user documentation: bioturbation_CD.pdf

publications text: Convection-diffusion equation: He and Walling, 1997; Schuller et al.,1997 Based on Quantification of vertical solid matter transfer in soil during pedogenesis by multi-tacer approach (M Jagercikova, 2016) Modeling the migration of fallout radionucleides to quantify the contemporary transfer of fine particle in Luvisol profiles under different land and uses farming practices, M.Jagercikova

compatible with grid change

language: Fortran

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: bioturbation

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: bioturbation_SGEN

description: This module describes the mixing of soil due to the biological activities in soil layers. It includes a vertical mixing between soil layers depending on the mixing percentange and depth of bioturbation. It also includes a horizontal mixing in each soil compartment between the vertically mixed fraction and the rest of the soil present in that compartment. Derived from SoilGEN model.

dimension: 1

keywords: bioturbation, mixing fraction, bioturbation depth

scientist to contact: Hamza Chaif (hamza.chaif@inrae.fr)

compatible with grid change

language: Fortran

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: bioturbation

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: bottom_heat_flux_forced

description: Provides the imposed bottom heat flux as boundary condition. Fluxes are calculated by interpolation in a time dependent array of values read as parameters of the module.

dimension: 1

keywords: forced output values, linear interpolation, multiple values in time

scientist to contact: Cédric Nouguier (cedric.nouguier@inrae.fr)

scientist to contact: Nicolas Moitrier (nicolas.moitrier@inrae.fr)

is in no input mode

compatible with grid change

language: C++

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: bottom boundary heat flux

inputs: none

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: bottom_pressure_forced

description: The bottom pressure head is interpolated in a set of time dependent values provided as module parameters.

dimension: 1

keywords: forced output values, linear interpolation, multiple values in time

scientist to contact: Cédric Nouguier (cedric.nouguier@inrae.fr)

scientist to contact: Nicolas Moitrier (nicolas.moitrier@inrae.fr)

is in no input mode

compatible with grid change

language: C++

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: bottom boundary pressure head

inputs: none

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: bottom_pressure_from_file

description: To return bottom pressure head or water content interpolating between data read in a file. Data read can be total pressure heads, soil matrix potentials or water contents. See the parameters to have an example of files that is read by the module.

dimension: 1

keywords: forced output values, linear interpolation, multiple values in time

scientist to contact: Cédric Nouguier (cedric.nouguier@inrae.fr)

scientist to contact: Nicolas Moitrier (nicolas.moitrier@inrae.fr)

is in no input mode

compatible with grid change

language: C++

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: bottom boundary pressure head

inputs: none

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: bottom_solutes_conc_forced

description: Module to be used when knowledge of the bottom concentration is not required by the solute transport module. This is usually the case when a third-type boundary condition is used when solving the transport equation. The module simply returns a zero concentration for all the species.

dimension: 1

keywords: bottom concentration

scientist to contact: Cédric Nouguier (cedric.nouguier@inrae.fr)

scientist to contact: Nicolas Moitrier (nicolas.moitrier@inrae.fr)

is in no input mode

compatible with grid change

language: C++

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: bottom boundary solutes concentration

inputs: none

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: none

module: bottom_temperature_forced

description: Returns the bottom temperature at times provided by the main program. The bottom temperature is interpolated in a set of time dependent values provided as parameters.

dimension: 1

keywords: forced output values, linear interpolation, multiple values in time

scientist to contact: Cédric Nouguier (cedric.nouguier@inrae.fr)

scientist to contact: Nicolas Moitrier (nicolas.moitrier@inrae.fr)

is in no input mode

compatible with grid change

language: C++

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: bottom boundary temperature

inputs: none

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: bottom_temperature_from_file

description: Returns the bottom temperature at times provided by the main program. The bottom temperature is interpolated in a set of time dependent values read in a file.

dimension: 1

keywords: bottom temperature,interpolated, from file

scientist to contact: Cédric Nouguier (cedric.nouguier@inrae.fr)

scientist to contact: Nicolas Moitrier (nicolas.moitrier@inrae.fr)

is in no input mode

compatible with grid change

language: C++

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: bottom boundary temperature

inputs: none

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: bottom_water_flux_forced

description: The bottom water flux is interpolated in a set of time dependent values provided as module parameters.

dimension: 1

keywords: ![CDATA[forced output values, linear interpolation, multiple values in time]]

scientist to contact: Cédric Nouguier (cedric.nouguier@inrae.fr)

scientist to contact: Nicolas Moitrier (nicolas.moitrier@inrae.fr)

is in no input mode

compatible with grid change

language: C++

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: bottom boundary water flux

inputs: none

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: canopy_Pastis

description: Provides an interception of rain by a crop or vegetation canopy. Water retention on leaves is proportional to the leaf area index. Water stored on leaves evaporates when rain ends and is subtracted from the climatic water demand applied to the crop. Module extracted from PASTIS model.

dimension: 1

keywords: canopy water retention

compatible with grid change

language: Fortran

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: canopy water transfer

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: canopy_SGEN

description: Provides an interception of rain by a crop or vegetation canopy as done in SoilGen model. For each rain, a fraction of the rain is subtracted to calculate the amount of water arriving below the vegetation. The fraction subtracted depends on the type of vegetation.

dimension: 1

keywords: canopy water retention

scientist to contact: Hamza Chaif (hamza.chaif@inrae.fr)

compatible with grid change

language: Fortran

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: canopy water transfer

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: canopy_water_transfer_neutral

description: Module to be used when canopy effects on water balance are not simulated but the crop is present. This is different from the absence of canopy (module nocanopy) corresponding to the absence of a crop. The rain and the irrigation flow through the canopy without modification. rain is not intercepted by canopy.

dimension: 1

keywords: canopy water retention, water flow through vegetation canopy

scientist to contact: Nicolas Moitrier (nicolas.moitrier@inrae.fr)

has a neutral status

compatible with grid change

language: C++

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: canopy water transfer

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: none

module: chem_dispersion_SGEN

description: To model chemical dispersion and coagulation of clay. This module calculates the release rate of exchangeable cations and clay particles due to changes in solution ionic strength.

dimension: 1

keywords: clay, chemical dispersion, coagulation

publications text: Goldberg and Forster 1990

scientist to contact: Hamza Chaif (hamza.chaif@inrae.fr)

compatible with grid change

language: Fortran

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: chemical dispersion-coagulation

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: chem_weathering_SGEN

description: Calculates the release rate of cations (Ca, Mg, K, Na) due to the dissolution of weathering pools. A resulting flux of Al is calculated and Gibbsite precipitates if the Al concentration is too high.

dimension: 1

keywords: Chemical weathering, minerals, primary minerals

scientist to contact: Hamza Chaif (hamza.chaif@inrae.fr)

compatible with grid change

language: Fortran

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: chemical weathering of primary minerals

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: climate_SGEN

description: Generates the climate as done in SoilGen model. Provides the rain at various time scales. Yearly rains are read in a file and are distributed daily according to a typical climate. Hourly rains are generated from the daily rains. Provides also the concentration of the rain for various ionic species.

dimension: 1

keywords: climate, SoilGen model, forced output values

scientist to contact: Hamza Chaif (hamza.chaif@inrae.fr)

is in no input mode

compatible with grid change

language: Fortran

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: climate

inputs: none

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: climate_from_files

description: Supplies daily minimum, maximum, average and amplitude air temperatures. Supplies instantaneous air temperature assuming a sinusoidal daily variation. Supplies the rain intensity, the daily rain and the cumulated rain. Reads data in files. Example of files are provided in the "Parameters" tab. Copy these files in a directory of your choice and change the content while respecting the format. Pathnames for these files will be asked at run time. Several options are available to distribute the daily rain within the day. Solutes concentrations of rain water are forced to 0 in this module. PET is not provided by this module. See the modules attached to the "Evapotranspiration" process for this.

dimension: 1

keywords: air temperature, sinusoidal interpolation, multiple values in time, global radiation, rain intensity, rain concentration.

scientist to contact: Nicolas Moitrier (nicolas.moitrier@inrae.fr)

is in no input mode

compatible with grid change

language: C++

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: climate

inputs: none

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: climate_provider

description: Outputs usual climatic values read from CSV files or Inrae Climatik database, if access is granted. The climatic data are both daily and hourly.

dimension: 1

keywords: forced output values, no interpolation, Climatik database

scientist to contact: Nicolas Beudez (nicolas.beudez@inrae.fr)

scientist to contact: Cédric Nouguier (cedric.nouguier@inrae.fr)

scientist to contact: Nicolas Moitrier (nicolas.moitrier@inrae.fr)

is in no input mode

compatible with grid change

language: C++

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: climate

inputs: none

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: colloids_CD

description: This module implements a numerical schema for the solution of the convection dispersion equation. It offers the possibility to use a fully implicit or a Crank-Nicholson time integration schema. It also offers the possibility to choose between a centered or a upwind finite differences schema for spatial derivatives discretisation. Several colloids species can be simulated simultaneously. Module accepts layer dependent parameters. Details on the numerical solution can be found in the report and articles indicated below. The schema in this module accepts sink and source terms for colloids on two types of sites named "strong" and "weak".

dimension: 1

keywords: Convection, dispersion, transport, Local Equilibrium Assumption.

publications text: Lafolie. F. 1991. Modeling water flow, nitrogen transport and root uptake including physical non-equilibrium and optimization of the root water potential. Fertilizer Research, 27, 215-231. Hayot, Ch. and F. Lafolie. 1993. One dimensionnal solute transport modelling in aggregated porous media. 2. Effects of the aggregate size distribution. Journal of Hydrology, 143, 85-107. F. Lafolie 2012. Résolution des équations de transport de solutés en Non-saturé. Modèle convection dispersion et modèle avec eau immobile. 21 pp. Rapport interne.

scientist to contact: Éric Michel (eric.michel@inrae.fr)

scientist to contact: Nicolas Moitrier (nicolas.moitrier@inrae.fr)

language: Fortran

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: particles and colloids transport

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: colloids_CD_SGEN

description: This module implements a solution of the dispersion convection equation for the transport of colloids with the aim to reproduce the approach developed within the SoilGen code. The solution developed has the following particularity. At the beginning of the time increment, the concentration is simply estimated from the amount released by any mechanism acting to release colloids in the soil solution. In particular uses the quantities of clay and associated cations released in the solution by the chemical dispersion mechanism and also uses the quantities released at the soil surface by the splash mechanism to calculate the clay and associated cations concentrations of the incoming water. Hence there is no memory, the concentration calculated at the end of the previous time increment is not used. The sink term related to filtering or any mechanism leading to colloid retention is calculated inside the module and used. These terms does not come from another module. At the end of the time increment, the colloids in solution are assumed to return to the solid phase (as in SoilGen).

dimension: 1

keywords: Convection, dispersion, transport

scientist to contact: Éric Michel (eric.michel@inrae.fr)

scientist to contact: Hamza Chaif (hamza.chaif@inrae.fr)

compatible with grid change

language: Fortran

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: particles and colloids transport

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: colloids_depo_kinetic_CD

description: Simulates the deposition of colloids on the solid phase. Considers two first-order process possibly corresponding to two types of sorbing sites. The equation is the same for the two types of sites, excepted that the parameters differ. Equation is simply: Deposition_rate = kd*C where kr is the time constant for the release rate (s-1). C is the concentration on the solution (*.m-3). The module simply calculates the deposition rate for the two types of site. The module can account for several types of colloids. Note that the deposition rate is greater or equal to zero. If modifying the code, please beware to have a positive or null deposition rate. A negative value would lead to a decrease of sorbed concentrations and an increase of C.

dimension: 1

keywords: colloids deposition, kinetic deposition

scientist to contact: Éric Michel (eric.michel@inrae.fr)

scientist to contact: Nicolas Moitrier (nicolas.moitrier@inrae.fr)

language: Fortran

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: particles and colloids retention

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: colloids_detach_kinetic_CD

description: Simulates the release of colloids from the solid phase. Considers two first-order process possibly corresponding to two types of sorbing sites. The equation is the same for the two types of sites, excepted that the parameters differ. Equation is simply: Release_rate = kr*S where kr is the time constant for the release rate (s-1). S is the concentration on the solid phase (*.kg-1). One have one 'S' per type of sorption site. The calculation of S is carried out in the transport module. The module simply calculates the release rate for the two types of site. The module can account for several types of colloids. Note that the release rate is greater or equal to zero. If modifying the code, please beware to have a positive or null release rate. A negative value would lead to an increase of S.

dimension: 1

keywords: colloids detachment, kinetic

scientist to contact: Éric Michel (eric.michel@inrae.fr)

scientist to contact: Nicolas Moitrier (nicolas.moitrier@inrae.fr)

language: Fortran

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: particles and colloids mobilisation

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: crop_forced_from_files

description: Read LAI, root density profiles and solute demand at specified times. Example files are attached in the "Parameters" tab. Copy these files in a data files directory of your choice. The pathnames of these files will be asked at runtime. In the file containing uptake rates for solutes, beware of using the same names for solutes as those provided in the platform. Returns the LAI, the solute demand and the root density profile interpolated at grid nodes.

dimension: 1

keywords: Crop development, LAI, root profile, imposed development

scientist to contact: Nicolas Moitrier (nicolas.moitrier@inrae.fr)

is in no input mode

language: C++

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: crop development

inputs: none

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: denit_forced

description: Produces constants N2 and N2O values to the given depth, zero below. Gas consumption is always zero.

dimension: 1

keywords: forced output values

scientist to contact: Nicolas Moitrier (nicolas.moitrier@inrae.fr)

is in no input mode

compatible with grid change

language: C++

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: denitrification

inputs: none

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: deposition_neutral

description: To ignore deposition effects on soil components and in particular on organic matter pools.

dimension: 1

keywords: forced output values

scientist to contact: Nicolas Moitrier (nicolas.moitrier@inrae.fr)

has a neutral status

is in no input mode

compatible with grid change

language: C++

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: soil deposition

inputs: none

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: none

module: erosion_neutral

description: To ignore erosion effects on soil components and in particular on organic matter pools.

dimension: 1

keywords: forced output values

scientist to contact: Nicolas Moitrier (nicolas.moitrier@inrae.fr)

has a neutral status

is in no input mode

compatible with grid change

language: C++

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: erosion

inputs: none

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: none

module: etp_forced

description: Provides a constant PET (Potential EvapoTranspiration) as well as the associated cumulated value from a given initial value.

dimension: 1

keywords: PET, forced output values, constant

scientist to contact: Cédric Nouguier (cedric.nouguier@inrae.fr)

scientist to contact: Nicolas Moitrier (nicolas.moitrier@inrae.fr)

is in no input mode

compatible with grid change

language: C++

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: evapotranspiration

inputs: none

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: none

module: etr_from_file

description: To read instantaneous ETR in a file. Usefull for coupling with Richards water transport module when one wants to impose the evaporation flux at the soil surface. Typically for simulating laboratory experiments like WIND method. An example of file containing the data is in the "Parameters" tab of vsoil-modules.

dimension: 1

keywords: etr, water balance, file

scientist to contact: Nicolas Moitrier (nicolas.moitrier@inrae.fr)

is in no input mode

compatible with grid change

language: C++

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: evapotranspiration

inputs: none

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: first_order_degradation

description: Calculates the degradation rates of molecules with a first-order law. The module is able to handle iterations with the module providing the concentrations. Parameters are available to prescribe the convergence criterium and the max number of iterations allowed. If convergence is not reached within the prescribed max iterations number, the module asks the coupler to provide a new time increment.

dimension: 1

keywords: degradation, rates, molecules,first-order law

language: Fortran

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: molecules degradation

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: flood_irrigation_forced

description: Provides different amounts (heights of water) and concentrations of flooding irrigations at different times.

dimension: 1

keywords: fixed flooding irrigations, multiple values in time

scientist to contact: Cédric Nouguier (cedric.nouguier@inrae.fr)

scientist to contact: Nicolas Moitrier (nicolas.moitrier@inrae.fr)

is in no input mode

compatible with grid change

language: C++

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: flood irrigation

inputs: none

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: flooding_irrigation_from_file

description: Returns the amount of water applied during flooding irrigations. Water amounts and schedule are read in a file "flooding.dat". An example of such file is available in the tab "Parameters" within the item "external data file". To edit the file simply click on its name. Modify the content and save the file where you want within your file system.

dimension: 1

keywords: flooding irrigation schedule

scientist to contact: Nicolas Moitrier (nicolas.moitrier@inrae.fr)

is in no input mode

compatible with grid change

language: C++

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: flood irrigation

inputs: none

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: gaz_Fick_Pastis

description: Module for Fickian transport of several gaseous species in soil. Simulates gas diffusion according to Fick's law and gas flow according to a linearized air flow equation able to account for changes in atmospheric pressure and to account for sinks and sources of gas. Refer to the report indicated below to have details on hypothesis, equations and resolution techniques. An option is available to simulate only diffusion and thus ignore the air flow part of the module.

dimension: 1

keywords: Fickian diffusion, air flow, porous media, gas production, gas concentrations, molar fraction.

compatible with grid change

language: Fortran

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: gas transport and balance

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: geochemistry_neutral

description: Does not modify the geochemical terms. That is to say all outputs are forced to zero. NB: Do not edit tags of outputs, they will be ignored and forced to corresponding inputs.

dimension: 1

keywords: force values, neutral, calcite, gypsum, gibbsite, solution composition, gapon exchange chemistry

scientist to contact: Nicolas Moitrier (nicolas.moitrier@inrae.fr)

has a neutral status

compatible with grid change

language: C++

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: geochemistry

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: none

module: heat_Pastis

description: Provides a numerical solution of the heat transport equation with a convective term due to water flow. The solution is based on a Cranck Nicholson schema to avance in time and on a three points centered finite differences schema in space. Upwind weighting for convective terms is available through an option (see Parameters). The solution enables to shift from a Dirichlet to a Neuman type boundary condition at soil surface during period with a imposed water flux. At the lower boundary, the solution can also shift from a Dirichlet to a Neuman condition if significant water flow occurs through the lower boundary. These two possibilities can be activated by mean of options (see Parameters). For details on numerical techniques refer to the report in publication section. The module was adapted to the cases where you want to stop the simulation at a given time and then restart it in the conditions where it stops.

dimension: 1

keywords: heat transport, Fourier law, porous media, soil

publications text: Lafolie. F., 2012. Résolution de l'équation de la chaleur en milieux poreux pour différentes conditions aux limites. Rapport interne. 32 pp.

compatible with grid change

language: Fortran

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: heat transport and balance

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: heat_Pastis_SGEN

description: Provides a numerical solution of the heat transport equation with a convective term due to water flow. The solution is based on a Cranck Nicholson schema to avance in time and on a three points centered finite differences schema in space. Upwind weighting for convective terms is available through an option (see Parameters). The solution enables to shift from a Dirichlet to a Neuman type boundary condition at soil surface during period with a imposed water flux. At the lower boundary, the solution can also shift from a Dirichlet to a Neuman condition if significant water flow occurs through the lower boundary. These two possibilities can be activated by mean of options (see Parameters). Now have an option to consider or not the water flow. See option fluxhyd for description. Also have an option deep profile to have a boundary condition far from the region of interest.

dimension: 1

keywords: heat transport, Fourier law, porous media, soil

scientist to contact: Hamza Chaif (hamza.chaif@inrae.fr)

compatible with grid change

language: Fortran

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: heat transport and balance

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: homogeneous_climate

description: Simulate a fake climate, giving constant outputs during the whole simulation. Can be used when the climate is not required. For example, when simulating laboratory experiments.

dimension: 1

keywords: forced output values, laboratory experiments

scientist to contact: Cédric Nouguier (cedric.nouguier@inrae.fr)

scientist to contact: Nicolas Moitrier (nicolas.moitrier@inrae.fr)

is in no input mode

compatible with grid change

language: Fortran

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: climate

inputs: none

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: none

module: homogeneous_soil_temperature

description: Impose a constant temperature at all grid nodes of soil profile for the whole simulation time.

dimension: 0

keywords: forced output values, constant

scientist to contact: Cédric Nouguier (cedric.nouguier@inrae.fr)

scientist to contact: Nicolas Moitrier (nicolas.moitrier@inrae.fr)

is in no input mode

compatible with grid change

language: C++

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: heat transport and balance

inputs: none

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: hydraulic_properties

description: This module manage the hydraulic properties functions, such as retention curve and conductivity. It does not output anything but a fake value.

dimension: 1

keywords: hydraulic properties, retention curve, hydraulic conductivity

scientist to contact: Claude Doussan (claude.doussan@inrae.fr)

is in no input mode

compatible with grid change

language: Fortran

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: soil hydraulic properties

inputs: none

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: hydraulic_properties_SGEN

description: Last module developed for hydraulic properties. Incorporates several relationships for water retention and for hydraulic conductivity. Offers the possibility to calculate parameters of the van Genuchten retention curve from the granulometry using the Hypress pedotransfer functions. Offers the possibility to use a Campbell formulation with parameters derived from the van Genuchten parameters. In this version, the parameters of the van Genuchten and of the Campbell relationships can be calculated at a time step given by the user. The hydraulic properties are defined at each node and not for a soil layer. This enables to simulate soil evolution.

dimension: 1

keywords: Hydraulic properties, retention curve, hydraulic conductivity

scientist to contact: Hamza Chaif (hamza.chaif@inrae.fr)

scientist to contact: Claude Doussan (claude.doussan@inrae.fr)

compatible with grid change

language: Fortran

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: soil hydraulic properties

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: hydraulic_properties_hypress

description: Last module developed for hydraulic properties. Incorporates several relationships for retention curve and hydraulic conductivity curve. Offers the possibility to calculate parameters of the vanGenuchten retention curve from the granulometry using the Hypress pedotransfert functions. Offers the possibility to use a Campbell formulation with parameters derived from the vanGenuchten parameters.

dimension: 1

keywords: Hydraulic properties, retention curve, hydraulic conductivity

scientist to contact: Claude Doussan (claude.doussan@inrae.fr)

compatible with grid change

language: Fortran

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: soil hydraulic properties

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: min_bal_SGEN

description: To update the mass of the elements composing the soil. Elements means: particles, minerals, grains, exchangeable cations, etc... The quantities of these elements are modified by many mechanisms: bioturbation, plowing, colloids transport, chemical dispersion, chemical weathering, filtration, etc..

dimension: 1

keywords: balance, solid particles, minerals, cations, grains

scientist to contact: Hamza Chaif (hamza.chaif@inrae.fr)

compatible with grid change

language: Fortran

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: solid mineral balance

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: mulch_dyn_CANTIS

description: Provides a decomposition of the mulch based on the CANTIS module. The module reads the properties of the organic matter composing the mulch in a file (mulch_char.dat) which is available and editable in the tab "Parameters". This file can be duplicated, copied somewhere else and its pathname is a parameter of the module. The module simulates decomposition in interaction with a soil layer. The interaction means that the AOM and AUB pools of the CANTIS module for organic matter transformation in the soil are also involved in the decomposition of the mulch. This means that this module calculates variations for these two pools. The variations are available for the CANTIS module. In consequence, this module must be used only when the organic matter transformation module OM_CANTIS is selected. If OM_CANTIS is not selected, this module cannot work properly. The module calculates the amounts of solutes (actually: nitrate, amonium) immobilized or released by the decomposition of the mulch. It also provides the amount of soluble carbon in the mulch. To work, the module also needs the temperature and the matrix potential of the water contained in the mulch. The module needs also the temperature, soil water potential and soil water concentrations in the layer interacting with the mulch. The module is able to receive new organic matter at discrete times, provided this organic matter is characterized (pools definition) as done in CANTIS. The module will provide the various sink source terms for solutes (nitrate and amonium) and gas (CO2) as well as the mulch amount per unit surface, the soil coverage percentage and the thickness. Module revised and optimized (April 2020). The module uses the CARBAZ routine taken from the official module 0M_CANTIS. The modules assumes that the pools are in kgC/kg soil and not in mgC/kg soil as it is the case in the original CANTIS module. As well the time constants are in s-1 and not in day-1. The parameters are tuned to fit with the new units (see routine set_params).

dimension: 1

keywords: mulch decomposition, mulch amount, mulch volume, soluble carbon, CANTIS module

language: Fortran

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: mulch dynamics

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: mulch_dyn_RothC

description: To model mulch dynamic using the ROTHC approach to decompose the pools. Module can give constant outputs during the whole simulation time, from initial values, or read them from given files.

dimension: 1

keywords: ROTHC, mulch, litter ,organic pools

compatible with grid change

language: Fortran

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: mulch dynamics

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: mulch_dyn_first_order

description: Modeling mulch decomposition with a first-order model. Provides mulch amount and soil mulch covering ratio. No interaction with nitrogen and/or carbon cycles. However, decomposition depends on mulch water content and mulch temperature to mimic decomposition by a biomass subjected to varying physical conditions (water content and temperature). Assumes a mulch with two layers, one in contact with the soil that is subject to decomposition. The layer not in contact with the soil is a reservoir for alimentation of the contact mulch. The module accepts mulch addition. The module also manages the amount of several solute species that can be contained in the mulch and leached by rains or irrigations. The module accepts as inputs leaching terms for these species and uses these terms to calculate mass losses due to leaching. The module is designed so as to identify among the solutes species it manages those for which a leaching term is provided in the inputs.

dimension: 1

keywords: mulch dynamics, first-order, mulch temperature, mulch water content, mulch solutes leaching

language: Fortran

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: mulch dynamics

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: mulch_heat_bi

description: Provides a simulation of energy balance for a mulch composed of two layers, one in contact with the soil and the other above. Calculates temperatures of mulch layers. Calulates energy exchanges between mulch layers, between mulch and soil, and between mulch and atmosphere.

dimension: 1

keywords: mulch temperature, energy balance, evaporation

user documentation: mulch_heat_bi.pdf

compatible with grid change

language: Fortran

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: mulch heat transfer

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: mulch_leaching_neutral

description: To simulate a no leaching of the mulch situation. That is to say all outputs are forced to zero.

dimension: 1

keywords: neutral, forced output values, constant

scientist to contact: Nicolas Moitrier (nicolas.moitrier@inrae.fr)

has a neutral status

compatible with grid change

language: C++

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: mulch solutes leaching

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: none

module: mulch_water_bi

description: Provides a modelisation for water balance in a mulch composed of two layers. Simulates mulch humectation, mulch drying and mulch water exchange with the soil during evaporation periods. The module incorpotates the changes defined during its use in the ForestAOD project. The module is compatible with the stop'n'resume functionnality.

dimension: 1

keywords: mulch water balance, mulch evaporation, mulch wetting, rain interception, water flux from soil to mulch

user documentation: mulch_water_bi.pdf

compatible with grid change

language: Fortran

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: mulch water transfer

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: mulch_water_neutral

description: To simulate a situation when no mulch is not present at soil surface. That is to say all outputs are forced to zero but the soil surface fluxes.

dimension: 1

keywords: forced output values, constant, mulch water balance, evaporation, rain interception

scientist to contact: Cédric Nouguier (cedric.nouguier@inrae.fr)

scientist to contact: Nicolas Moitrier (nicolas.moitrier@inrae.fr)

has a neutral status

compatible with grid change

language: C++

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: mulch water transfer

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: none

module: no_climate

description: To be used when the climate is not required. For example, when simulating laboratory experiments. Returns zero for all the climatic variables.

dimension: 1

keywords: forced output values, constant

scientist to contact: Cédric Nouguier (cedric.nouguier@inrae.fr)

scientist to contact: Nicolas Moitrier (nicolas.moitrier@inrae.fr)

is in no input mode

compatible with grid change

language: C++

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: climate

inputs: none

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: none

module: no_crop

description: To simulation a non-existing crop situation. That is to say all outputs are forced to zero.

dimension: 1

keywords: forced output values, constant

scientist to contact: Cédric Nouguier (cedric.nouguier@inrae.fr)

scientist to contact: Nicolas Moitrier (nicolas.moitrier@inrae.fr)

is in no input mode

compatible with grid change

language: C++

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: crop development

inputs: none

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: none

module: no_evapotranspiration

description: To be used when ETP is not needed. For example, laboratory conditions. Returns a zero ETP.

dimension: 1

keywords: outputs forced to 0, constant

scientist to contact: Cédric Nouguier (cedric.nouguier@inrae.fr)

scientist to contact: Nicolas Moitrier (nicolas.moitrier@inrae.fr)

is in no input mode

compatible with grid change

language: C++

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: evapotranspiration

inputs: none

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: none

module: no_mineral_fertilisation

description: Provides a no mineral fertilisation situation. That is to say all outputs are forced to zero.

dimension: 1

keywords: forced outputs values, constant

scientist to contact: Nicolas Moitrier (nicolas.moitrier@inrae.fr)

is in no input mode

compatible with grid change

language: C++

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: mineral fertilisation

inputs: none

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: none

module: no_mulch_dynamics

description: To be used when there is no mulch at soil surface. Returns 0 for all the outputs of the process.

dimension: 1

keywords: mulch, mulch decomposition, mulch organic matter pools.

scientist to contact: Cédric Nouguier (cedric.nouguier@inrae.fr)

scientist to contact: Nicolas Moitrier (nicolas.moitrier@inrae.fr)

is in no input mode

language: C++

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: mulch dynamics

inputs: none

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: none

module: no_organic_matter

description: Provides a module to ignore organic matter transformations. Returns zero sink source terms for solute and gaseous species.

dimension: 1

keywords: forced output values, constant

scientist to contact: Cédric Nouguier (cedric.nouguier@inrae.fr)

scientist to contact: Nicolas Moitrier (nicolas.moitrier@inrae.fr)

is in no input mode

language: C++

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: organic matter dynamics

inputs: none

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: none

module: no_root_water_uptake

description: Simulate a situation with no water uptake from a crop. In other words, a null crop transpiration and a null crop water uptake.

dimension: 0

keywords: forced output values, constant

scientist to contact: Cédric Nouguier (cedric.nouguier@inrae.fr)

scientist to contact: Nicolas Moitrier (nicolas.moitrier@inrae.fr)

is in no input mode

compatible with grid change

language: C++

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: root water uptake

inputs: none

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: none

module: no_sprink

description: To simulate a non-sprinkling situation. That is to say all outputs are forced to zero.

dimension: 1

keywords: forced output values, neutral

scientist to contact: Cédric Nouguier (cedric.nouguier@inrae.fr)

scientist to contact: Nicolas Moitrier (nicolas.moitrier@inrae.fr)

is in no input mode

compatible with grid change

language: C++

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: sprinkling irrigations

inputs: none

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: none

module: no_water_runoff

description: Simulate a no water run-off situation. That is to say surface runoff height always equals zero and fraction occupied equals one.

dimension: 1

keywords: forced output values, neutral

scientist to contact: Cédric Nouguier (cedric.nouguier@inrae.fr)

scientist to contact: Nicolas Moitrier (nicolas.moitrier@inrae.fr)

is in no input mode

compatible with grid change

language: C++

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: water runoff

inputs: none

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: none

module: organic_fert_CANTIS

description: Provides organic fertilizers characteristics to be used with the Cantis module. Provides pools amounts, pools C/N ratios, and carbon to dry matter mass ratio of the pools.

dimension: 1

keywords: organic fertilizer, organic amendment, Cantis module, organic pools

is in no input mode

compatible with grid change

language: Fortran

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: organic fertilisation

inputs: none

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: organic_fert_RothC

description: Provides yearly manure applications. Manure amounts are read in a file given as a parameter. An example of such file is provided.

dimension: 1

keywords: manure yearly application

publications text: I)corn root growth: taken from Davidson et al 1978 II)crop cover: method follows that of Tillotson et al. Eq.115

is in no input mode

compatible with grid change

language: Fortran

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: organic fertilisation

inputs: none

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: organic_fert_compost

description: Module to read in a file compost applications schedule and amounts. Provides the amount applied as a function of time. Provides also the PAH amount in the compost. The module accepts only one PAH species but can easily be developed for reading several species.

dimension: 1

keywords: PAH, compost, application schedule

is in no input mode

compatible with grid change

language: C++

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: organic fertilisation

inputs: none

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: pest_soil_two_sites

description: Degradation and fate of pesticides in the soil. Based on the model developped for Parathion and Paraoxon (see publication). The module accepts one mother molecule and one metabolite derived from the degradation of the mother molecule. The two molecules are in solution, and also sorbed on two soil compartments differing by their adsorption and desorption kinetics. The schema is: first a sorption in the fast exchanging compartment and next, molecules can be sorbed in an other compartments with slower kinetics. Degradation can occur with cometabolism and/or with a specific biomass. The module needs the autochtonous biomass calculated by the CANTIS module modeling the organic matter fate. The module checks the presence of this biomass in the om pools. If not present, the module returns an error. Being given the molecules concentrations (sorbed and in solution) at a time t, the module solves the set of equations (1rst order differential equations) modeling the exchanges between the two soil compartments and the soil solution and the degradation. From the new situation, the rates of exchange between the compartments are calculated and can be passed to other modules for carrying out the final calculations (concentrations in solution and in the two compartments at the end of the time increment). The module read three files. One contains options for biodegration. The two other files contain the parameters for sorption and for degradation of the mother molecule and the metabolite. It is assumed that the parameters for sorption and biodegradation differ from one layer to another. Hence, the files must contains parameters in agreement with the number of horizons defined for the simulation. This is not tested and consequently, if not enough values are available, the module will likely crash with an error message about reading. Examples of files are attached. The names of the mother and derived molecules must be in the list of transported solutes. If it is not the case, the module will return an error.

dimension: 1

keywords: pesticides, metabolites, fate, degradation, sorption

user documentation: pest_two_sites.pdf

publications text: K. Saffih-Hdadi, L. Bruckler, F. Lafolie and E. Barriuso. 2006 A model for linking the effects of Parathion in soil to its degradation and bioavailability kinetics. J. of Environmental Quality 35: 253-267.

language: Fortran

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: soil pesticides fate

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: phys_weathering_SGEN

description: This module clalculates the change in mass distribution of sand, silt and clay through a soil profile. It uses 11 paricle size classes (particle size classes with boundaries at 2048-1024-512-256-128-64-32-16-8-4-2 µm) and for each calculates the probability and number of splites caused by temperature gradients. At the end it sums up the class sizes in each particles type (clay,silt and sand) and as an output gives the change in the mass distribution as a function of depth .

dimension: 1

keywords: physical weathering, particle size, particle class, mass fraction, split probability

publications text: Salvador-Blanes et al., 2007 takeshi et al., 1999

scientist to contact: Hamza Chaif (hamza.chaif@inrae.fr)

compatible with grid change

language: Fortran

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: physical weathering

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: physicochem_equil_forced

description: To force the rates of the exchanges between the gas, solid and liquid phases. The rates imposed are given as parameters.

dimension: 1

keywords: exchange rates, solid phase, liquid phase, gaseous phase

scientist to contact: Nicolas Moitrier (nicolas.moitrier@inrae.fr)

is in no input mode

language: C++

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: physico-chemical equilibrium

inputs: none

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: physicochem_equil_neutral

description: To be used when one does not want to account for equilibrium between aqueous, solid and gaseous phases.

dimension: 1

keywords: Equilibrium, physical, chemical

scientist to contact: Nicolas Moitrier (nicolas.moitrier@inrae.fr)

has a neutral status

compatible with grid change

language: C++

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: physico-chemical equilibrium

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: none

module: plant_SGEN

description: This module provides all the information related to plants, the vegatation type, plant residue, root density... Four vegetation types are possible: grass, coniferous, deciduous, agriculture. The data are read from two external text files. One describes the vegetation types, the litter deposition and also gives the yearly climate (rain and ETP). another file gives the parameters needed to simulate the development of crops. The module was derived from the SGEN code.

dimension: 1

keywords: vegetation type, litter, plant, root density, soil cover

publications text: I)corn root growth: taken from Davidson et al 1978 II)crop cover: method follows that of Tillotson et al. Eq.115

scientist to contact: Hamza Chaif (hamza.chaif@inrae.fr)

compatible with grid change

language: Fortran

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: crop development

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: pref_flow_neutral

description: To mimic a situation without preferential water flow. That is to say all outputs are forced to 0.

dimension: 1

keywords: forced output values, neutral, constant

scientist to contact: Nicolas Moitrier (nicolas.moitrier@inrae.fr)

has a neutral status

is in no input mode

compatible with grid change

language: C++

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: preferential water flow

inputs: none

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: none

module: print_3d_fe_constants_cpp

description: A simple example to show vsoil global variables and parameters usage in a C++ module with a 3D Finite elements representation.

dimension: 3 FE

keywords: example, global variables, finite elements

scientist to contact: Cédric Nouguier (cedric.nouguier@inrae.fr)

scientist to contact: Nicolas Moitrier (nicolas.moitrier@inrae.fr)

is in no input mode

compatible with grid change

language: C++

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: useless and testing

inputs: none

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: none

module: print_boltzmann_constants

description: A simple example to show vsoil global variables and parameters usage in a C++ module with a Boltzmann 3D representation.

dimension: 3 Boltzmann

keywords: example, global variables, Boltzmann

scientist to contact: Cédric Nouguier (cedric.nouguier@inrae.fr)

scientist to contact: Nicolas Moitrier (nicolas.moitrier@inrae.fr)

is in no input mode

compatible with grid change

language: C++

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: useless and testing

inputs: none

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: none

module: print_constants_cpp

description: A simple example to show vsoil global variables and parameters usage in a C++ module with a 1D grid.

dimension: 1

keywords: example, global variables

scientist to contact: Cédric Nouguier (cedric.nouguier@inrae.fr)

scientist to contact: Nicolas Moitrier (nicolas.moitrier@inrae.fr)

is in no input mode

language: C++

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: useless and testing

inputs: none

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: none

module: print_constants_fortran

description: A simple example to show vsoil global variables and parameters usage in a Fortran module with a 1D grid.

dimension: 1

keywords: example, global variables

scientist to contact: Cédric Nouguier (cedric.nouguier@inrae.fr)

scientist to contact: Nicolas Moitrier (nicolas.moitrier@inrae.fr)

is in no input mode

language: Fortran

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: useless and testing

inputs: none

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: none

module: random_soil_moisture

description: Generates a random water content value, identical in whole soil profile, at each time. NB: minimal and maximal values (both inclusive) unit is m3/m3, NOT kg3/kg3.

dimension: 0

keywords: forced output values, linear random, soil water content

scientist to contact: Cédric Nouguier (cedric.nouguier@inrae.fr)

scientist to contact: Nicolas Moitrier (nicolas.moitrier@inrae.fr)

is in no input mode

compatible with grid change

language: C++

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: water flow and balance

inputs: none

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: random_soil_temperature

description: Generates a random temperature, identical in whole soil profile, at each time. By default, from 0 to 35°C (both inclusive). NB: Like any other vsoil module, the seed for the random function must not be initialized by this module. It is a specific parameter in the general section when initializing models.

dimension: 0

keywords: forced output values, linear random

scientist to contact: Cédric Nouguier (cedric.nouguier@inrae.fr)

scientist to contact: Nicolas Moitrier (nicolas.moitrier@inrae.fr)

is in no input mode

compatible with grid change

language: C++

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: heat transport and balance

inputs: none

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: read_climate_from_file_cpp

description: This module reads climate values from 3 (optional) files: - "air temperature actual" - "atmosphere wind velocity" - "rain intensity" These files have a 2 columns format: a time and its associated value. The time value unit is in decimal hours and the associated values unit are in degree Celcius, km.h-1 and mm.h-1 respectively. A flag tels the module to read all values in files. If the module cannot read one value of its files with the current time given by coupler, it updates the suggested_dt variable to a smaller value and put reduce_dt flag to true. The VSoil coupler will reduce its time step to the minimal suggested_dt value and call the module again with this smaller time value. Notice: The module does not interpolate values. It uses last recently values read from file. To desactivate an output, do not enter the corresponding filename.

dimension: 1

keywords: example, coding tutorial, no interpolation

scientist to contact: Nicolas Moitrier (nicolas.moitrier@inrae.fr)

is in no input mode

compatible with grid change

language: C++

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: climate

inputs: none

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: retting_FARE

description: This module proposes a modeling of the retting process. It is based on a model of organic matter decomposition.

dimension: 1

keywords: mulch, parenchyma, fibers

user documentation: retting.pdf

compatible with grid change

language: Fortran

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: mulch dynamics

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: root_solutes_uptake_Michaelis

description: To model solutes uptake by a root system according to a Michaels Menten kinetic. Uses concentrations expressed in kg.m-3. Returns mass uptake rate per unit volume and molar uptake rates per unit volumes. The module is able to handle iterations with a solute transport and balance module. (Reminder: Iterations between modules can be turned on when building the model. Please refer to the documentation about Modules Coupling for more details.)

dimension: 1

keywords: Solute uptake, roots, Michaelis kinetic

user documentation: root_solutes_uptake_Michaelis.pdf

language: Fortran

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: root solutes uptake

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: root_solutes_uptake_SGEN

description: If the crop solute demand is given as non-zero (positive) input for all considered elements/solutes, Then this demand (for the whole root zone) is downscaled over the profile depth (case A). Else, if the crop solute demand is not given (0 or negative value for all considered elements/solutes), Then a vegetation dependent forcing function is used (case B). Case A (newly developed for VSoil): Repeat for each cation X 1. maxCSD[x]:=∑cells RWUR[cell] * SMC[x,cell] * T[cell] / M[x]; T=thickness (m) 2. Calculate factors[x]:=min(1;maxCSD[x]/CSD[x]) {factor

dimension: 1

keywords: Solute uptake; roots; forcing function; crop solute demand;

scientist to contact: Hamza Chaif (hamza.chaif@inrae.fr)

compatible with grid change

language: Fortran

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: root solutes uptake

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: root_water_uptake_SGEN

description: This module calculates the water uptake by roots. A value for root water potential at the soil surface is chosen that allows the root extraction over the root profile to equal the potential transpiration. This is done using a bisection iterative procedure.

dimension: 1

keywords: roots, water uptake, root water potential

scientist to contact: Hamza Chaif (hamza.chaif@inrae.fr)

compatible with grid change

language: Fortran

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: root water uptake

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: root_water_uptake_alpha

description: Calculation of root water uptake terms based on the Feddes model. Water uptake rate per unit length of roots is weighted by soil water matrix potential. NB: default values are for corn. This version shows how to handle successive crops, the parameters of the Feddes function depending on the crop number.

dimension: 1

keywords: Feddes model, piece-wise linear weighting function, successive crops, corn

language: Fortran

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: root water uptake

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: root_water_uptake_alpha_basic

description: Calculation of root water uptake terms based on the Feddes model. Water uptake rate per unit length of roots is weighted by soil water matrix potential. NB: default values are for corn.

dimension: 1

keywords: Feddes model, piece-wise linear weighting function, corn

language: Fortran

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: root water uptake

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: runoff_Pastis

description: Module to calculates the height of water at soi surface and the runoff flux when surface saturation is detected by the water transport module. The module uses as input the soil surface pressure head calculated by the water flow module, the water flux entering the soil profile as calculated by the water flow module and the flux of water applied. It retrurns the height of water that will be used as a boundary condition by the water flow module. It returns also the runoff rate. Module parameters are the percentage of soil surface occupied by runoff, a threshold for runoff initiation, the slope of the plot, a tortuosity parameter and a friction parameter. The module was developed from the equations exposed in the PhD thesis referenced hereafter.

dimension: 1

keywords: runoff modeling, slope, tortuosity, friction

publications text: Lafolie F. 2012. "Résolution de l'équation de Richards. Formulation en pression. Formulation mixte. Couplage avec le ruissellement." Rapport interne. 14pp Findeling A. 2001. "Etude et modélisation de certains effets du semis direct avec paillis de résidus sur les bilans hydrique, thermique et azoté d'une culture de maïs pluvial au Mexique." Thèse ENGREF. 355pp.

compatible with grid change

language: Fortran

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: water runoff

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: runoff_PastisKDW

description: Calculates the height of water at soil surface and the runoff flux when surface saturation is detected by the water transport module. The module uses as input the soil surface pressure head calculated by the water flow module, the water flux entering the soil profile as calculated by the water flow module and the flux of water applied. It retrurns the height of water that will be used as a boundary condition by the water flow module. It returns also the runoff rate. Module parameters are the percentage of soil surface occupied by runoff, a threshold for runoff initiation, the slope of the plot, a tortuosity parameter and a friction parameter. The module was developed from the equations exposed in the PhD thesis referenced hereafter. This module is an evolution of the module runoffPastis to account for macropore flow. The change concerns the infiltrability that is now the sum of macropore and micropore systems water intake capacities.

dimension: 1

keywords: runoff modeling, slope, tortuosity, friction

publications text: Findeling A. 2001. "Etude et modélisation de certains effets du semis direct avec paillis de résidus sur les bilans hydrique, thermique et azoté d'une culture de maïs pluvial au Mexique." Thèse ENGREF. 355pp.

scientist to contact: Éric Michel (eric.michel@inrae.fr)

scientist to contact: Stéphane Ruy (stephane.ruy@inrae.fr)

scientist to contact: Hamza Chaif (hamza.chaif@inrae.fr)

compatible with grid change

language: Fortran

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: water runoff

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: runoff_SGEN

description: To mimic the runoff in SoilGen model when the Richards equation is used. It simply returns a soil surface potential equal to zero when the soil infiltrability is exceeded.

dimension: 1

keywords: water runoff, SoilGen model

scientist to contact: Hamza Chaif (hamza.chaif@inrae.fr)

compatible with grid change

language: Fortran

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: water runoff

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: none

module: slash_neutral

description: Simulates a situation when slash has no impact on soil organic matter and also on the organic matter of the litter. That is to say all outputs are set to zero.

dimension: 1

keywords: forced output values, no change, neutral

scientist to contact: Nicolas Moitrier (nicolas.moitrier@inrae.fr)

has a neutral status

is in no input mode

compatible with grid change

language: C++

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: slash and burn

inputs: none

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: none

module: soil_sorption_CDE_kin_Lang

description: Calculates the: - sorbed concentrations for kinetic sites; - sink/source term passed to a balance equation; - sorbed concentrations using a first-order sorption mechanism and a Langmuir isotherm. The module can be used in a batch configuration or a column configuration with the CDE_kin_sorp transport module. If equilibrium sites are needed, use the partition constant in the transport module. The module is able to handle iterations with the balance/transport module. The module uses one type of kinetic sites, but can easily be extended to handle several types (different saturation and characteristic times).

dimension: 1

keywords: soil sorption, firs-order rate sorption model, maximum sorbed concentration

language: Fortran

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: sorption

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: soil_sorption_MIM_PolDOC

description: Calculates the adsortpion and desorption rates of molecules on the solide phase of the soil. The sink and source terms calculated are positive to be correctly used in the module solving the transport equations. The module is based on a first order kinetic law for sorption and desorption. The module uses different parameters for the mobile and immobile water regions. The module was developed for handling a variable number of solute species. Species must be defined at run time. The number of parameters for sorption and desorption is bounded to 10.

dimension: 1

keywords: soil, sorption, desorption, kinetic, mobile water, immobile water

scientist to contact: Valérie Pot (valerie.pot@inrae.fr)

language: Fortran

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: sorption

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: soil_structure_forced

description: Returns constant prescribed values for all its outputs. These values come from the module parameters, directly or indirectly.

dimension: 0

keywords: porosity, bulk density, aggregates sizes

scientist to contact: Cédric Nouguier (cedric.nouguier@inrae.fr)

scientist to contact: Nicolas Moitrier (nicolas.moitrier@inrae.fr)

is in no input mode

language: C++

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: solid mineral balance

inputs: none

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: solutes_batch_OM

description: Module for a batch system. It accepts sink and source terms for solutes in interaction with a organic matter module. Carries out the balance for the species in solution.In this module you cannot use a grid with more than three nodes

dimension: 1

keywords: species in solution, batch, organic matter, balance

language: Fortran

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: transport in liquid phase

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: splash_SGEN

description: This module calculates the detachment of clay from the soil surface due to the effect of rain drops and splash. Calculates also the release of associated exchangeable cations.

dimension: 1

keywords: clay, detachment, replenishment, splash

publications text: Jarvis et al., 1999 Brown and foster, 1987

scientist to contact: Hamza Chaif (hamza.chaif@inrae.fr)

compatible with grid change

language: Fortran

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: splash

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: split_climate

description: To partition the climatic demand between the potential transpiration of the crop canopy and the evaporation applying below the canopy. Simply uses a Beer law to split the potential evapotranspiration betweeen these two components. Carries out a simplified energy budget to estimate crop temperature. It is assumed that the soil temperature is equal to the crop temperature. The module also offers the possibility to read soil surface temperature in a file and hence ignore the surface temperatures calculated by the energy budget. The module was adapted to the situations where the simulation is stopped at a given time and can be restarted it the situation it was when stopped.

dimension: 1

keywords: evapotranspiration, transpiration, evaporation, Beer law, crop temperature, soil remperature

compatible with grid change

language: Fortran

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: surface energy balance

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: split_climate_SGEN

description: Module dpecific to the SGEN Model. To partition the climatic demand between the potential transpiration of the crop canopy and the evaporation applying below the canopy. Simply uses a Beer law to split the potential evapotranspiration betweeen these two components. It is assumed that the soil surface temperature is equal to the air temperature.

dimension: 1

keywords: evapotranspiration, transpiration, evaporation, Beer law.

scientist to contact: Hamza Chaif (hamza.chaif@inrae.fr)

compatible with grid change

language: Fortran

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: surface energy balance

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: sprink_from_file

description: Returns a surface flux calculated from a sprinkling schedule. Water flux are read in a file "irrigfw.dat". An example of such file is available in the tab "Parameters" within the item "external data file". To edit the file simply click on its name. Modify the content and save the file where you want within your file system.

dimension: 1

keywords: sprinkling, surface flux

scientist to contact: Nicolas Moitrier (nicolas.moitrier@inrae.fr)

is in no input mode

compatible with grid change

language: C++

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: sprinkling irrigations

inputs: none

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: sprink_gen_file_colloids

description: Returns a surface flux calculated from a sprinkling schedule. Returns also the colloids concentration of applied water. Water flux and water concentrations are read in a file "irrigfc.dat" located in the "/user_datafiles" directory. This file is accessible in the "Parameters" tab of vsoil-modules software. To edit the file simply click on its name.

dimension: 1

keywords: sprinkling, surface flux, irrigation, colloids water concentration

scientist to contact: Éric Michel (eric.michel@inrae.fr)

scientist to contact: Nicolas Moitrier (nicolas.moitrier@inrae.fr)

is in no input mode

compatible with grid change

language: C++

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: sprinkling irrigations

inputs: none

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: sprink_gen_solutes_PolDOC

description: Returns a surface flux calculated from a sprinkling schedule. Returns also the concentrations in the applied water. Water flux and water concentration are read as module parameters. Works for the very specific case described hereafter. The module calculates the complexation in solution from the free concentrations read and uses these concentrations as concentrations of the injected water. The free concentrations read can be in kg/m3 or in mol/m3. Conversion is made in the module. The module provides concentrations with unit: moles/m3.

dimension: 1

keywords: sprinkling, surface flux, irrigation, water concentration, dissolved organic carbon, pollutant, complexation.

scientist to contact: Valérie Pot (valerie.pot@inrae.fr)

is in no input mode

compatible with grid change

language: C++

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: sprinkling irrigations

inputs: none

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: sprink_solutes_file

description: Returns a surface flux calculated from a sprinkling schedule. Returns also the concentration of applied water. Water flux and water concentrations are read in a file. Examples of such file are available in the "Parameters" tab. The module returns molar concentrations and mass concentrations.

dimension: 1

keywords: sprinkling irrigation, surface flux, water concentration

scientist to contact: Nicolas Moitrier (nicolas.moitrier@inrae.fr)

is in no input mode

compatible with grid change

language: C++

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: sprinkling irrigations

inputs: none

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: steady_water_flow

description: Module to provide a steady water content and water flux profile. Imposed values are read as parameters . Useful to couple with solute transport for colums experiments with steady flux and homogeneous water content in the column.

dimension: 1

keywords: steady water flow, homogeneous water content

scientist to contact: Cédric Nouguier (cedric.nouguier@inrae.fr)

scientist to contact: Nicolas Moitrier (nicolas.moitrier@inrae.fr)

is in no input mode

compatible with grid change

language: C++

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: water flow and balance

inputs: none

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: surface_heat_flux_forced

description: Provides the imposed surface heat flux as boundary condition. Fluxes are calculated by interpolation in a time dependent array of values read as parameters of the module.

dimension: 1

keywords: forced output values, linear interpolation, multiple values in time

scientist to contact: Cédric Nouguier (cedric.nouguier@inrae.fr)

scientist to contact: Nicolas Moitrier (nicolas.moitrier@inrae.fr)

is in no input mode

compatible with grid change

language: C++

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: surface boundary heat flux

inputs: none

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: surface_pressure_forced

description: To provide the surface pressure to be imposed when solving the Richards equation with a Dirichlet type boundary condition. Interpolates in an array of values read as parameters. For more complex data sets you can use the module surfacepressure_file that read values in a file and proceeds also by interpolation.

dimension: 1

keywords: forced output values, linear interpolation, multiple values in time, Richard equation, Dirichlet condition

scientist to contact: Cédric Nouguier (cedric.nouguier@inrae.fr)

scientist to contact: Nicolas Moitrier (nicolas.moitrier@inrae.fr)

is in no input mode

compatible with grid change

language: C++

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: surface boundary pressure head

inputs: none

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: surface_pressure_from_file

description: To provide the surface pressure to be imposed when solving the Richards equation with a Dirichlet type boundary condition. Interpolates in an array of values read in a file and proceeds by interpolation to calculate the output at the required time. An example for a file containing the water potential at soil surface is provided in the "Parameters" tab. Copy the file in a directory of your choice and change the values while keeping the format. A logical enables to skip the module if you want to use another type of BC in a model already containing this module.

dimension: 1

keywords: boundary condition, Richards equation, Dirichlet condition, forced output values, linear interpolation, multiple values in time

scientist to contact: Cédric Nouguier (cedric.nouguier@inrae.fr)

scientist to contact: Nicolas Moitrier (nicolas.moitrier@inrae.fr)

is in no input mode

compatible with grid change

language: C++

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: surface boundary pressure head

inputs: none

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: surface_temperature_forced

description: Provides the soil surface temperature when imposed as a Dirichlet condition. Temperatures are calculated by interpolation in an array of values read as parameters of the module.

dimension: 1

keywords: forced output values, linear interpolation, multiple values in time

scientist to contact: Cédric Nouguier (cedric.nouguier@inrae.fr)

scientist to contact: Nicolas Moitrier (nicolas.moitrier@inrae.fr)

is in no input mode

compatible with grid change

language: C++

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: surface boundary temperature

inputs: none

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: surface_water_flux_forced

description: This module simulate a constant rain during a certain length and a constant evaporation each day, beetween 6AM and 18PM (both excluded). This is no mulch situation.

dimension: 1

keywords: no mulch, single rain period, daily evaporation, forced output values

scientist to contact: Cédric Nouguier (cedric.nouguier@inrae.fr)

scientist to contact: Nicolas Moitrier (nicolas.moitrier@inrae.fr)

is in no input mode

compatible with grid change

language: C++

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: mulch water transfer

inputs: none

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: swf_dynamic_grid_example_cpp

description: Module to provide a steady water content and water flux profile. Imposed values are read as parameters . Useful to couple with solute transport for colums experiments with steady flux and heterogeneous water content in the column. This module involves a dynamic grid.

dimension: 1

keywords: steady water flow, dynamic grid change, example, erosion, deposition

scientist to contact: Cédric Nouguier (cedric.nouguier@inrae.fr)

scientist to contact: Nicolas Moitrier (nicolas.moitrier@inrae.fr)

is in no input mode

compatible with grid change

language: C++

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: water flow and balance

inputs: none

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: swf_dynamic_grid_example_fortran

description: Module to provide a steady water content and water flux profile. Imposed values are read as parameters . Useful to couple with solute transport for colums experiments with steady flux and heterogeneous water content in the column. This module involves a dynamic grid.

dimension: 1

keywords: steady water flow, dynamic grid change, example, erosion, deposition

scientist to contact: Cédric Nouguier (cedric.nouguier@inrae.fr)

scientist to contact: Nicolas Moitrier (nicolas.moitrier@inrae.fr)

is in no input mode

compatible with grid change

language: Fortran

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: water flow and balance

inputs: none

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: till_SGEN

description: This module describes the mixing of soil due to plowing. It mimics the behaviour due to the biological activities. It includes a vertical mixing between soil layers depending on the mixing percentange and depth of bioturbation. It also includes a horizontal mixing in each soil compartment between the vertically mixed fraction and the rest of the soil present in that compartment.

dimension: 1

keywords: plowing, bioturbation, mixing fraction, cultivation depth

scientist to contact: Hamza Chaif (hamza.chaif@inrae.fr)

compatible with grid change

language: Fortran

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: soil tillage practices

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: time_forced

description: Synchronise the simulation times with calendar dates. These can be: - calendar hours, days, months or years; - calendar dates in a file. Module output time_forced_flag is set to a value different from 0 if time has been forced in the previous compute call. 0 otherwise.

dimension: 0

keywords: forced times, calendar deadlines

scientist to contact: Nicolas Moitrier (nicolas.moitrier@inrae.fr)

is in no input mode

compatible with grid change

language: C++

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: time synchronisation

inputs: none

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: vol_change_Alexander

description: Module calculating the change in soil volume/soil compartment tickness, due to processes such as bioturbation and tillage, using OC% as a proxy via Alexander pedotransfer function.

dimension: 1

keywords: Pedotransfer functions, Alexander PTF, bulk density

compatible with grid change

language: Fortran

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: volume change

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: (name, unit, description)

module: volat_neutral

description: To be used when one wants to ignore volatilisation of gaseous species towards the atmosphere. That is to say all outputs are forced to 0.

dimension: 1

keywords: volatilisation, soil surface, atmosphere, forced output values

scientist to contact: Nicolas Moitrier (nicolas.moitrier@inrae.fr)

has a neutral status

compatible with grid change

language: C++

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: crop pesticides fate

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: none

module: water_amount

description: Calculate water balance from water inputs and outputs. Accounts for surface flux (evaporation and/or rains) and for water flux at the bottom (drainage or capilary rise). Actually, water uptake by roots is not accounted for.

dimension: 1

keywords: water balance, surface flux, bottom flux

scientist to contact: Nicolas Moitrier (nicolas.moitrier@inrae.fr)

compatible with grid change

language: C++

licencing: copyright owner is INRAE under software licence Apache-2.0

process: water flow and balance

inputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

outputs: (name, unit, location, [vector], [constraint])

parameters: none

list of pools_install models

generated by vsoil-processes version 1.20241212.11770 on 2024-12-12 15:43:44

model: CDE_column

description: Solute transport in a soil column with a steady water flow. Solves the Convection Dispersion equation. Uses a file to read the boundary condition at column surface. Can transport several species at a time. Sorption can only be simulated with the Local Equilibrium Assumption. The steady water flow module is used to force the steady water content and the water flux.

dimension: 1D

list of modules (process):

model: ColloidsTranspCDE

description: Colloids transport with the CD module for deplacement coupled with modules for kinetic deposition and detachment. Steady water flow with a water content profile that can be non homogeneous (water content is steady but is depth dependent).

dimension: 1D

scientist to contact: Éric Michel (eric.michel@inrae.fr)

list of modules (process):

model: MIM_column

description: Solute transport model based on the MIM model. Steady water flow. Surface boundary conditions specified in a file. Agregates sizes and distribution are parameters of the soil_structure module. Mobile and immobile water content and water flux are specified as parameters of the water_flow module. The water flux specified in the parameters of the water flux module must be equal to the flux read in the sprinkling module, otherwise the quantity applied will no be the right. Local Equilibrium Assumption (LEA) with linear isotherm.

dimension: 1D

user documentation: MIM_column.pdf

list of modules (process):

model: OC_VGEN

description: Attempt to reconstruct the SGEN model. Modelling water flow with Richards equation. No crop. No mulch. Accepts the folowing boundary conditions : at soil surface (imposed potential, flux condition provided by rain, sprinkling irrigation and evaporation ; flooding irrigations) at the lower boundary (imposed flux, free drainage, imposed potential and boundary at atmospheric pressure). Uses a specific and simplified energy budget at soil surface. Uses the module Climate_SGEN that returns climatic values calculated as done in SoilGen.

dimension: 1D

scientist to contact: Hamza Chaif (hamza.chaif@inrae.fr)

list of modules (process):

model: PAH_fate_in_batch

description: To model the fate of one PAH in a batch system. The model simulates the degradation (in module PAH_DOC_degradation), the sorption on the soil solid phase (in module PAH_sorption), the degradation of an exogeneous organic matter that may contain the PAH (in module OM_compost), the exchanges of the PAH with the soil solution (in module balance_battch_PAH) and with the organic matter (in module PAH_compost). Organic matter containing the PAH can be added to the system at any time (in module organicfert_compost). Temperature and soil water potential are provided by two modules that return constant values (in modules homogeneous_soil_temperature and steady_water_flow).

dimension: 1D

list of modules (process):

model: PAH_fate_in_column

description: To model the fate of PAH in a soil column with steady state flow. PAH species transport uses the CDE equation coupled with the modules simulating the sorption, the degradation and the release of PAH from organic matter. The model can be used as an example for building models for the transport of organic pollutents undergoing the same type of interactions with the solid matrix and with the microbial biomass.

dimension: 1D

list of modules (process):

model: PolDoc

description: Model for the transport of DOC and TOC in an unsaturated soil column. Solute transport is with MIM module. Sorption and desorption is with kinetic module. Degradation of TOC and hydrolisis of soil organic carbon. Complexation in solution of the DOC and the TOC. Warning ! This model uses molar concentrations and NOT mass concentrations.

dimension: 1D

scientist to contact: Valérie Pot (valerie.pot@inrae.fr)

list of modules (process):

model: Rich_Clim

description: Modelling water flow with Richards equation. The model uses climatic data : rain and evaporation demand. Water uptake by a crop is not simulated. There is no mulch at soil surface. Other models containing these two mechanisms are available. Accepts the folowing boundary conditions : at soil surface (imposed potential, flux condition provided by rain, sprinkling irrigation and evaporation ; flooding irrigations) and at the lower boundary (imposed flux, free drainage, imposed potential and boundary at atmospheric pressure). The model is coupled with a runoff module. Run off occurs in some of the examples proposed.

dimension: 1D

user documentation: Rich_Clim.pdf

list of modules (process):

model: Rich_Clim_Heat

description: Simulates water flow and heat balance under real climatic conditions. Richards equation. No preferential flow. No mulch. Run off. Simplified energy balance to calculate soil surface temperature.

dimension: 1D

list of modules (process):

model: Rich_Clim_Heat_CD

description: Simulates water balance with the Richards equation, transport of dissolved species with the Convection-Dispersion Equation (CDE), soil temperature. No crop.

dimension: 1D

list of modules (process):

model: Rich_Clim_Heat_CD_OM

description: Simulates water balance with the Richards equation, transport of dissolved species with the Convection-Dispersion Equation (CDE), soil temperature and organic matter transformations with the CANTIS module. No crop. Simple energy balance to calculate soil surface temperature.

dimension: 1D

user documentation: Rich_Clim_Heat_CD_OM.pdf

list of modules (process):

model: Rich_Clim_Heat_CD_OM_crop

description: Simulates water balance with the Richards equation, transport of dissolved species with the Convection-Dispersion Equation (CDE), soil temperature, organic matter transformations with the CANTIS module, crop water uptake (Feddes), solute uptake by roots (Michaelis-Menten formulation) and crop development is imposed.

dimension: 1D

list of modules (process):

model: batch_OM_CANTIS

description: Model to use the CANTIS module in batch controled conditions. The water content and water potential are steady as well as the temperature. A module carries out the balance for the solute species (nitrate and amonium). It is possible to add residues at any time during the simulation.

dimension: 1D

list of modules (process):

model: batch_OM_NRM2001

description: Implementation of the organic matter transformation model take from the article by Nicolardot, Recous, and Mary indicated below. The module implements a numerical solution of the equations. The system of equations is solved with a Cranck-Nicholson schema. The solution was verified against the analytical solution described in the article. The numerical solution is available in the module: OM_NRM2001_ANA. There is no guaranty that the module produces the same results as the residues decomposition module implemented in the STICS model. This module does not accept organic matter application during the course of the simulation. The module OM_NRM2001 offers this possibility..

dimension: 1D

list of modules (process):

model: batch_pesti_two_sites

description: The model simulates batch laboratory experiments for pesticides fate. The model uses the pest soil two sites module. The model calculates the soil solution concentrations of a pesticide and eventually of its first metabolite. The pesticide and metabolite sorbed concentrations on two types of sorbing sites (slow sites and fast sites) are also calculated. Since degradation can be linked to cometabolism, a module is used to provide the biomass decomposing the humified organic matter that could be used to decompose the pesticide. Steady temperature and water content of the soil are imposed.

dimension: 1D

user documentation: ${batch_pesti_two_sites.pdf

list of modules (process):

model: example_for_modules_iterations

description: Simple model to demonstrate the use of the iterations between two modules. The model uses a simple module for the dégradation of a molecule and a module carrying out the balance in solution. The module calculating the degradation manages the iterations between the two modules.

dimension: 1D

list of modules (process):

model: heat_transport_Pastis

description: This is an example of model simulating heat transfer in porous media. The model is based on Fourier law for diffusion and heat transport by convection (water flow). The model accounts for various boundary conditions. The model can be used as an example to build models incorporating more phenomena. Several examples are provided to illustrate boundary conditions.

dimension: 1D

list of modules (process):

model: pest_fate_in_column

description: To simulate the fate of pesticides molecules in a laboratory column. Uses a convection dispersion equation, a steady flow and a pesticides module with sorption on two sites, degradation and production of a metabolite.

dimension: 1D

user documentation: pest_fate_in_column.pdf

list of modules (process):

model: water_flow_Richards_Pastis

description: A simple and minimal model with a "water flow" process based on Richards equation and using soil hydraulic properties. Other processes give fake forced output values.

dimension: 1D

list of modules (process):

model: water_flow_Richards_Pastis_for_RECORD

description: Model with a "water flow", a "surface energy", a "mulch water" and a "canopy water" processes. Water flow is based on Richards equation. Other processes give fake forced values. NB: Specifically made for export to VLE-Record platform

dimension: 1D

list of modules (process):

list of pools_install inouts

generated by vsoil-processes version 1.20241212.11770 on 2024-12-12 15:43:44

in-out: C_CO2 organic matter pools production rate time cumulated, kg.kg-1, none,single, >=0

description: C-CO2 production by organic matter decomposition mechanisms. This variable is expressed in kg of carbon per kg of soil. Intended for comparison with incubations.

in-out: C_CO2 pah metabolites production rate, kg.kg-1.s-1, profile,single, >=0

description: Rate of production of C-CO2 by degradation of PAH-metabolites bounded to the specific biomass.

in-out: C_CO2 pah production rate, kg.kg-1.s-1, profile,single

description: Rate of C-CO2 production during biodegradation of organic pollutant PAH.

in-out: C_CO2 pah production rate by cometabolism, kg.kg-1.s-1, profile,single, >=0

description: Rate of production of C-CO2 by degradation of PAH by the cometabolism way.

in-out: C_CO2 pah production rate by specific biomass, kg.kg-1.s-1, profile,single, >=0

description: Rate of production of C-CO2 by degradation of PAH by the specific biomass.

in-out: C_CO2 pah production rate profile cumulated, kg.m-2.s-1, none,single

description: Rate of C-CO2 production during biodegradation of organic pollutant PAH cumulated over the profile

in-out: C_CO2 pah production rate profile time cumulated, kg.m-2, none,single

description: Rate of C-CO2 production during biodegradation of organic pollutant PAH cumulated over the profile and in time.

in-out: air water relative humidity, %, none,single

description: Air humidity measured in a shelter. This measure is made at every round hours. It represents the percentage of actual water vapour with respect to its maximum possible value at current time.

Anaee: air relative humidity

in-out: air water relative humidity daily average, %, none,single

description: Air relative humidity daily average measured with a hygrometer (0-24 h average).

Anaee: air relative humidity

in-out: air water relative humidity daily maximum, %, none,single

description: Air relative humidity daily maximum measured with a hygrometer.

Anaee: air relative humidity

in-out: air water relative humidity daily minimum, %, none,single

description: Air relative humidity daily minimum measured with a hygrometer.

Anaee: air relative humidity

in-out: air water relative humidity duration above 80 percent daily cumulated, s, none,single

description: Period of the day during which air relative humidity was above 80% of its maximum possible value.

Anaee: air relative humidity duration above 80 percent

in-out: air water relative humidity duration above 80 percent hourly cumulated, s, none,single

description: Time during which relative air humidity was above 80% of the maximum possible air humidity.

Anaee: air relative humidity duration above 80 percent

in-out: air water relative humidity duration above 90 percent daily cumulated, s, none,single

description: Period of the day during which air relative humidity was above 90% of its maximum possible value.

Anaee: air relative humidity duration above 90 percent

in-out: air water relative humidity duration above 90 percent hourly cumulated, s, none,single

description: Time during which the air relative humidity was above 90% of the maximum possible air humidity.

Anaee: air relative humidity duration above 90 percent

in-out: air water relative humidity duration below 40 percent daily cumulated, s, none,single

description: Period of the day during which air relative humidity was below 40% of its maximum possible value.

Anaee: air relative humidity duration below 40 percent

in-out: air water vapour pressure, Pa, surface,single

description: Vapour partial pressure of the atmosphere. Should be provided by the "climate" process.

Anaee: air water vapour pressure

in-out: atmosphere air at 10 cm above the soil surface temperature maximum, K, none,single, >=0

description: Maximum daily air temperature at 10 cm above soil surface.

Anaee: air temperature

in-out: atmosphere air at 10 cm above the soil surface temperature minimum, K, none,single, >=0

description: Minimum air temperature at 10 cm above soil surface.

Anaee: air temperature

in-out: atmosphere air at 50 cm above the soil surface temperature, K, none,single, >=0

description: Temperature at 50 cm above soil surface.

in-out: atmosphere air at 50 cm above the soil surface temperature maximum, K, none,single, >=0

description: Maximum daily air temperature at 50 cm above soil surface.

Anaee: air temperature

in-out: atmosphere air at 50 cm above the soil surface temperature minimum, K, none,single, >=0

description: Minimum daily air temperature at 50 cm above soil surface.

Anaee: air temperature

in-out: atmosphere air gas molar concentration, mol.m-3, surface,tagged_array

description: Composition of the atmosphere with respect to gas species accounted for. Boundary condition for "gas transport" process.

in-out: atmosphere air gas molar fraction, mol.mol-1, none,tagged_array, ratio0-1

description: Molar fractions of the gaseous species in the atmosphere at the soil surface.

in-out: atmosphere air pressure, Pa, surface,single

description: Atmospheric pressure as provided by meteorological services.

in-out: atmosphere air pressure hourly, Pa, none,single

description: Average atmospheric pressure over the previous hour.

in-out: atmosphere air specific humidity, kg.kg-1, none,single, >=0

description: Specific humidity in the atmosphere. Ratio of water mass in air over humid air mass. Calculated from atmospheric pressure and vapor content.

in-out: atmosphere air temperature, K, none,single, >=0

description: Normally this is the air temperature as measured by STEFCE (2m height and protected).

Anaee: air temperature

in-out: atmosphere air temperature daily amplitude, K, none,single, >=0

description: Daily air temperature amplitude.

Anaee: air temperature

in-out: atmosphere air temperature daily average, K, none,single, >=0

description: Daily mean air temperature.

Anaee: air temperature

in-out: atmosphere air temperature daily maximum, K, none,single, >=0

description: Daily maximum air temperature.

Anaee: air temperature

in-out: atmosphere air temperature daily minimum, K, none,single, >=0

description: Daily minimum air temperature.

Anaee: air temperature

in-out: atmosphere incident longwave radiation energy flux density, W.m-2, none,single

description: Long-wave incoming radiation (RA in W/m2). Usually obtained from micro-meteorological data.

in-out: atmosphere incident photosynthetically active radiation energy flux daily cumulated, J.m-2, none,single

description: Photosynthetically active daily radiation.

in-out: atmosphere incident photosynthetically active radiation energy flux hourly, J.m-2, none,single

description: Photosynthetically active hourly radiation.

in-out: atmosphere incident shortwave radiation energy flux daily cumulated, J.m-2, surface,single

description: Daily global radiation as measured by meteorological services. Usually on a daily basis.

in-out: atmosphere incident shortwave radiation energy flux density, W.m-2, none,single

description: Short-wave (sometimes named solar or global) incoming radiation (RG in W/m2). Usually obtained from micro-meteorological data.

in-out: atmosphere incident shortwave radiation energy flux hourly cumulated, J.m-2, surface,single

description: Global radiation cumulated over the hour.

in-out: atmosphere mulch without soil contact radiative heat flux density, W.m-2, surface,single, none

description: Radiative heat exchange between the mulch not in contact with the soil and the atmosphere or the vegetation cover. A positive flux corresponds to a mulch temperature higher than the atmosphere or vegetation cover temperature.

in-out: atmosphere sunshine duration calculated daily cumulated, s, none,single

description: Duration of sunshine calculated from the global radiation.

in-out: atmosphere sunshine duration measured daily cumulated, s, none,single

description: Daily duration of insolation measured with an heliograph.

in-out: atmosphere sunshine duration measured hourly, s, none,single

description: Duration of insolation during the passed hour. Measured with an heliograph.

in-out: atmosphere wind direction, rad, none,single

description: Wind direction corresponding to maximum intensity.

in-out: atmosphere wind speed daily average, m.s-1, none,single

description: Daily average wind velocity.

Anaee: wind friction velocity

in-out: atmosphere wind speed daily maximum, m.s-1, none,single

description: Daily maximum wind velocity.

Anaee: wind friction velocity

in-out: atmosphere wind speed hourly average, m.s-1, none,single

description: Average wind velocity for the passed hour.

Anaee: wind friction velocity

in-out: atmosphere wind speed hourly maximum, m.s-1, none,single

description: Maximum wind velocity over the previous hour.

Anaee: wind friction velocity

in-out: atmosphere wind velocity, m.s-1, none,single

description: This is the wind velocity classically measured at two meters height. Should be provided by the "climate" process.

in-out: below canopy water volumetric flux density, m.s-1, surface,single

description: Flux of water that passed through the canopy and is applied to the soil-mulch system.

in-out: below canopy water volumetric flux density daily cumulated, m3.m-2, none,single

description: Daily amount of water that passes through the canopy.

in-out: below vegetation maximum evaporation volumetric flux density, m3.m-2.s-1, surface,single

description: This is the evaporative demand applying below the canopy, that is to the mulch or to the soil, if the mulch does not exist. It results from the partitionning of the PET by the crop model.

Anaee: soil surface maximum evaporation flux density

in-out: below vegetation maximum evaporation volumetric flux density time cumulated, m3.m-2, surface,single, none

description: Cumulative evaporative demand applying below the vegetation.

in-out: compost pah desorption rate, kg.kg-1.s-1, profile,tagged_array

description: This is the rate of release of sorbed fractions of PAH (those extracted with organic solvent) from a compost. It is the release of PAH due to compost hydrolysis. Rate is with respect to the mass of soil. The "soil pah compost to mobile solution exchange rate" is related to this variable.

in-out: compost pah mass concentration, kg.kg-1, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Concentration of HAP in the compost. Corresponds to the sum of HAP concentrations in compost extractible by organic solvent. Unit is: kg of HAP per kg of carbon in the compost.

in-out: compost pah mass concentration profile cumulated, kg.m-2, none,tagged_array, >=0

description: Total amount of HAP sorbed in the compost. Integrated over the whole volume.

in-out: crop above ground parts surfacic mass, kg.m-2, none,single, >=0

description: This is crop biomass above soil surface. Unit is: kg.m-2

in-out: crop canopy aerodynamic resistance, s.m-1, surface,single

description: Aerodynamic resistance of the crop canopy. Used for calculating energy balance.

in-out: crop canopy height, m, none,single

description: Vegetation height. In other words, the height of the uppermost foliage crop forming a continuous layer.

in-out: crop canopy temperature, K, none,single, >=0

description: Canopy (or air vegetation) temperature. Gives the air temperature at the level of vegetation, is used for modelling double source energy balance.

in-out: crop cultural coefficient, NA, none,single, none

description: Multiplicative coefficient for the maximum transpirative demand applied to the crop. Can depend on development stage and type of crop.

in-out: crop dead leaf area index, m2.m-2, none,single

description: Dead leaf area of crop per unit ground surface area.

in-out: crop evapotranspiration volumetric flux density lysimeter daily cumulated, m3.m-2, none,single

description: Daily evapotranspiration flux measured with a lysimeter.

in-out: crop evapotranspiration volumetric flux density time cumulated, m3.m-2, surface,single

description: Cumulated evapotranspiration demand.

in-out: crop green leaf area index, m2.m-2, none,single

description: Green leaf area of crop per unit ground surface area.

in-out: crop leaf area index, m2.m-2, none,single

description: Leaf area of crop per unit ground surface area. Often called LAI.

in-out: crop leaf area index maximum, m2.m-2, none,single, >=0

description: Maximum value that the Leaf Area Index (LAI) can reach. Corresponds to optimal growing conditions.

in-out: crop leaf temperature, K, none,single, >=0

description: Leaf (or vegetation) temperature calculated by the double source energy balance module.

in-out: crop maximum evapotranspiration volumetric flux density Penman, m3.m-2.s-1, surface,single

description: Penman's potential evapotranspiration.

in-out: crop maximum evapotranspiration volumetric flux density Penman daily cumulated, m3.m-2, surface,single, none

description: Penman crop evapotranspiration demand daily cumulated.

in-out: crop maximum evapotranspiration volumetric flux density daily cumulated, m3.m-2, surface,single

description: Evapotranspiration demand integrated over the day.

in-out: crop maximum evapotranspiration volumetric flux density monthly, m3.m-2, none,single, >=0

description: Crop monthly maximum evapotranspiration.

in-out: crop maximum evapotranspiration volumetric flux density yearly, m3.m-2, none,single, none

description: Yearly maximum evapotranspiration.

in-out: crop maximum solutes uptake mass flux density, kg.m-2.s-1, none,tagged_array, >=0

description: This is the instantaneous demand of the crop for solutes species. Warning: it is expressed in mass and not in moles.

in-out: crop maximum solutes uptake molar flux density, mol.m-2.s-1, none,tagged_array

description: This is the instantaneous demand of the crop for solutes species.

in-out: crop maximum transpiration volumetric flux density, m3.m-2.s-1, none,single

description: Water uptake demand transmitted to the root system.

in-out: crop maximum transpiration volumetric flux density increased, m3.m-2.s-1, none,single, none

description: This is the demand added to crop transpiration in response to soil surface evaporation and/or resulting from the application of a crop coefficient.

in-out: crop maximum transpiration volumetric flux density increased time cumulated, m3.m-2, none,single, none

description: This is the time cumulative transpiration amount resulting from the application of a crop coefficient and/or from an increased demand applied to the crop in response to an evaporation deficit of the soil surface.

in-out: crop maximum transpiration volumetric flux density time cumulated, m3.m-2, none,single, >=0

description: Summation in time of the maximum (potential) crop transpiration. Real transpiration is lesser or equal to the maximum transpiration. Maximum transpration is calculated from a reference clmatic demand (for example Penman ETP) and accounts for the crop development (LAI) and a crop coefficient.

in-out: crop nitrogen nutrition index, NA, none,single, none

description: Crop Nitrogen nutrition index. Calculated as the ratio between the actual N content of the plant and the critical content according to a dilution curve.

in-out: crop residues organic matter pools carbon surfacic mass, kg.m-2, surface,tagged_array, >=0

description: Mass of carbon in the organic matter pools composing the crop residues. These residues must be distributed among organic matter pools to be usable by organic matter dynamic modules. The tags of the pools will be used by modules receiving the crop residues. Unit is: kg of carbon/m2.

in-out: crop residues organic matter pools carbon to dry matter mass ratio, kg.kg-1, surface,tagged_array, >=0

description: Mass of carbon per unit mass of dry matter for the organic matter pools composing the crop residues.

in-out: crop residues organic matter pools incorporation depth, m, none,single

description: Depth of incorporation of crop residues. Unit is: m

in-out: crop residues organic matter pools nitrogen to carbon mass ratio, kg.kg-1, surface,tagged_array, >=0

description: Nitrogen to carbon mass ratio for the organic matter pools composing the crop residues. Unit is: kg N/kg C

in-out: crop root density normalized, ratio0-1, profile,single, ratio0-1

description: Root density profile normalized so that the integral of the root density profile equals 1.

in-out: crop root front depth, m, none,single, >=0

description: Maximum depth of the rooting system at a given time.

in-out: crop root front depth yearly maximum, m, none,single, none

description: Maximum depth reached by the rooting system for the current year.

in-out: crop root length, m.m-2, none,single

description: Total length of the root system for a unit area. Unit is: m of roots / m2 of soil.

Anaee: crop root length

in-out: crop root length density, m.m-3, profile,single

description: Root density profile at grid nodes: roots length per unit of soil volume.

Anaee: crop root length density

in-out: crop root length density cell, m.m-3, profile,single

description: Root density profiles at cells.

in-out: crop root mass concentration, kg.m-3, profile,single, >=0

description: Mass of roots per unit volume.

in-out: crop root solutes mass uptake rate, kg.m-3.s-1, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Solutes mass uptake rates by roots.

in-out: crop root solutes mass uptake rate profile cumulated, kg.m-2.s-1, none,tagged_array, >=0

description: Solutes uptake rates by roots integrated on the soil profile.

in-out: crop root solutes mass uptake rate profile cumulated daily, kg.m-2, none,tagged_array, >=0

description: Daily amount (kg/m2) of solutes taken up by the root system.

in-out: crop root solutes mass uptake rate profile time cumulated, kg.m-2, none,tagged_array, >=0

description: Solutes uptake rate by roots, integrated on the soil profile and cumulated in time.

in-out: crop root solutes maximum mass uptake rate time cumulated, kg.m-2, none,tagged_array, >=0

description: Time cumulated amounts of the maximum (crop demand) roots solutes uptake rates. Unit is: kg per m2.

in-out: crop root solutes molar uptake rate, mol.m-3.s-1, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Actual rates of uptake by roots for all the solutes species concerned.

in-out: crop root solutes molar uptake rate daily cumulated, mol.m-3, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: The amounts of solutes species taken up by plants, per unit volume as function of depth on a daily basis.

in-out: crop root solutes molar uptake rate profile cumulated, mol.m-2.s-1, none,tagged_array, >=0

description: Rate of solutes uptake by the root system for the whole rooting depth.

in-out: crop root solutes molar uptake rate profile cumulated daily, mol.m-2, none,tagged_array, >=0

description: Daily amount of solutes taken up by the root system.

in-out: crop root solutes molar uptake rate profile time cumulated, mol.m-2, none,tagged_array, >=0

description: Rate of solutes uptake by the root system integrated for the soil profile and cumulated from the start of the simulation.

in-out: crop root water potential, m, none,single, none

description: Water potential at the soil root interface.

in-out: crop temperature, K, surface,single, >=0

description: Temperature of the crop canopy.

Anaee: crop temperature

in-out: crop transpiration volumetric flux density, m3.m-2.s-1, none,single

description: Calculated crop transpiration.

in-out: crop transpiration volumetric flux density daily, m3.m-2, none,single, none

description: Daily value of the actual transpiration flux of the crop.

in-out: crop transpiration volumetric flux density deficit, m.s-1, none,single, none

description: Crop transpiration flux instantaneous deficit. Difference between the demand and the actual transpiration.

in-out: crop transpiration volumetric flux density deficit time cumulated, m3.m-2, none,single, none

description: Crop transpiration deficit cumulated.

in-out: crop transpiration volumetric flux density time cumulated, m, none,single, none

description: Time cumulated actual crop transpiration flux.

in-out: leaf water pressure, m(H2O), none,single

description: Water pressure in the leaves.

Anaee: leaf water potential

in-out: leaf wetting duration daily cumulated, s, none,single

description: Wetting duration cumulated over the day.

in-out: leaf wetting duration hourly, s, none,single

description: Duration of wetting cumulated over the previous hour.

in-out: mulch C_CO2 production rate time cumulated, kg.m-2, surface,single, >=0

description: Total production of CO2 by the mulch. If the mulch is decomposed in two parts (contact and non contact) this variable should be the sum of the two productions.

in-out: mulch bulk density, kg.m-3, surface,single, >=0

description: Bulk density of mulch elements.

in-out: mulch evaporation volumetric flux density, m3.m-2.s-1, surface,single

description: Actual evaporation of the mulch.

in-out: mulch evaporation volumetric flux density daily, kg, surface,single, >=0

description: Evaporation from the mulch cumulated on a daily basis.

in-out: mulch evaporation volumetric flux density time cumulated, m3.m-2, surface,single, none

description: real mulch evaporation flux cumulated

in-out: mulch input mass time cumulated, kg.m-2, none,single, >=0

description: Cumulated mass of organic matter received by the mulch (kg of carbon/m2).

in-out: mulch maximum evaporation volumetric flux density, m3.m-2.s-1, surface,single

description: Evaporative demand applying to the mulch. It is a fraction of the below canopy evaporative demand.

in-out: mulch maximum evaporation volumetric flux density time cumulated, m3.m-2, surface,single, none

description: potential mulch evaporation cumulated

in-out: mulch organic matter biomass pool associated elements concentration change due to bioturbation, mol.kg-1, none,tagged_array, >=0

description: Changes in concentration for the the chemical elements associated with the BIOMASS pool induced by the bioturbation. Units are moles per unit mass of BIOMASS pool. Note: the mass of the BIOMASS pool is in kg of carbon/m2.

in-out: mulch organic matter biomass pool associated elements concentration change due to plowing, mol.kg-1, surface,tagged_array, >=0

description: Changes in concentration for the the chemical elements associated with the BIOMASS pool induced by plowing. Unit is moles per unit mass of BIOMASS pool. Note: the mass of the BIOMASS pool is in kg of carbon per m2.

in-out: mulch organic matter biomass pool associated elements quantities, mol.m-2, none,tagged_array, >=0

description: Quantities of the various chemical elements associated with the biomass pool of the mulch (also called litter or ecto-organic layer).

in-out: mulch organic matter dpm pool associated elements concentration change due to bioturbation, mol.kg-1, none,tagged_array, >=0

description: Changes in concentration for the the chemical elements associated with the DPM pool iduced by the bioturbation. Units are moles per unit mass of DPM pool. Note: the mass of the DPM pool is in kg of carbon/m2.

in-out: mulch organic matter dpm pool associated elements concentration change due to plowing, mol.kg-1, surface,tagged_array, >=0

description: Changes in concentration for the the chemical elements associated with the DPM pool induced by plowing. Unit is moles per unit mass of DPM pool. Note: the mass of the DPM pool is in kg of carbon per m2.

in-out: mulch organic matter dpm pool associated elements quantities, mol.m-2, none,tagged_array, >=0

description: Quantities of the various chemical elements associated with the DPM pool of the mulch (also called litter or ecto-organic layer).

in-out: mulch organic matter humus pool associated elements concentration change due to bioturbation, mol.kg-1, none,tagged_array, >=0

description: Changes in concentration for the the chemical elements associated with the HUMUS pool induced by the bioturbation. Units are moles per unit mass of HUMUS pool. Note: the mass of the HUMUS pool is in kg of carbon/m2.

in-out: mulch organic matter humus pool associated elements concentration change due to plowing, mol.kg-1, surface,tagged_array, >=0

description: Changes in concentration for the the chemical elements associated with the HUMUS pool induced by plowing. Unit is moles per unit mass of HUMUS pool. Note: the mass of the HUMUS pool is in kg of carbon per m2.

in-out: mulch organic matter humus pool associated elements quantities, mol.m-2, none,tagged_array, >=0

description: Quantities of the various chemical elements associated with the HUMUS pool of the mulch (also called litter or ecto-organic layer).

in-out: mulch organic matter inert pool associated elements concentration change due to bioturbation, mol.kg-1, none,tagged_array, >=0

description: Changes in concentration for the the chemical elements associated with the IOM pool induced by the bioturbation. Units are moles per unit mass of IOM pool. Note: the mass of the IOM pool is in kg of carbon/m2.

in-out: mulch organic matter inert pool associated elements concentration change due to plowing, mol.kg-1, surface,tagged_array, >=0

description: Changes in concentration for the the chemical elements associated with the INERT pool induced by plowing. Unit is moles per unit mass of INERT pool. Note: the mass of the INERT pool is in kg of carbon per m2.

in-out: mulch organic matter inert pool associated elements quantities, mol.m-2, none,tagged_array, >=0

description: Quantities of the various chemical elements associated with the IOM pool of the mulch (also called litter or ecto-organic layer).

in-out: mulch organic matter rpm pool associated elements concentration change due to bioturbation, mol.kg-1, none,tagged_array, >=0

description: Changes in concentration for the the chemical elements associated with the RPM pool induced by the bioturbation. Units are moles per unit mass of RPM pool. Note: the mass of the pool is in kg of carbon/m2.)

in-out: mulch organic matter rpm pool associated elements concentration change due to plowing, mol.kg-1, surface,tagged_array, >=0

description: Changes in concentration for the the chemical elements associated with the RPM pool induced by plowing. Unit is moles per unit mass of RPM pool. Note: the mass of the RPM pool is in kg of carbon per m2.

in-out: mulch organic matter rpm pool associated elements quantities, mol.m-2, none,tagged_array, >=0

description: Quantities of the various chemical elements associated with the RPM pool of the mulch (also called litter or ecto-organic layer).

in-out: mulch rain flux density evaporation, m.s-1, surface,single, >=0

description: Flux density of rain that is substracted from evaporation demand for the mulch fractions. This is done when the evaporation demand applying to the mulch is higher than the rain flux density.

in-out: mulch rain flux density evaporation time cumulated, m, surface,single, >=0

description: Cumulative amount of rain substracted from the evaporation demand applying to the mulch during the rain events.

in-out: mulch volume, m3.m-2, surface,single

description: This is the total volume of the mulch. It is the sum of the volume in contact with the soil surface and of the volume of the mulch that is not in contact with the soil surface.

in-out: mulch water volumetric content, m3.m-3, surface,single

description: Water content of the mulch.

Anaee: mulch water volumetric content

in-out: mulch with soil contact C_CO2 production rate time cumulated, kg.m-2, none,single, >=0

description: Time cumulated amount of C-CO2 produced by the decomposition of the mulch. Unit is kgC/m2. Nota: This variable is related to the variable "mulch with soil contact gas production rate time cumulated".

in-out: mulch with soil contact area index, m2.m-2, surface,single

description: Index for soil surface coverage with the mulch. It is used for rain interception by mulch and also for calculating the fraction of the evaporation demand intercepted by the mulch. It has dimension.

in-out: mulch with soil contact biomass amount, kg.m-2, surface,single, >=0

description: Mulch autochtonous biomass utilized with the cantis module to decompose the mulch (kgC/m2)

in-out: mulch with soil contact biomass pool depth, m, surface,single, none

description: Depth of soil considered to calculate the soil biomass involved in the decomposition of the mulch.

in-out: mulch with soil contact carbon surfacic mass, kg.m-2, surface,single, >=0

description: Mass of carbon in the mulch in contact with the soil. Unit is kg of carbon per m2.

in-out: mulch with soil contact decomposition solutes sink, kg.m-3.s-1, profile,tagged_array, none

description: Sinks of solutes due to mulch decomposition in interaction with the first centimeters of soil. Typically could be concerned: nitrate, amonium.

in-out: mulch with soil contact decomposition solutes source, kg.m-3.s-1, profile,tagged_array, none

description: Sources of solutes due to mulch decomposition in interaction with the first centimeters of soil. Typically could be concerned: nitrate, amonium, phosphorus, etc.. NB: This is different from solutes produced by the mulch leaching during rains or irrigations.

in-out: mulch with soil contact evaporation volumetric flux density, m3.m-2.s-1, surface,single

description: Actual evaporation of the mulch in contact with the soil.

Anaee: soil mulch contact evaporation flux density

in-out: mulch with soil contact evaporation volumetric flux density time cumulated, m3.m-2, none,single, none

description: Time cumulated evaporation from the mulch in contact with the soil. It represents the amount of water lost by this mulch compartment during the simulation.

in-out: mulch with soil contact gas production rate, mol.m-2.s-1, none,tagged_array, none

description: Gas production rate induced by the mulch decomposition.

in-out: mulch with soil contact gas production rate time cumulated, mol.m-2, surface,tagged_array, >=0

description: Cumulative gas production due to the decomposition of the mulch.

in-out: mulch with soil contact heating energy flux density, W.m-2, surface,single, none

description: This is the energy received by the mulch in contact with the soil that is used to heat the mulch. It corresponds to the energy that was not used to evaporate water and consequently to a evaporation deficit.

in-out: mulch with soil contact leachate mass concentration, kg.m-3, surface,tagged_array, >=0

description: Concentration of water flowing through the mulch in contact with the soil.

in-out: mulch with soil contact leachate solutes molar concentration, mol.m-3, surface,tagged_array

description: Solutes concentration of water flowing through the mulch in contact with the soil.

in-out: mulch with soil contact leaching rate, mol.kg-1.s-1, surface,tagged_array, none

description: Amount of solutes leached from the contact mulch per unit mass of mulch and per unit time.

in-out: mulch with soil contact maximum evaporation volumetric flux density, m3.m-2.s-1, surface,single

description: Potential evaporation of the mulch in contact with the soil.

Anaee: soil mulch contact maximum evaporation flux density

in-out: mulch with soil contact maximum evaporation volumetric flux density time cumulated, m3.m-2, surface,single, none

description: cumulated potential evaporation flux of the contact mulch with the soil

in-out: mulch with soil contact mulch without soil contact radiative heat flux density, W.m-2, surface,single, none

description: Radiative heat exchange term between the mulch not in contact with the soil and the mulch in contact with the soil. A positive flux results from a temperature of the mulch without soil contact higher than the temperature of the mulch in contact with the soil.

in-out: mulch with soil contact organic matter pools C14labelled mass, kg.m-2, surface,tagged_array, >=0

description: Carbon 14 in organic matter pools.

in-out: mulch with soil contact organic matter pools C14labelled mass change due to bioturbation, kg.m-2, none,tagged_array, >=0

description: Change of the mass of the C14 mulch organic matter pools due to bioturbation.

in-out: mulch with soil contact organic matter pools C14labelled mass change due to plowing, kg.m-2, none,tagged_array, >=0

description: Changes in the weight of the C14 organic matter pools due to plowing.

in-out: mulch with soil contact organic matter pools C14labelled mass change due to slash, kg.m-2, none,tagged_array, >=0

description: Changes in the weights of the C14 mulch organic matter pools induced by the slash and burn.

in-out: mulch with soil contact organic matter pools NCratio, kg.kg-1, surface,tagged_array, >=0

description: This is the N/C ratios of the various organic pools used to represent the contact mulch organic matter.

in-out: mulch with soil contact organic matter pools carbon mass ratio, kg.kg-1, surface,tagged_array, >=0

description: It is the amount of carbon per unit mass of dry matter of the various pools used to describe the composition of the mulch organic matter . Unit is kilogram of carbon per kilogram of dry matter.

in-out: mulch with soil contact organic matter pools decomposition rate temperature factor, -, none,single, >=0

description: Rate multiplying factor related to temperature for the decomposition of the organic matter pools of the mulch.

in-out: mulch with soil contact organic matter pools water soluble ratio, ratio0-1, surface,tagged_array, ratio0-1

description: This is the fraction of the pools that is water soluble. For example the RDM pool (mulch_dyn_cantis module) has a fraction that is soluble in water. The objective is that the soluble part of the pool can be leached by rains or irrigations when residues are left at soil surface.

in-out: mulch with soil contact organic matter pools weight, kg.m-2, surface,tagged_array, >=0

description: Mass or the organic matter pools for the mulch in contact with the soil.

in-out: mulch with soil contact organic matter pools weight change due to bioturbation, kg.m-2, none,tagged_array, >=0

description: Changes of the weights of the organic matter pools of the mulch induced by the bioturbation process.

in-out: mulch with soil contact organic matter pools weight change due to bioturbation time cumulated, kg.m-2, none,tagged_array, >=0

description: Time cumulated quantities of each mulch organic matter pools incorporated to soil by bioturbation. Unit is kgC/m2.

in-out: mulch with soil contact organic matter pools weight change due to plowing, kg.m-2, none,tagged_array, >=0

description: Changes of the weights of the organic matter pools of the mulch induced by the plowing process.

in-out: mulch with soil contact organic matter pools weight change due to slash and burn, kg.m-2, none,tagged_array, >=0

description: Changes in the weight of the mulch organic matter pools induced by the slash and burn process.

in-out: mulch with soil contact rain interception volumetric flux density, m3.m-2.s-1, surface,single, >=0

description: Rate of interception of the rain by the mulch fraction in contact with the soil.

in-out: mulch with soil contact rain interception volumetric flux density time cumulated, m3.m-2, surface,single, >=0

description: Cumulated amount of rain intercepted by the mulch in contact with the soil during the simulation.

in-out: mulch with soil contact retting biomass amount, kg.m-2, none,tagged_array, >=0

description: Microbial biomass developping on the mulch in contact with the soil and responsible for the retting process. Note that this biomass has no specified link with the soil biomass.

in-out: mulch with soil contact solutes amount, kg.m-2, surface,tagged_array, >=0

description: Amount of solutes contained in the mulch in contact with the soil.

in-out: mulch with soil contact solutes mass concentration, kg.kg-1, surface,tagged_array, >=0

description: Amounts of solutes contained inside the elements of the mulch in contact with the soil.

in-out: mulch with soil contact surfacic mass, kg.m-2, surface,single, >=0

description: This is the amount of mulch in contact with the soil surface. The mulch in contact can be submitted to decomposition. It can also receive matter from the part of the mulch not in contact.

in-out: mulch with soil contact temperature, K, surface,single, >=0

description: This is the temperature of the mulch fraction assumed to be in contact with the soil. In contact, means that it can be decomposed and it can exchange water and heat with the underlying soil.

in-out: mulch with soil contact thickness, m, surface,single, none

description: Thickness of the mulch in contact with the soil.

in-out: mulch with soil contact volume, m3.m-2, surface,single

description: Volume of mulch in contact with the soil surface.

in-out: mulch with soil contact water amount, m3.m-2, none,single, >=0

description: Water amount stored in the mulch in contact with the soil.

in-out: mulch with soil contact water pressure, m(H2O), surface,single

description: Water pressure in the mulch in contact with the soil.

in-out: mulch with soil contact water saturation index, NA, surface,single, none

description: Water saturation index of the mulch in contact with the soil.

in-out: mulch with soil contact water volumetric content, m3.m-3, surface,single

description: Water content of the mulch fraction assumed to be in contact with the soil. In contact, means that it can be decomposed and it can exchange water and heat with the underlying soil.

Anaee: mulch water volumetric content

in-out: mulch without soil contact C_CO2 production rate time cumulated, kg.m-2, none,single, >=0

description: Time cumulated amount of C-CO2 produced by the decomposition of the mulch not in contact with the soil. Unit is kgC/m2. Nota: This variable is related to the variable "mulch without soil contact gas production rate time cumulated".

in-out: mulch without soil contact area index, m2.m-2, surface,single

description: Coverage index of soil surface by the mulch that is not in contact with the soil.

in-out: mulch without soil contact carbon surfacic mass, kg.m-2, surface,single, >=0

description: Mass of carbon in the mulch not in contact with the soil. Unit is kg of carbon per m2.

in-out: mulch without soil contact evaporation volumetric flux density, m3.m-2.s-1, surface,single

description: Actual evaporation of the mulch not in contact with the soil.

Anaee: soil mulch no contact evaporation

in-out: mulch without soil contact evaporation volumetric flux density time cumulated, m3.m-2, none,single, none

description: Time cumulated evaporation from the mulch that is not in contact with the soil. It represents the amount of water lost by this mulch compartment during the simulation.

in-out: mulch without soil contact gas production rate, mol.m-2.s-1, none,tagged_array, >=0

description: Production of gas during the decomposition of the mulch not in contact with the soil.

in-out: mulch without soil contact gas production rate time cumulated, mol.m-2, none,tagged_array

description: Cumulative amount of gas produced by the decomposition of the mulch not in contact with the soil. Unit is: mol.m-2.

in-out: mulch without soil contact heating energy flux density, W.m-2, surface,single, none

description: This is the energy received by the mulch in not in contact with the soil that is used to heat the mulch. It corresponds to the energy that was not used to evaporate water.

in-out: mulch without soil contact leachate mass concentration, kg.m-3, surface,tagged_array, >=0

description: Solutes concentrations of water leaving the non contact mulch.

in-out: mulch without soil contact leachate solutes molar concentration, mol.m-3, surface,tagged_array

description: Solutes concentrations of water leaving the non contact mulch.

in-out: mulch without soil contact leaching rate, mol.kg-1.s-1, surface,tagged_array, none

description: Amount of solutes leached from the non contact mulch per unit mass of mulch and per unit time.

in-out: mulch without soil contact maximum evaporation volumetric flux density, m3.m-2.s-1, surface,single

description: Potential evaporation of the mulch that is not in contact with the soil.

in-out: mulch without soil contact maximum evaporation volumetric flux density time cumulated, m3.m-2, surface,single, none

description: cumulated potential evaporation of the mulch without soil contact

in-out: mulch without soil contact organic matter pools NCratio, kg.kg-1, surface,tagged_array, >=0

description: This is the N/C ratios of the various organic pools used to represent the non contact mulch organic matter.

in-out: mulch without soil contact organic matter pools carbon mass ratio, kg.kg-1, surface,tagged_array, >=0

description: It is the amount of carbon per unit mass of dry matter of the various pools used to describe the composition of the non contact mulch organic matter . Unit is kilogram of carbon per kilogram of dry matter.

in-out: mulch without soil contact organic matter pools water soluble ratio, ratio0-1, surface,tagged_array, ratio0-1

description: This is the fraction of the pools that is water soluble. For example the RDM pool (mulch_dyn_cantis module) has a fraction that is soluble in water. The objective is that the soluble part of the pool can be leached by rains or irrigations when residues are left at soil surface.

in-out: mulch without soil contact organic matter pools weight, kg.m-2, surface,tagged_array, >=0

description: Mass of the organic matter pools in the mulch not in contact with the soil. Unit is: kg.m-2

in-out: mulch without soil contact rain interception volumetric flux density, m3.m-2.s-1, surface,single, >=0

description: Rain interception rate by the mulch not in contact with the soil.

in-out: mulch without soil contact rain interception volumetric flux density time cumulated, m3.m-2, surface,single, >=0

description: Cumulated amount of rain intercepted by the mulch not in contact with the soil.

in-out: mulch without soil contact retting biomass amount, kg.m-2, none,tagged_array, >=0

description: Microbial biomass developping on the mulch not in contact with the soil and responsible for the retting process. Note that this microbial biomass has no specific link with the soil microbial biomass.

in-out: mulch without soil contact solutes amount, kg.m-2, surface,tagged_array, >=0

description: Amount of solutes in the mulch without contact with the soil.

in-out: mulch without soil contact solutes mass concentration, kg.kg-1, surface,tagged_array, >=0

description: Amounts of solutes contained in the elements composing the mulch.

in-out: mulch without soil contact surfacic mass, kg.m-2, surface,single, >=0

description: This is the amount of mulch not in contact with the soil surface. This part of the mulch progressively enters the mulch in contact where it is decomposed.

in-out: mulch without soil contact temperature, K, surface,single, >=0

description: This is the temperature of the mulch fraction assumed not to be in contact with the soil. Not in contact, means that it cannot be decomposed but it can exchange water and heat with the underlying mulch fraction and with the atmosphere.

in-out: mulch without soil contact volume, m3.m-2, surface,single

description: Volume of mulch not in contact with the soil surface.

in-out: mulch without soil contact water amount, m3.m-2, none,single, >=0

description: Amount of water stored in the mulch not in contact with the soil.

in-out: mulch without soil contact water pressure, m(H2O), surface,single

description: Water pressure of the mulch not in contact with the soil.

in-out: mulch without soil contact water saturation index, ratio0-1, surface,single, ratio0-1

description: Water saturation index of the mulch not in contact with the soil.

in-out: mulch without soil contact water volumetric content, m3.m-3, surface,single

description: Water content of the mulch fraction assumed not to be in contact with the soil. Not in contact, means that it cannot be decomposed but it can exchange water and heat with the underlying mulch fraction and with the atmosphere.

Anaee: mulch water volumetric content

in-out: organic matter gas consumption rate, mol.m-3.s-1, profile,tagged_array, none

description: Gaseous species consumption induced by organic matter decomposition.

in-out: organic matter gas production rate, mol.m-3.s-1, profile,tagged_array, none

description: Production of gaseous species by the organic matter transformations.

in-out: organic matter gas production rate profile cumulated, mol.m-2.s-1, none,tagged_array, >=0

description: Rate of gas production by organic matter transformations integrated over the profile.

in-out: organic matter gas production rate profile time cumulated, mol.m-2, none,tagged_array, >=0

description: Rate of gas production by organic matter transformations integrated over the profile and in time.

in-out: organic matter manure surfacic mass, kg.m-2, none,single, >=0

description: Manure quantity applied on a yearly basis.

in-out: organic matter manure surfacic mass time cumulated, kg.m-2, none,single, >=0

description: Cumulated amount of manure applied at the soil surface.

in-out: plant litter surfacic mass, kg.m-2, none,single, >=0

description: Amount of litter deposited by the plant on a yearly basis.

in-out: plant litter surfacic mass time cumulated, kg.m-2, none,single, >=0

description: Cumulated amount of litter deposited by the vegetation.

in-out: rain colloids mass concentration, kg.m-3, none,tagged_array, >=0

description: Concentration of colloids in rain.

Anaee: rain colloids mass concentration

in-out: rain height cumulated, m3.m-2, none,single, >=0

description: Cumulated amount of rain during the simulation.

Anaee: rainfall amount

in-out: rain height daily cumulated, m3.m-2, none,single

description: Amount of rain received during the day.

Anaee: rainfall amount

in-out: rain height hourly, m3.m-2, none,single

description: Amount of rain received over the hour.

Anaee: rainfall amount

in-out: rain height monthly, m3.m-2, none,single, none

description: Amount of rain received over the month.

Anaee: rainfall amount

in-out: rain height yearly, m3.m-2, none,single, none

description: Amount of rain received over the year.

Anaee: rainfall amount

in-out: rain intensity, m.s-1, none,single

description: This is the rain instantaneous intensity. Should be provided by the "climate" process.

Anaee: rainfall intensity

in-out: rain intensity maximum, m.s-1, none,single

description: Maximum rain intensity in the day. It corresponds to the maximum intensity calculated with a moving average. The time interval for calculating the mean is 6 minutes.

Anaee: rainfall intensity

in-out: rain solutes mass concentration, kg.m-3, surface,tagged_array, >=0

description: Concentration of rain water.

in-out: rain solutes molar concentration, mol.m-3, surface,tagged_array

description: Actual concentration of the various species in the rain. Should be provided by the "climate" process.

Anaee: rain solutes molar concentration

in-out: rain solutes molar concentration time cumulated, mol.m-3, none,tagged_array, >=0

description: Cumulated amount of solutes brought by rain.

in-out: root water volumetric uptake rate, m3.m-3.s-1, profile,single

description: Water uptake rates calculated at grid nodes. Unit is m3.m-3.s-1

in-out: root water volumetric uptake rate cell, m3.m-3.s-1, profile,single

description: Root water uptake rate at cell.

in-out: root water volumetric uptake rate time cumulated, m3.m-2, profile,single, none

description: Cumulated amount of water taken up by the roots for a soil compartment.

in-out: root water volumetric uptake rate yearly, m3.m-2, none,single, none

description: Yearly uptake of water by the root system.

in-out: soil aggregates size class proportion, ratio0-1, profile,tagged_array, ratio0-1

description: The fraction of each class. At any depth the sum must equal 1. Should be provided by the "soil structure" process. Useful for transport processes or denitrification, for example.

in-out: soil aggregates sizes, m, none,tagged_array

description: The mean radii of the various classes considered.

in-out: soil air entry parameter Campbell, m, profile,single, none

description: Air entry parameter in the Campbell model for hydraulic properties. It is often named : he.

in-out: soil air entry value parameter, m-1, profile,single, none

description: This is the alpha parameter in the van Genuchten relationship for the soil water retention curve. It can be read or calculated by pedo-transfer functions. It can change in time if soil properties variations are simulated.

in-out: soil air gas sink source rate due to aqueous gaseous exchanges, mol.m-3.s-1, profile,tagged_array, none

description: Gaseous sink and source terms due the aqueous-gaseous equilibrium process.

in-out: soil air gas sink source rate due to aqueous gaseous exchanges profile time cumulated, mol.m-2, none,tagged_array, >=0

description: Time cumulated amount of gaz exchanged between the aqueous and gaseous phases for the whole profile.

in-out: soil air maximum volumetric content, m3.m-3, profile,single, >0

description: Soil porosity that can be occupied by the gaseous phase. At any depth it is the difference between the total porosity and the residual water content. Unit is: m3/m3

in-out: soil air pressure, Pa, profile,single, none

description: Pressure of the gas phase in the soil profile.

in-out: soil air volumetric content, m3.m-3, profile,single, none

description: Air volumetric content of the soil. It is the volume of air in the soil with respect to the total volume of soil. The volume of air is calculated as the difference between the air porosity and the volumetric water content. The soil air porosity is calculated as the difference between the total porosity and the residual water content.

in-out: soil air volumetric flux density, m3.m-2.s-1, profile,single

description: Air flux calculated at grid nodes.

Anaee: soil air volumetric flux density

in-out: soil applied colloids weight, kg.m-2, none,tagged_array, >=0

description: Amount of colloids applied when sprinkling the soil surface. It is the summation over all the irrigation events. Unit is: kg.

in-out: soil at 10 cm depth temperature maximum, K, none,single, >=0

description: Maximum soil temperature at 10 cm depth during the day.

in-out: soil at 10 cm depth temperature minimum, K, none,single, >=0

description: Minimum soil temperature at 10 cm depth during the day.

in-out: soil at 50 cm depth temperature average, K, none,single, >=0

description: Average soil temperature at 50 cm depth during the day.

in-out: soil bioturbated mass fraction yearly, kg.kg-1, none,single, >=0

description: Mass fraction of the soil surface that is subjected to redistribution by soil meso and macrofauna during a year.

in-out: soil bioturbation depth, m, none,single, >=0

description: The depth of bioturbation.

in-out: soil bottom colloids mass flux, kg.m-2.s-1, bottom,tagged_array, none

description: Flux of colloids at the bottom of the profile. Unit is: kg.m-2.s-1

in-out: soil bottom colloids mass flux time cumulated, kg.m-2, bottom,tagged_array, >=0

description: Cumulated amount of colloids eluted at the bottom of the soil profile. Unit is: kg/m2

in-out: soil bottom heat energy flux density, W.m-2, bottom,single

description: Heat flux imposed at the bottom of the soil profile.

Anaee: soil bottom heat energy flux density

in-out: soil bottom macropores water volumetric flux density time cumulated, m, bottom,single, >=0

description: Cumulated water flux in the macropre network at the bottom boundary.

in-out: soil bottom solutes mass flux, kg.m-2.s-1, bottom,tagged_array, none

description: This is the flux of solutes at the bottom boundary for all the species considered.

in-out: soil bottom solutes mass flux daily cumulated, kg.m-2, bottom,tagged_array

description: Daily cumulated value for flux of solutes at the bottom boundary.

in-out: soil bottom solutes mass flux time cumulated, kg.m-2, bottom,tagged_array

description: Cumulated flux of solutes through the lower boundary. Unit is kg.m-2.

in-out: soil bottom solutes molar flux, mol.m-2.s-1, bottom,tagged_array, none

description: Flux of solutes at the bottom boundary for all the species considered.

in-out: soil bottom solutes molar flux daily cumulated, mol.m-2, bottom,tagged_array, >=0

description: Daily cumulated value for flux of solutes at the bottom boundary.

in-out: soil bottom solutes molar flux time cumulated, mol.m-2, bottom,tagged_array, >=0

description: Cumulated flux of solutes through the lower boundary.

in-out: soil bottom solution solutes concentration, kg.m-3, bottom,tagged_array, >=0

description: Actual concentration of the various species at the bottom boundary.

in-out: soil bottom solution solutes molar concentration, mol.m-3, bottom,tagged_array

description: Actual concentration of the various species at the bottom boundary.

Anaee: soil solution solutes molar concentration

in-out: soil bottom solution solutes molar flux, mol.m-2.s-1, bottom,tagged_array

description: This is the flux of solute at the bottom boundary for all the species considered

in-out: soil bottom temperature, K, bottom,single, >=0

description: Temperature at the bottom of the soil profile.

Anaee: soil bottom temperature

in-out: soil bottom water capillary flux time cumulated, m, bottom,single, none

description: Cumulated capillary water flux at the bottom boundary. Flux predicted by a model based on capillary laws as for example Richards equation. Does not include water flow in macropores.

in-out: soil bottom water capillary flux yearly, m, bottom,single, none

description: Capillary flux at the lower boundary cumulated for the year. Note the instantaneous capillary flux can be positive or negative and hence the cumulated value.

in-out: soil bottom water pressure head, m(H2O), bottom,single

description: Total pressure head imposed at the bottom of the soil profile. It can be a function of time.

Anaee: soil bottom water pressure head

in-out: soil bottom water volumetric content, m3.m-3, bottom,single

description: Imposed soil bottom water volumetric content as a function of time.

Anaee: soil bottom water volumetric content

in-out: soil bottom water volumetric flux density, m.s-1, bottom,single

description: Imposed water flux at the lower boundary.

in-out: soil bottom water volumetric flux density time cumulated, m3.m-2, bottom,single, none

description: Time cumulated water flux at the soil bottom. Sum of the capillary water flux and of the macropore water flux.

in-out: soil bulk density, kg.m-3, profile,single, >=0

description: Bulk density as function of depth. Unit is kg of dry soil per m3 of soil.

Anaee: soil dry bulk density

in-out: soil bulk density Alexander, kg.m-3, profile,single, >=0

description: Theoretical soil bulk density calculated from the equation of Alexander. It relates soil bulk density to soil organic carbon percentage.

in-out: soil capillary capacity, m-1, profile,single, none

description: Capilary capacity calculated at the grid nodes.

in-out: soil carbon activities C14 change due to erosion, NA, profile,tagged_array, none

description: Change in carbon 14 activities due to erosion and shifting of the layers below the eroded layer.

in-out: soil carbon humification rate, kg.m-3.s-1, profile,single

description: Carbon humification rate. Unit is: kgC.m-3.s-1.

in-out: soil carbon humification rate profile cumulated, kg.m-2.s-1, none,single

description: Carbon humification rate integrated over the soil profile. Unit is: kgC.m-2.s-1.

in-out: soil carbon humification rate profile time cumulated, kg.m-2, none,single

description: Carbon humification rate integrated over the soil profile and cumulated since the beginning of the simulation. Unit is: kgC.m-2

in-out: soil cec, mol+.kg-1, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: This variable includes the various components of the total CEC and additional information. The components are as follows: (1) total cec (mol+/kg of soil); (2) cec_empirical (mol+/kg of soil) an empirical value of the CEC calculated from a statistical relationship based on the amount of clay and organic carbon; (3) faccec (-) the ratio between the total cec and the empirical cec; (4) faccec_oc; (5) cec_clay (mol+/kg of soil) the CEC corresponding to the clay; (6) cec_oc (mol+/kg of soil) the CEC corresponding to the organic carbon; (7) clayfrcec (-) the ratio between the total CEC and the CEC of the clay (=(5)/(1)); (8) ocfrcec (-) the ratio between the total CEC and the CEC of the organic carbon (=(6)/(1)).

in-out: soil cec change due to bioturbation, mol+.kg-1, profile,tagged_array

description: Changes in CEC components due to bioturbation. CEC components are: 1. total cec, 2 cec_empirical, 3 faccec, 4 faccec_oc, 5 cec_clay, 6 cec_oc, 7 clayfrcec, 8 ocfrcec. See description in variable soil CEC.

in-out: soil cec change due to plowing, mol+.kg-1, profile,tagged_array

description: Changes in the components of the CEC due to plowing. CEC components are: 1, total cec ; 2, cec_empirical ; 3, faccec ; 4, faccec_oc ; 5, cec_clay ; 6, cec_oc ; 7, clayfrcec ; 8, ocfrcec.

in-out: soil clay exchangeable cations charge concentration, mol+.kg-1, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Charge concentration of the exchangeable cations adsorbed on the clay fraction of the soil. Unit is: moles of charge per unit mass of clay.

in-out: soil clay exchangeable cations charge concentration change due to bioturbation, mol+.kg-1, profile,tagged_array

description: Changes in charge concentration of exchangeable cations associated with clay due to bioturbation (mixing more or less important of surface layers). Note that this is not a rate (time is not present in unit).

in-out: soil clay exchangeable cations charge concentration change due to plowing, mol+.kg-1, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Changes in charge concentration of exchangeable cations associated with clay due to plowing (mixing more or less important of surface layers). Note that this is not a rate (time not present in unit).

in-out: soil clay exchangeable cations charges amount filtering rate, mol+.m-3.s-1, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Retention rate of cations due to filtration. This variable is an output for the process "particle and colloids transport" when the filtration is calculated inside a module attached to this process and not in a module attached to the "particle and colloids retention" process.

in-out: soil clay exchangeable cations charges amount filtering rate time cumulated, mol+.m-3, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Time cumulated retention of cations due to filtration. This variable is an output for the process "particle and colloids transport" when the filtration is calculated inside a module attached to this process and not in a module attached to the "particle and colloids retention" process.

in-out: soil clay exchangeable cations release rate due to chemical dispersion, mol+.m-3.s-1, profile,tagged_array, none

description: This is the amount of clay exchangeable cations released in the soil solution due to chemical dispersion and coagulation. Unit is moles of charges per unit volume of soil per unit of time.

in-out: soil clay exchangeable cations release rate due to splash, mol+.m-2.s-1, surface,tagged_array, none

description: Change in the amount of clay exchangeable cations induced by the impact of raindrop and splash. This concerns only the soil surface. The quantities released can be transported and deposited at the end of the rain event.

in-out: soil clay exchangeable cations release rate due to splash time cumulated, mol.m-2, none,tagged_array, >=0

description: Cumulated amount of clay exchangeable cations released at the soil surface with clay particles detached by splash mechanism.

in-out: soil clay exchangeable cations release rate due to splash yearly, mol.m-2, none,tagged_array, >=0

description: Yearly amount of clay exchangeable cations released at the soil surface by the splash mechanism.

in-out: soil clay in solution concentration change due to chemical dispersion, kg.m-3.s-1, profile,single, none

description: Clay that is released and suspended in solution due to chemical dispersion of soil particles. The unit is a mass of clay per unit volume of solution per unit of time.

in-out: soil clay in solution filtering rate, kg.m-3.s-1, profile,single, none

description: Rate of deposition of clay particles on the solid phase due to the filtration process.

in-out: soil clay in solution filtering rate time cumulated, kg.m-3, profile,single, >=0

description: Total amount of clay particles deposited. It is the summation in time of the fitering rate at a given depth.

in-out: soil clay in solution mass concentration, kg.m-3, profile,single, >=0

description: Concentration of clay particles in the soil solution.

in-out: soil clay in solution mass concentration profile cumulated, kg.m-2, none,single, >=0

description: Mass of clay in solution integrated over the soil profile.

in-out: soil clay mass percentage, %, profile,single, >=0

description: Mass percentage of clay in the soil profile.

in-out: soil clay mass replenishment for splash, kg.m-2.s-1, none,single, none

description: Mass of clay added to the soil surface pool of detachable clay by bioturbation.

in-out: soil clay mass replenishment for splash time cumulated, kg.m-2, none,single, >=0

description: Cumulated amount of clay added to the surface pool of detachable clay particles.

in-out: soil clay mass replenishment for splash yearly, kg.m-2, none,single, >=0

description: Yearly amount of clay added to the surface pool of detachable clay particles.

in-out: soil clay minerals mass percentage, %, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Mass percentage of various clay minerals. In SoilGen, the first column corresponds to 2:1 clay minerals (montmorillonite + illite) and the second column corresponds to montmorillonite minerals.

in-out: soil clay volumetric percentage, %, profile,single, >=0

description: Percentage of soil volume occupied by clay particles.

in-out: soil colloids deposited amount, kg, none,tagged_array, >=0

description: Total amount of sorbed colloids. It accounts for all the sorption sites. Summation for the whole profile. Unit : kg.

in-out: soil colloids mobile water concentration, kg.m-3, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Colloids concentrations in the mobile phase. Unit is: kg.m-3

in-out: soil colloids mobile water concentration profile cumulated, kg.m-2, none,tagged_array, >=0

description: Mass of colloids in the mobile water integrated over the profile . Unit is: kg.

in-out: soil denitrification gas consumption rate, mol.m-3.s-1, profile,tagged_array, none

description: Rate of gas consumption by the denitrification process.

in-out: soil denitrification gas production rate, mol.m-3.s-1, profile,tagged_array, none

description: Rate of gases production by the denitrification process.

in-out: soil deposited thickness, m, surface,single, >=0

description: The thickness of the soil layer added on top of the profile due to a depositional event.

in-out: soil depth Alexander, m, none,single, none

description: Depth of the soil profile when the bulk density is modified according to equation of Alexander. If the organic carbon percentage increases (decreases), then the bulk density decreases (increases) and consequently the soil thickness increases (decreases).

in-out: soil earthworm adults density, number.m-3, none,single, >=0

description: Earthworm adults density.

in-out: soil earthworm cocoons density, number.m-3, none,single, >=0

description: Earthworm cocoons density.

in-out: soil earthworm density, number.m-3, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Density of earthworms in the profile.

Anaee: soil earthworm density

in-out: soil earthworm juveniles density, number.m-3, none,single, >=0

description: Earthworm juveniles density.

in-out: soil earthworm subadults density, number.m-3, none,single, >=0

description: Earthworm sub-adults density.

in-out: soil electrical conductivity, S.m-1, profile,single, none

description: Electrical conductivity of the soil-solution system.

in-out: soil eroded thickness, m, surface,single, >=0

description: Thickness of the soil removed from the top soil

in-out: soil exchangeable cations charge concentration, mol+.kg-1, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Total Cation Exchange Capacity and exchangeable cations. Includes the exchange capacity due to clay particles and due to organic matter.

in-out: soil exchangeable cations charge concentration change due to bioturbation, mol+.kg-1, profile,tagged_array

description: Change in concentration for the exchangable cations induced by the bioturbation.

in-out: soil exchangeable cations charge concentration change due to geochemistry, mol+.kg-1, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Changes in the amount of exchangeable cations due to the geochemical process. This is not a rate. It is simply the difference between the concentration after and before geochemistry.

in-out: soil exchangeable cations charge concentration change due to plowing, mol+.kg-1, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Change in soil exchangable cations charge concentration in the profile due to plowing. Please note tha it is not a rate (time is not present in the unit).

in-out: soil exchangeable cations charge concentration profile cumulated, mol+.m-2, none,tagged_array, >=0

description: Total amount of charges in the profile for the exchangeable cations.

in-out: soil fast sites sorbed pesticides desorption rate, kg.kg-1.s-1, profile,tagged_array

description: This is the rate pesticides are desorbed from the "fast sorption" compartment. Unit is kg.kg-1.s-1.

in-out: soil fast sites sorbed pesticides mass concentration, kg.kg-1, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Corresponds to pesticides sorbed on the "fast rate sites" of the soil matrix. At each depth the variable can contain the concentrations for several pesticides. Pesticide names are defined in the module describing pesticides fate and in the module simulating transport. This variable should be an output of the transport module and an input of a pesticide fate module.

in-out: soil fast sites sorbed pesticides mass concentration profile cumulated, kg.m-2, none,tagged_array, >=0

description: Total amount of pesticides sorbed on the "fast sorption sites" in the soil profile.

in-out: soil fast sites sorbed pesticides sorption rate, kg.kg-1.s-1, profile,tagged_array

description: This is the rate pesticides are sorbed on the "fast sites" compartment of the soil matrix. Unit kg.kg-1.s-1.

in-out: soil gas consumption rate, mol.m-3.s-1, profile,tagged_array, none

description: Sum of all the sink terms for gaseous species in the soil profile. It is meant to be produced by a gas transport process.

in-out: soil gas molar concentration, mol.m-3, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Composition of the soil atmosphere as function of depth. Contains molar concentrations of the various gas species considered.

Anaee: soil gas molar concentration

in-out: soil gas molar flux, mol.m-2.s-1, profile,tagged_array, none

description: Flux of gaseous species calculated at grid nodes for all the species considered.

in-out: soil gas molar fraction, mol.mol-1, profile,tagged_array, ratio0-1

description: Molar fractions of the various gas species considered. It is a number between 0 and 1. The sum of molar fractions is equal to 1.

in-out: soil gas partial pressure, Pa, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Partial pressure of the gas species in the soil profile.

in-out: soil gas production rate, mol.m-3.s-1, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Sum of all source terms for gaseous species.

in-out: soil gibbsite moles per compartment, mol.m-2, profile,single, >=0

description: Amount of mineral gibbsite expressed as moles per compartment. This mineral corresponds to Aluminium.

in-out: soil gibbsite moles per compartment change due to bioturbation, mol.m-2, profile,single, >=0

description: Change in gibbsite amount in the compartments due to the bioturbation. Its is not a rate. It is simply the variation after the bioturbation is applied.

in-out: soil gibbsite moles per compartment profile cumulated, mol.m-2, none,single, >=0

description: Total amount of gibbsite in the profile. Expressed as moles of Al.

in-out: soil gibbsite moles per unit mass, mol.kg-1, profile,single, >=0

description: Moles of Al (gibbsite) per unit mass of soil.

in-out: soil gibbsite moles per unit mass change due to bioturbation, mol.kg-1, profile,single, >=0

description: Change of gibbsite content induced by bioturbation.

in-out: soil gibbsite moles per unit mass change due to geochemistry, mol.kg-1, profile,single, >=0

description: Change of gibbsite content due to geochemistry during the time increment. It is note a rate.

in-out: soil gibbsite moles per unit mass change due to plowing, mol.kg-1, profile,single, >=0

description: Change in gibbsite content due to plowing.

in-out: soil gibbsite moles per unit mass rate of change due to chemical weathering, mol.kg-1.s-1, profile,single, none

description: Rate of change of gibbsite content due to the chemical weathering. Can be positive or negative. It is a rate.

in-out: soil grain size class mass per layer, kg.m-2, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Surfacic mass of soil grains in a soil layer centred on a grid node or in a finite element.

in-out: soil grain size class number per layer, number.m-2, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Number of grains of each class in a soil layer defined by two consecutive nodes of the finite difference grid or defined by an element of a finite element grid.

in-out: soil grain size class number per layer change due to bioturbation, number.m-2, profile,tagged_array

description: Change in number of grains in each size class due to mixing by bioturbation.

in-out: soil grain size class number per layer change due to chemical dispersion, number.m-2, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Change of the number of grains in each size class due to chemical dispersion and coagulation of clay particles.

in-out: soil grain size class number per layer change due to physical weathering, number.m-2, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Changes in the number of particles in the various soil grain size classes due to physical weathering of the materials. There are 11 grain classes in SoilGen, 1-5 refers to sand classes, 6 to 10 to silt classes, 11 to clay class.

in-out: soil grain size class number per layer change due to physical weathering cumulated, number.m-2, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Cumulated change of the number of soil grains in a layer centred on a finite difference node or within a finite element, in response to physical weathering.

in-out: soil grain size class number per layer change due to physical weathering daily cumulated, number.m-2, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Daily balance (+ increases and - diminishes) for the number of soil grains in a soil layer centred on a grid node or within a finite element, induced by physical weathering.

in-out: soil grain size class number per layer change due to physical weathering yearly, number.m-2, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Yearly balance (+ if increases and - if diminishes). Number of grains in a layer centred on a finite difference node or within a finite element.

in-out: soil grain size class number per layer change due to plowing, number.m-2, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Changes in the number of grains in each class size due to plowing.

in-out: soil grain size class number per layer change due to splash, number.m-2, surface,tagged_array, >=0

description: Changes in the number of grains in each size class due to the detachment of clay from the soil profile upper layer in response to impact of raindrops and splash.

in-out: soil heat energy flux density, W.m-2, profile,single

description: Heat flux calculated at grid nodes.

Anaee: soil heat energy flux density

in-out: soil hydraulic, NA, none,single

description: Flag variable, output of "soil hydraulic properties" process.

in-out: soil hydraulic conductivity, m.s-1, profile,single, none

description: Values of the soil hydraulic conductivity calculated at the grid nodes.

in-out: soil hydraulic conductivity internodal, m.s-1, profile,single, none

description: Internodal hydraulic conductivity

in-out: soil immobile solution diffusion length, m, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Effective diffusion length in immobile water regions. Depends on the aggregates classes considered. The variable account for the ratio between the immobile region volume and the area in contact with the mobile water.

in-out: soil immobile solution hydrolysis rate, mol.m-3.s-1, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Hydrolysis rate of Soil Organic Carbon into the soil immobile solution.

in-out: soil immobile solution solutes degradation rate, mol.m-3.s-1, profile,tagged_array, none

description: Degradation rate of molecules in immobile water.Unit is: kg.m-3.s-1 or mol.m-3.s-1 depending on the unit used for the concentrations.

in-out: soil immobile solution solutes desorption rate, mol.m-3.s-1, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Desorption rate of solutes on the solid phase in contact with the immobile liquide phase. Unit is: kg.m-3.s-1 or mol.m-3.s-1 depending on the unit used for the concentrations.

in-out: soil immobile solution solutes mass concentration, kg.m-3, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: These are the concentrations of the soil solution immobile water for all the dissolved species considered in a simulation.

in-out: soil immobile solution solutes mass concentration profile cumulated, kg.m-2, none,tagged_array, >=0

description: Amount of solutes contained in the immobile water (immobile concentration integrated over the profile). Unit is: kg.m-2

in-out: soil immobile solution solutes molar complexation rate, mol.m-3.s-1, profile,tagged_array, none

description: Sink - source terms for solutes speices in the immobile phase due to a complexation process.

in-out: soil immobile solution solutes molar concentration, mol.m-3, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: These are the concentrations of the soil solution immobile water for all the dissolved species considered in a simulation.

in-out: soil immobile solution solutes molar concentration profile cumulated, mol.m-2, none,tagged_array, >=0

description: This is the total amount of the solutes species contained in the immobile water of the profile.

in-out: soil immobile solution solutes sorbed concentration, kg.kg-1, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Sorbed concentrations for the soild in contact with the immobile water.

in-out: soil immobile solution solutes sorbed concentration profile cumulated, kg.m-2, none,tagged_array, >=0

description: Amount of solutes sorbed on the solid phase in contact with the immobile water. Unit is: kg.m-2

in-out: soil immobile solution solutes sorption rate, mol.m-3.s-1, profile,tagged_array, none

description: Sorption rate of solutes on the solid phase in contact with the immobile liquide phase. Unit is: kg.m-3.s-1 or mol.m-3.s-1 depending on the unit used for the concentrations.

in-out: soil immobile solution sorbed solutes degradation rate, mol.m-3.s-1, profile,tagged_array, none

description: Degradation rate of molecules sorbed on the solid phase in contact with the immobile solution. This term is intented for use in a transport or balance equation and as such the unit is : mol.m-3.s-1.

in-out: soil immobile solution sorbed solutes molar concentration, mol.kg-1, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Molar concentration of the sorbed solutes species in contact with the immobile water. Unit is: mol.kg-1 of dry soil.

in-out: soil immobile solution sorbed solutes molar concentration profile cumulated, mol.m-2, none,tagged_array, >=0

description: Amount of solutes species sorbed on the sites in contact with the immobile water phase for the whole profile.

in-out: soil immobile solution sorbed total DOC concentration, kg.kg-1, profile,single, >=0

description: Concentration in the immobile region of the total sorbed DOC (free sorbed DOC + sorbed DOC associated with pollutant). Unit: kg.kg-1 soil

in-out: soil immobile solution sorbed total pollutant concentration, kg.kg-1, profile,single, >=0

description: Concentration in the immobile region of the sorbed total pollutant (sorbed free pollutant + sorbed polluant associated with DOC). Unit: kg.kg-1 soil

in-out: soil immobile solution total DOC concentration, kg.m-3, profile,single, >=0

description: Concentration in the immobile solution of soil of total DOC (Free DOC + DOC associated with pollutant). Unit : kg.m-3

in-out: soil immobile solution total pollutant concentration, kg.m-3, profile,single, >=0

description: Concentration in the immobile soil solution of the total pollutant (free pollutant + pollutant associated to DOC). Unit : kg.m-3

in-out: soil immobile water volumetric content, m3.m-3, profile,single

description: Soil immobile water volumetric content.

Anaee: soil immobile water volumetric content

in-out: soil infiltrability minimum, m.s-1, none,single

description: Mimimun infiltration rate of the soil when it is saturated.

in-out: soil macropores water sink due to exchange with matrix, NA, profile,single, none

description: The sink term used in the KDW equation to account for water exchange between macro and microporosity. Unit is m.s-2 if the equation in the macropre domain has the flux as unknown and is m3.m-3.s-1 if the equation has the macropore water content as unknown.

in-out: soil macropores water volumetric content, m3.m-3, profile,single, >=0

description: Water content of the macropores.

in-out: soil macropores water volumetric flux density, m.s-1, profile,single, >=0

description: Water flux in the macroporosity.

in-out: soil macroporosity volumetric flux density minimum, m.s-1, none,single, >=0

description: Minimum of the maximum water flux densities calculated as function of depth (see variable soil macroporosity volumetric flux density maximum). Corresponds to macropores network infiltrability when the network is saturated.

in-out: soil matrix macropores water exchange rate, m3.m-3.s-1, profile,single, >=0

description: Exchange term for water between the soil matrix and the macropores.

in-out: soil mineral Nitrogen mass concentration, kg.kg-1, profile,single, >=0

description: Mineral N mass concentration (kgN / kd dry soil). Not to be used as an input of another process.

in-out: soil mineral fertilisation surfacic mass, kg.m-2, surface,tagged_array, >=0

description: Amount of solutes applied at soil surface as solid at the current time.

in-out: soil minerals mass, kg.m-2, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Mass of minerals in a compartment centred on a grid node or corresponding to a finite element.

in-out: soil minerals mass profile cumulated, kg.m-2, none,tagged_array, >=0

description: Mass of minerals cumulated for the whole profile.

in-out: soil minerals mass ratio, kg.kg-1, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Mass ratio of the various minerals considered in the soil.

in-out: soil minerals mass ratio change due to bioturbation, kg.kg-1, profile,tagged_array

description: Changes in soil minerals distribution due to bioturbation.

in-out: soil minerals mass ratio change due to geochemistry, kg.kg-1, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Variation of soil minerals amounts (calcite, gypsum, gibbsite) in response to the chemical equilibrium procedure acting within the geochemical process. These are amounts gained (positive) or lost (negative) during a time increment. Note that the time is not present in the unit.

in-out: soil minerals mass ratio change due to plowing, kg.kg-1, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Change of minerals mass ratio due to plowing.

in-out: soil mobile solution concentration change due to bioturbation, kg.m-3, profile,tagged_array

description: Change in concentration of the soil solution mobile water due to bioturbation for all the dissolved species considered in simulation.

in-out: soil mobile solution concentration change due to chemical weathering, mol.m-3, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Change in the concentrations of the soil mobile solution due to chemical weathering. This is not a rate. It is simply the difference between the concentration after the chemical weathering and before the chemical weathering. Unit is: mols.m-3 of solution.

in-out: soil mobile solution concentration change due to geochemistry, mol.m-3, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Concentration change in the mobile solution due to geochemical process. Note this not a rate but simply the difference between the concentration after and before the geochemistry processing.

in-out: soil mobile solution concentration change due to plowing, kg.m-3, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Change of concentrations of soil mobile water for all the dissolved species considered due to plowing. Warning: this is not a rate (time is not in the dimension).

in-out: soil mobile solution hydrolysis rate, mol.m-3.s-1, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Hydrolysis rate of molecules into the mobile solution.

in-out: soil mobile solution immobile solution solutes exchange rate, kg.m-3.s-1, profile,tagged_array, none

description: Rate of exchange of the solutes between the mobile and immobile soil solutions. A positive value indicates a gain for the mobile solution.

in-out: soil mobile solution immobile solution solutes exchange rate profile time cumulated, kg.m-2, none,tagged_array

description: Rate of exchange between the mobile and immobile water regions cumulated in time and depth.

in-out: soil mobile solution immobile solution solutes exchange rate time cumulated, kg.m-3, profile,tagged_array

description: Cumulatve amounts of solutes exchanged between the mobile and immobile solutions of the soil during the simulation. A positive value indicates a gain for the mobile solution.

in-out: soil mobile solution organic pollutant sink, mol.m-3.s-1, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Sorption term for organic pollutants in mobile water. Beware of the unit. The term will be used in the transport module.

in-out: soil mobile solution organic pollutant sink profile cumulated, mol.m-2.s-1, none,tagged_array

description: Organic pollutants sorption rate cumulated in the profile for the species in the mobile water.

in-out: soil mobile solution organic pollutant sink profile time cumulated, mol.m-2, none,tagged_array, >=0

description: Organic pollutants sorption rate integrated in time and cumulated in the profile for species in the mobile phase.

in-out: soil mobile solution organic pollutant source, mol.m-3.s-1, profile,tagged_array

description: Source term in the mobile solution for organic pollutants.

in-out: soil mobile solution organic pollutant source profile cumulated, kg.m-2.s-1, none,tagged_array

description: Source term in the mobile solution for organic pollutants cumulated for the soil profile.

in-out: soil mobile solution organic pollutant source profile time cumulated, kg.m-2, none,tagged_array

description: Organic pollutant source term for the mobile solution integrated over the soil profile and cumulated in time.

in-out: soil mobile solution rate of concentration change due to chemical weathering, mol.m-3.s-1, profile,tagged_array, none

description: Rate of change in the concentrations of the soil mobile solution due to chemical weathering.

in-out: soil mobile solution sink source rate due to aqueous gaseous exchanges, mol.m-3.s-1, profile,tagged_array, none

description: Sink-source term for the soil solution, related to physico-chemical equilibrium between gaseous, aqueous and solid phases. Note: Includes dissociation.

in-out: soil mobile solution solutes degradation rate, mol.m-3.s-1, profile,tagged_array, none

description: Degradation rate of molecules in liquid mobile phase. Unit is: kg.m-3.s-1 or mol.m-3.s-1 depending on the unit used for the concentrations.

in-out: soil mobile solution solutes degradation rate profile cumulated, mol.m-2.s-1, none,tagged_array

description: Degradation rate of molecules in solution cumulated over the profile. Unit is: kg.m-2.s-1 or mol.m-2.s-1 depending on the unit used for the concentrations.

in-out: soil mobile solution solutes degradation rate profile time cumulated, mol.m-2, none,tagged_array

description: Amount of molecules in soil solution degraded. It is the cumulated amount since the start of the simulation for the whole profile. Unit is: kg.m-2 or mol.m-2 depending on the unit used for the concentrations.

in-out: soil mobile solution solutes desorption rate, mol.m-3.s-1, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Desorption rate of solutes on the solid phase in contact with the mobile liquide phase. Unit is: kg.m-3.s-1 or mol.m-3.s-1 depending on the unit used for the concentrations.

in-out: soil mobile solution solutes mass concentration, kg.m-3, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: These are the concentrations of the soil solution mobile water for all the dissolved species considered in a simulation. The solutes must be chosen within a list of species provided by the platform. When building a model or running it, the list of selected solutes must be compatible with the list of solutes that can be slected by modules simulating other processes such as uptake by roots, decomposition of organic matter, leaching of a mulch, etc.

in-out: soil mobile solution solutes mass concentration profile cumulated, kg.m-2, none,tagged_array, >=0

description: Amount of solutes contained in the mobile water (mobile water concentration integrated over the profile). Unit is: kg.m-2.

in-out: soil mobile solution solutes molar complexation rate, mol.m-3.s-1, profile,tagged_array, none

description: Sink-source terms for solutes in the mobile solution due to a complexation process.

in-out: soil mobile solution solutes molar concentration, mol.m-3, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: These are the concentrations of the soil solution mobile water for all the dissolved species considered in a simulation. Unit is mol.m-3

in-out: soil mobile solution solutes molar concentration profile cumulated, mol.m-2, none,tagged_array, >=0

description: This is the total amount of the solutes species in the mobile water of the soil profile.

in-out: soil mobile solution solutes molar sink due to geochemistry, mol.m-3.s-1, profile,tagged_array, none

description: Source terms induced by geochemical processes for the solutes species considered. Unit could be mol.m-3.s-1 or mol.kg-1.s-1.

in-out: soil mobile solution solutes molar source due to geochemistry, mol.m-3.s-1, profile,tagged_array, none

description: Source terms induced by geochemical processes for the solutes species considered. Unit could be mol.m-3.s-1 or mol.kg-1.s-1.

in-out: soil mobile solution solutes sorbed concentration, kg.kg-1, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Concentration sorbed on the solide phase in contact with the mobile water.

in-out: soil mobile solution solutes sorbed concentration profile cumulated, kg.m-2, none,tagged_array, >=0

description: Amounts of solutes sorbed on the solid phases in contact with mobile water. Integrated on the soil profile. Unit is: kg.m-2.

in-out: soil mobile solution solutes sorption rate, mol.m-3.s-1, profile,tagged_array, none

description: Sorption rate of solutes on the solid phase in contact with the mobile liquide phase. Unit is: kg.m-3.s-1 or mol.m-3.s-1 depending on the unit used for the concentrations.

in-out: soil mobile solution sorbed solutes degradation rate, mol.m-3.s-1, profile,tagged_array, none

description: Degradation rate of molecules sorbed on the solid phase in contact with the mobile solution. This term is intented for use in a transport or balance equation and as such the unit is : mol.m-3.s-1.

in-out: soil mobile solution sorbed solutes molar concentration, mol.kg-1, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Molar concentration of the sorbed solutes species in contact with the mobile water.

in-out: soil mobile solution sorbed solutes molar concentration profile cumulated, mol.m-2, none,tagged_array, >=0

description: Amount of solutes species sorbed on the sites in contact with the mobile phase for the whole profile.

in-out: soil mobile solution sorbed total DOC concentration, kg.kg-1, profile,single, >=0

description: Concentration in the mobile region of the total sorbed DOC (free sorbed DOC + sorbed DOC associated with pollutant). Unit: kg.kg-1 soil

in-out: soil mobile solution sorbed total pollutant concentration, kg.kg-1, profile,single, >=0

description: Concentration in the mobile region of the total sorbed pollutant (free sorbed pollutant + sorbed pollutant associated with DOC). Unit: kg.kg-1 soil

in-out: soil mobile solution strongly sorbed colloids desorption rate, kg.kg-1.s-1, profile,tagged_array, none

description: Detachment rate for strongly sorbed colloids.

in-out: soil mobile solution strongly sorbed colloids mass concentration, kg.kg-1, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Stronly sorbed colloids concentration in contact with mobile water. Means that the colloids return slowly or even not at all to the solution. Is opposed to the weakly sorbed colloids concentration.

in-out: soil mobile solution strongly sorbed colloids mass concentration profile cumulated, kg.m-2, none,tagged_array, >=0

description: Amount of colloids sorbed on the "strongly sorbing" sites for the whole profile. Unit is: kg.

in-out: soil mobile solution strongly sorbed colloids sorption rate, kg.kg-1.s-1, profile,tagged_array, none

description: Rate of sorption of colloids on "strongly sorbing" sites.

in-out: soil mobile solution total DOC concentration, kg.m-3, profile,single, >=0

description: Concentration in the mobile soil solution of the total DOC (Free DOC + DOC associated with pollutant). Unit : kg.m-3

in-out: soil mobile solution total pollutant concentration, kg.m-3, profile,single, >=0

description: Concentration in the mobile soil solution of the total pollutant (free pollutant + pollutant associated with DOC). Unit : kg.m-3

in-out: soil mobile solution weakly sorbed colloids desorption rate, kg.kg-1.s-1, profile,tagged_array, none

description: Weakly sorbed colloids detachment rate.

in-out: soil mobile solution weakly sorbed colloids mass concentration, kg.kg-1, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Weakly sorbed colloids concentration in contact with mobile water. Means that the colloids can return to the solution relatively easily. Is opoposed to the strongly sorbed colloids.

in-out: soil mobile solution weakly sorbed colloids mass concentration profile cumulated, kg.m-2, none,tagged_array, >=0

description: Amount of colloids sorbed on the "weakly sorbing" sites for the whole profile. Unit is: kg.

in-out: soil mobile solution weakly sorbed colloids sorption rate, kg.kg-1.s-1, profile,tagged_array, none

description: Deposition rate of colloids for the sites with "weak sorption".

in-out: soil mobile water volumetric content, m3.m-3, profile,single

description: Soil mobile water volumetric content.

Anaee: soil mobile water volumetric content

in-out: soil mulch temperature, K, surface,single, >=0

description: This is the temperature of the mulch.

Anaee: soil mulch temperature

in-out: soil mulch water volumetric flux density, m.s-1, surface,single

description: Water flux from the soil to the mulch during evaporation periods.

in-out: soil mulch water volumetric flux density time cumulated, m, surface,single, none

description: Cumulated amount of water exchanged between the soil and the mulch in contact with it. It corresponds to a flux of water from the soil to the mulch.

in-out: soil nitrification rate, kg.m-3.s-1, profile,single, none

description: Nitrification rate. Unit is kgN.m-3.s-1

in-out: soil nitrification rate profile cumulated, kg.m-2.s-1, none,single, none

description: Nitrification rate integrated over the profile. Unit is: kgN.m-2.s-1

in-out: soil nitrification rate profile time cumulated, kg.m-2, none,single, >=0

description: Nitrification rate integrated over the profile and cumulated in time. Unit is: kgN.m-2.

in-out: soil nitrogen humification rate, kg.m-3.s-1, profile,single, none

description: Nitrogen humification rate. Unit is kgN.m-3.s-1.

in-out: soil nitrogen humification rate profile cumulated, kg.m-2.s-1, none,single, none

description: Nitrogen humification rate integrated over the profile. Unit is: kgN.m-2.s-1.

in-out: soil nitrogen humification rate profile time cumulated, kg.m-2, none,single, >=0

description: Nitrogen humification rate integrated over the profile and in time. Unit is: kgN.m-2.

in-out: soil nitrogen immobilisation rate, kg.m-3.s-1, profile,single, none

description: Nitrogen gross immobilisation rate related to organic matter decomposition. Unit is kg.m-3.s-1.

in-out: soil nitrogen immobilisation rate profile cumulated, kg.m-2.s-1, none,single, none

description: Nitrogen immobilisation rate integrated over the profile. Unit is: kg.m-2.s-1.

in-out: soil nitrogen immobilisation rate profile time cumulated, kg.m-2, none,single, >=0

description: Nitrogen immobilisation rate integrated over the profile and in time. Nitrogen immobilisation means nitrogen incorporated into bacterial or fungi decomposing organic matter. Unit is: kgN.m-2.

in-out: soil organic carbon exchangeable cations charge concentration, mol+.kg-1, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Charge concentration of the exchangeable cations associated with organic carbon.

in-out: soil organic carbon exchangeable cations charge concentration change due to bioturbation, mol+.kg-1, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Changes in charge concentration profile of exchangeable cations associated with organic carbon induced by bioturbation (mixing more or less important of surface layers and exto-organic layer). Note this is not a rate (time is not present in unit).

in-out: soil organic carbon exchangeable cations charge concentration change due to plowing, mol+.kg-1, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Changes in charge concentration profile of exchangeable cations associated with organic carbon induced by plowing (mixing more or less important of surface layers and exto-organic layer). Note this is not a rate (time not present in unit).

in-out: soil organic carbon mass, kg.m-2, profile,single, >=0

description: Mass of organic carbon in a layer centred on a grid node and with a thickness corresponding to the half distance with neighbour nodes.

in-out: soil organic carbon mass change due to bioturbation, kg.m-2, profile,single

description: Changes in the mass of the organic carbon in soil layers centred on a grid node or corresponding to a finite element. Unit is kg of carbon per m2.

in-out: soil organic carbon mass change due to plowing, kg.m-2, profile,single, >=0

description: Change in mass of organic Carbon due to plowing. The mass of carbon corresponds to the mass inside a layer centred on a node of the finite difference grid or to the mass inside a finite element. Unit is kg of carbon per m2.

in-out: soil organic carbon mass percentage, %, profile,single, >=0

description: Mass percentage of organic carbon in the soil profile.

in-out: soil organic carbon mass ratio, kg.kg-1, profile,single, >=0

description: Mass ratio of organic carbon in the soil profile.

in-out: soil organic carbon volumetric percentage, %, profile,single, >=0

description: Volume percentage of soil occupied by organic carbon.

in-out: soil organic fertilizer incorporation depth, m, none,single, >=0

description: It is the depth of incorporation of the organic fertilizer.

in-out: soil organic fertilizer pah surfacic mass, kg.m-2, surface,tagged_array, >=0

description: Mass of PAH contained in the organic fertilizer applied. Unit is kg of PAH per m2 of soil.

in-out: soil organic fertilizer pah surfacic mass time cumulated, kg.m-2, surface,tagged_array, >=0

description: Total amount of PAH applied with the organic fertilizer.

in-out: soil organic fertilizer pools carbon mass ratio, kg.kg-1, surface,tagged_array, >=0

description: It is the amount of carbon per unit mass of dry matter in the pools of the organic fertilizer added. Unit is mass of carbon per mass of dry matter.

in-out: soil organic fertilizer pools nitrogen to carbon mass ratio, kg.kg-1, surface,tagged_array, >=0

description: It is the N/C ratio of the various organic matter pools in the organic fertilizer added.

in-out: soil organic fertilizer pools surfacic mass, kg.m-2, surface,tagged_array, >=0

description: Amount of organic matter applied at soil surface for each pool.

in-out: soil organic fertilizer pools surfacic mass time cumulated, kg.m-2, none,tagged_array, >=0

description: Total amount of organic fertilizer applied to the soil.

in-out: soil organic fertilizer pools water soluble fraction, ratio0-1, surface,tagged_array, ratio0-1

description: This is the fraction of the pool that is water soluble. This variable is meaningful for the RDM pool and with the objective that the soluble part of the pool can be leached by rains or irrigations when residues are left at soil surface.

in-out: soil organic matter biomass pool associated elements concentration, mol.m-3, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Chemical species associated with the BIO (microbial) organic matter pools of ROTHC. Unit is: moles of element per unit volume of soil.

in-out: soil organic matter biomass pool associated elements concentration change due to bioturbation, mol.m-3, profile,tagged_array

description: Concentration change of the chemical species associated with the BIO organic matter pools of ROTHC due to mixing by biological activities.

in-out: soil organic matter biomass pool associated elements concentration change due to plowing, mol.m-3, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Concentration change for the chemical elements associated with the BIO organic matter pool of ROTHC due to plowing.

in-out: soil organic matter biomass pool associated elements concentration profile cumulated, mol.m-2, none,tagged_array, >=0

description: Amount of chemical elements contained in the biomass pool for the whole profile.

in-out: soil organic matter dpm pool associated elements concentration, mol.m-3, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Concentrations of the chemical species associated with the DPM (Decomposable Plant Material) organic matter pools of ROTHC. Unit is: moles of element per unit volume of soil.

in-out: soil organic matter dpm pool associated elements concentration change due to bioturbation, mol.m-3, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Concentration change of the chemical species associated with the DPM (Decomposable Plant Material) pool of ROTHC due to bioturbation.

in-out: soil organic matter dpm pool associated elements concentration change due to plowing, mol.m-3, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Concentration change of the chemical species associated with the DPM (Decomposable Plant Material) pool of ROTHC due to plowing.

in-out: soil organic matter dpm pool associated elements concentration profile cumulated, mol.m-2, none,tagged_array, >=0

description: Amount of chemical elements contained in the Decomposable Plant Material pool for the whole profile.

in-out: soil organic matter gas consumption rate, mol.m-3.s-1, profile,tagged_array

description: Gazeous species consumption induced by organic matter decomposition.

in-out: soil organic matter gas consumption rate profile cumulated, mol.m-2.s-1, none,tagged_array, none

description: Rate of gas consumption by organic matter transformations integrated over the profile. Unit is: mol.m-2.s-1

in-out: soil organic matter gas consumption rate profile time cumulated, mol.m-2, none,tagged_array, >=0

description: Rate of gas consumption by organic matter transformations integrated over the profile and in time. Unit is: mol.m-2

in-out: soil organic matter gas production rate, mol.m-3.s-1, profile,tagged_array

description: Production of gazeous species by the organic matter transformations..

in-out: soil organic matter humus pool associated elements concentration, mol.m-3, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Concentrations of the chemical species associated with the HUMUS (humus) organic matter pools of ROTHC. Unit is: moles of element per unit volume of soil.

in-out: soil organic matter humus pool associated elements concentration change due to bioturbation, mol.m-3, profile,tagged_array

description: Concentration change of the chemical species associated with the HUMUS (Humus) pool of ROTHC due to bioturbation.

in-out: soil organic matter humus pool associated elements concentration change due to plowing, mol.m-3, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Concentration change of the chemical species associated with the HUMUS (Humus) pool of ROTHC due to plowing.

in-out: soil organic matter humus pool associated elements concentration profile cumulated, mol.m-2, none,tagged_array, >=0

description: Amount of chemical elements contained in the humus pool for the whole profile.

in-out: soil organic matter inert pool associated elements concentration, mol.m-3, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Chemical species associated with the IOM (Inert Organic Material) organic matter pools of ROTHC. Unit is: moles of element per unit volume of soil.

in-out: soil organic matter inert pool associated elements concentration change due to bioturbation, mol.m-3, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Concentration change of the chemical species associated with the INERT (Inert organic matter) pool of ROTHC due to bioturbation.

in-out: soil organic matter inert pool associated elements concentration change due to plowing, mol.m-3, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Concentration change of the chemical species associated with the INERT (Inert organic matter) pool of ROTHC due to plowing.

in-out: soil organic matter pools C13 isotopic excess, NA, profile,tagged_array, none

description: This the isotopic excess for 13C of the various organic matter pools.

in-out: soil organic matter pools C13 mass ratio, kg.kg-1, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: This the 13C amount in the organic matter pools. Unit is kgC/kg of soil.

in-out: soil organic matter pools C14labelled mass, kg.m-2, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Mass of carbon 14 organic matter pools in compartments centred on a grid node.

in-out: soil organic matter pools C14labelled mass change due to bioturbation, kg.m-2, profile,tagged_array

description: Mass variation of the C14labelled organic matter pools induced by the bioturbation. The mass is for a soil compartment centred on a grid node.

in-out: soil organic matter pools C14labelled mass change due to plowing, kg.m-2, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Changes in the mass of the organic matter pools with Carbon-14 due to plowing. Note that it not a rate (time is not present in unit). The mass correspond to a soil compartment centred on a node.

in-out: soil organic matter pools C14labelled mass change due to slash and burn, kg.m-2, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Change in organic matter C14 pools mass due to slash and burn. Note that it is not a rate (time not present in unit).

in-out: soil organic matter pools C14labelled mass ratio, kg.kg-1, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Mass ratio (kgC/kg soil) for the C14labelled organic matter pools.

in-out: soil organic matter pools C14labelled mass ratio change due to deposition, kg.kg-1, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Mass ratio of the C14 labelled organic matter pools in the layer of soil deposited at the soil surface.

in-out: soil organic matter pools N15 isotopic excess, NA, profile,tagged_array

description: This the isotopic excess of 15N for the various organic matter pools

in-out: soil organic matter pools N15 mass ratio, kg.kg-1, profile,tagged_array

description: This the 15N amount in the organic matter pools. Unit is kgN/kg of soil.

in-out: soil organic matter pools NCratio, kg.kg-1, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: This variable corresponds to the N/C ratios of the various organic matter pools.

in-out: soil organic matter pools carbon mass ratio, kg.kg-1, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Amount of carbon in the pools used to describe the organic matter. Unit is: kg of organic C / kg of dry soil.

in-out: soil organic matter pools carbon mass ratio profile cumulated, kg.m-2, none,tagged_array, >=0

description: Amount of carbon in the pools used to describe the organic matter for the whole profile. Unit is: kgC/m2

in-out: soil organic matter pools change due to deposition, kg.kg-1, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Change in organic matter composition and distribution in soil profile due to deposition.

in-out: soil organic matter pools change due to erosion, kg.kg-1, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Change in organic matter composition and distribution in soil profile due to erosion.

in-out: soil organic matter pools decomposition rate, kg.kg-1.s-1, profile,tagged_array

description: Organic matter pools decomposition rate.

in-out: soil organic matter pools decomposition rate temperature factor daily average, NA, profile,single, none

description: It is the daily average of the soil temperature dependant factor that multiplies the organic matter pool reference decomposition rate to get the real decomposition rate. Variable "ma" in ROTHC for example.

in-out: soil organic matter pools decomposition rate water factor daily average, NA, profile,single, >=0

description: It is the daily average of the water availibility dependant factor that multiplies the organic matter pool reference decomposition rate to get the real decomposition rate. Variable "mb" in ROTHC for example.

in-out: soil organic matter pools input mass time cumulated, kg.m-2, none,single, >=0

description: Total amount of organic matter added to the soil profile. This excludes the amount left at soil surface.

in-out: soil organic matter pools mass change due to bioturbation, kg.m-2, profile,tagged_array

description: Mass variation induced by bioturbation for the organic matter pools. The mass is defined as the mass of the pool in a compartment centred on a grid node.

in-out: soil organic matter pools mass change due to bioturbation time cumulated, kg.m-2, profile,tagged_array

description: Mass change of the organic matter pools induced by bioturbation and cumulated in time. The mass is the mass of the pool in a compartment centred on a grid node.

in-out: soil organic matter pools mass change due to plowing, kg.m-2, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Organic matter pools mass change induced by soil tillage. The mass is the mass of the pool in a compartment centred on a grid node.

in-out: soil organic matter pools mass change due to slash and burn, kg.m-2, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Changes in the masses of the organic matter pools induced by the "slash and burn" process. The masses are for soil compartments centred on a grid node.

in-out: soil organic matter pools mass in compartment, kg.m-2, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Mass of organic matter pools in soil layers centred on grid nodes or corredponding to a finite element.

in-out: soil organic matter pools mass ratio rate of change due to mulch decomposition, kg.kg-1.s-1, profile,tagged_array

description: Changes in soil organic matter pools due to mulch decomposition. This variable must be produced by a module simulating mulch decomposition and can be used by a module simulating organic matter transformations in the soil, provided that the two modules use the same definition of the pools. Unit is: kgC/kgsoil/s

in-out: soil organic matter pools mass ratio rate of change due to mulch decomposition profile time cumulated, kg.m-2, none,tagged_array, >=0

description: This is the cumulative changes applied to the soil organic matter pools due to the decomposition of the mulch. For example the mulch decomposition in interaction with the soil leads to an increase of the stable organic matter pools of the soil close to the soil surface. The unit is kgC/m2.

in-out: soil organic matter pools net mineral nitrogen flux, kg.kg-1.s-1, profile,single

description: This is the net flux of mineral N resulting from the decomposition of the organic matter. Unit is kg of N per kg of Soil

in-out: soil organic matter pools net mineral nitrogen flux time cumulated, kg.kg-1, profile,single

description: This is the net nitrogen flux induced by organic matter pools decomposition. It is defined as: mineralisation flux - humification flux - immobilisation flux. Warning: unit is mg N / kg dry soil.

in-out: soil organic matter pools nitrogen mass ratio, kg.kg-1, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: This is the N amount in the various organic matter pools that can be used to describe the organic matter. Unit is: kg of organic N / kg of dry soil.

in-out: soil organic matter pools nitrogen mass ratio profile cumulated, kg.m-2, none,tagged_array, >=0

description: Amount of nitrogen contained in the organic matter pools integrated over the profile. Unit is: kg of N.m-2

in-out: soil organic matter rpm pool associated elements concentration, mol.m-3, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Concentrations of the chemical species associated with the RPM (Recalcitrant Plant Material) organic matter pools of ROTHC. Unit is: moles of element per unit volume of soil.

in-out: soil organic matter rpm pool associated elements concentration change due to bioturbation, mol.m-3, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Concentration change of the chemical species associated with the RPM (Recalcitrant Plant Material) pool of ROTHC due to bioturbation.

in-out: soil organic matter rpm pool associated elements concentration change due to plowing, mol.m-3, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Concentration change of the chemical species associated with the RPM (Recalcitrant Plant Material) pool of ROTHC due to plowing.

in-out: soil organic matter rpm pool associated elements concentration profile cumulated, mol.m-2, none,tagged_array, >=0

description: Amount of chemical elements contained in the Recalcitrant Plant Material pool for the whole profile.

in-out: soil organic matter solutes consumption rate, mol.m-3.s-1, profile,tagged_array, none

description: These are the rates of solutes consumption due to organic matter decomposition. The terms are intended to be used in a module carrying out the balance for the solutes.

in-out: soil organic matter solutes consumption rate profile cumulated, kg.m-2.s-1, none,tagged_array

description: Rates of solutes consumption induced by organic matter transformations integrated over the soil profile. Unit is: kg.m-2.s-1

in-out: soil organic matter solutes consumption rate profile time cumulated, kg.m-2, none,tagged_array

description: Rates of solutes consumptions by organic matter transformations integrated over the profile and in time. Unit is: kg.m-2

in-out: soil organic matter solutes production rate, mol.m-3.s-1, profile,tagged_array, none

description: These are the rates of solutes production by organic matter decomposition. The terms are intended to be used in a module carrying out the balance for the solutes.

in-out: soil organic matter solutes production rate profile cumulated, mol.m-2.s-1, none,tagged_array, >=0

description: Rates of solutes productions by organic matter transformations integrated over the soil profile.

in-out: soil organic matter solutes production rate profile time cumulated, mol.m-2, none,tagged_array, >=0

description: Rates of solutes productions by organic matter transformations integrated over the soil profile and in time.

in-out: soil organic nitrogen mineralisation rate, kg.m-3.s-1, profile,single, none

description: Gross rate of organic nitrogen mineralisation. Unit is: kgN.m-3.s-1

in-out: soil organic nitrogen mineralisation rate profile cumulated, kg.m-2.s-1, none,single

description: Nitrogen mineralisation rate integrated over the soil profile. Unit is: kgN.m-2.s-1.

in-out: soil organic nitrogen mineralisation rate profile time cumulated, kg.m-2, none,single

description: Nitrogen mineralisation rate integrated of the profile and in time. Unit is: kgN.m-2

in-out: soil pah compost to mobile solution exchange rate, kg.m-3.s-1, profile,tagged_array

description: Sink/source terms for PAH exchange between the compost and the soil solution.

in-out: soil pah compost to mobile solution exchange rate profile cumulated, kg.m-2.s-1, none,tagged_array

description: Flux of organic pollutant (PAH) from the compost to the soil solution integrated over the profile.

in-out: soil pah compost to mobile solution exchange rate profile time cumulated, kg.m-2, none,tagged_array, >=0

description: Flux of organic pollutant from the compost to the soil solution integrated over the profile and cumulated in time.

in-out: soil pah compost to solution exchange rate, kg.m-3.s-1, profile,tagged_array, none

description: Sink/source terms for PAH exchange between the compost and the soil solution.

in-out: soil pah compost to solution exchange rate profile cumulated, kg.m-2.s-1, none,tagged_array, none

description: Sink/source terms for PAH exchange between the compost and the soil solution cumulated for the soil profile.

in-out: soil pah compost to solution exchange rate profile time cumulated, kg.m-2, none,tagged_array, >=0

description: Sink/source terms for PAH exchange between the compost and the soil solution cumulated for the soil profile since the start of the simulation.

in-out: soil pah compost to strong sorption sites exchange rate, kg.kg-1.s-1, profile,tagged_array

description: Flux of organic pollutants (PAH in particular) from the compost compartment to the strongly sorption compartment. Unit is: kg.kg(soil)-1.s-1

in-out: soil pah compost to strong sorption sites exchange rate profile cumulated, kg.m-2.s-1, none,tagged_array

description: Flux of organic pollutant from the compost to the strongly sorbed sites integrated over the profile.

in-out: soil pah compost to strong sorption sites exchange rate profile time cumulated, kg.m-2, none,tagged_array

description: Flux of organic pollutant from the compost to the strongly sorbed sites integrated over the profile and cumulated in time.

in-out: soil pah mass concentration, kg.kg-1, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Massic concentration of organic pollutants in soil. Unit is kg of pollutant per kg of soil.

in-out: soil pah metabolites mass concentration, kg.kg-1, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: The PAH-metabolite massic concentration. Metabolites are produced through the biodegradation process.

in-out: soil pah metabolites mass concentration profile cumulated, kg.m-2, none,tagged_array, >=0

description: Total quantity of PAH metabolites in the soil profile.

in-out: soil pah non extractible mass concentration, kg.kg-1, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Total amount of non extractible PAH. It corresponds to the sum of the biologically bounded residues and of the strongly sorbed residues.

in-out: soil pah non extractible mass concentration profile cumulated, kg.m-2, none,tagged_array, >=0

description: Total amount of non extractible PAH in the soil profile.

in-out: soil pah residues biological bound, kg.kg-1, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Non extractable residues (NER) formed by microbiological processes and bounded to the biomass.

in-out: soil pah residues biological bound profile cumulated, kg.m-2, none,tagged_array, >=0

description: Amount of PAH residues bounded to biomass for the whome profile.

in-out: soil pah strong sites sorbed concentration profile cumulated, kg.m-2, none,tagged_array, >=0

description: Strongly sorbed concentration cumulated on the soil profile.

in-out: soil pah strongly sorbed, kg.kg-1, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Concentration of pollutant strongly sorbed on matrix of soil.

in-out: soil pah weak sites sorbed concentration profile cumulated, kg.m-2, none,tagged_array, >=0

description: Weakly sorbed concentration cumulated on the soil profile.

in-out: soil pah weak sites to strong sites exchange rate, kg.kg-1.s-1, profile,tagged_array

description: Exchange rate between the weakly sorbed compartment and the strongly sorbed one.

in-out: soil pah weakly sorbed, kg.kg-1, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Concentration of pollutant weakly sorbed on soil matrix.

in-out: soil particles mass change due to bioturbation, kg.m-2, profile,tagged_array

description: Changes of the mass of particles in layers centred on a grid node or corresponding to a finite element, due to bioturbation.

in-out: soil particles mass change due to chemical dispersion, kg.m-2, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Change of the mass of soil particles in a layer resulting from the chemical dispersion process.

in-out: soil particles mass change due to chemical dispersion time cumulated, kg.m-2, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Change of the mass of soil particles resulting from the chemical dispersion process. This value is for a compartment and integrated in time.

in-out: soil particles mass change due to plowing, kg.m-2, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Changes induced by plowing for the mass of particles in a soil layer centred on a grid node or corresponding to a finite element. Particles belong to several classes.

in-out: soil particles mass percentage, %, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Mass distribution of soil particles. It is the mass percentage of soil corresponding to a given class of particles.

in-out: soil particles mass profile cumulated, kg.m-2, none,tagged_array, >=0

description: Mass of particles contained in the soil profile.

in-out: soil particles surfacic mass, kg.m-2, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Mass of soil particles in a layer defined by two consecutive grid nodes or by a finite element.

in-out: soil particles volumetric percentage, %, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Volumic percentage occupied by each class of soil particles.

in-out: soil pore volume per volume, m3.m-3, profile,single

description: Porosity of the soil profile at grid nodes.

Anaee: soil porosity

in-out: soil pore volumetric content class, ratio0-1, profile,tagged_array, ratio0-1

description: Contains the fraction of each pore class defined in "pore sizes" variable. At any depth the sum must be equal to 1. Should be provided by the "soil structure" process.

Anaee: soil pore size

in-out: soil residual water volumetric content, m3.m-3, profile,single, none

description: Residual volumetric water content used in the retention curve and in the hydraulic conductivity curve. Can be simply read or calculated by pedotransfer functions. Can change in time.

in-out: soil root solutes molar uptake rate, mol.m-3.s-1, profile,tagged_array

description: Actual sink terms for all the solute species concerned by roots uptake. The columns of the array must respect the order defined by the list "crop solutes names".

in-out: soil root zone water amount, m, none,single, none

description: Water amount in the rooting zone.

in-out: soil sand mass percentage, %, profile,single, >=0

description: Mass percentage of sand in the soil. Unit is kg of sand per kg of soil.

in-out: soil saturated hydraulic conductivity, m.s-1, profile,single, >0

description: Saturated hydraulic conductivity calculated by or given to the hydraulic properties module. This value can be simply read or can be calculated by pedotransfer functions and can be changing in time.

in-out: soil saturated hydraulic conductivity change due to tillage, m.s-1, layer,single, none

description: Change in the saturated hydrauilic conductivity in relation with soil tillage and rain amount received.

in-out: soil saturated water volumetric content, m3.m-3, profile,single, >0

description: Saturated water content used in the retention curve and in the hydraulic conductivity curve. Can be simply read or calculated by pedotransfer functions. Can change in time.

in-out: soil saturation index, ratio0-1, profile,single, ratio0-1

description: Saturation index as function of depth.

Anaee: soil saturation index

in-out: soil saturation index cell, ratio0-1, profile,single, ratio0-1

description: Soil saturation (volume of water / volume of voids) in a cell.

in-out: soil sensible heat energy flux density, W.m-2, surface,single

description: Sensible heat flux at the soil surface. It can be calculated by a surface energy balance module.

in-out: soil silt mass percentage, %, profile,single, >=0

description: Mass percentage of silt in the soil profile.

in-out: soil slow sites sorbed pesticides desorption rate, kg.kg-1.s-1, profile,tagged_array

description: This is the rate pesticides are desorbed from the "slow sorption" compartment of the soil matrix. Unit kg.kg-1.s-1.

in-out: soil slow sites sorbed pesticides mass concentration, kg.kg-1, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Corresponds to pesticides sorbed on the "slow sites" of the soil matrix. At each depth the variable can contain the concentrations for several pesticides. Pesticide names are defined in the module describing pesticides fate and in the module simulating transport. This variable should be an output of the transport module and an input of a pesticide fate module.

in-out: soil slow sites sorbed pesticides mass concentration profile cumulated, kg.m-2, none,tagged_array, >=0

description: Total amount of pesticides sorbed on the "slow sites" in the profile.

in-out: soil slow sites sorbed pesticides sorption rate, kg.kg-1.s-1, profile,tagged_array

description: This is the rate pesticides are sorbed on to the "slow sites" compartment. Unit kg.kg-1.s-1.

in-out: soil solid bulk density, kg.m-3, profile,single, >=0

description: Bulk density of the solid phase.

Anaee: soil solid density

in-out: soil solutes amount, kg.m-2, none,tagged_array

description: Total quantity of solutes in the soil profile. Includes dissolved and sorbed solutes. Unit is kg of solutes per m2 of soil or moles of solutes per m2 of soil.

in-out: soil solution clay exchangeable cations charge concentration, mol+.m-3, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: The charge concentration of the clay exchangeable cations in the soil solution. Corresponds to cations adsorbed on the clay particles that are in the soil solution and not fixed on the solid phase.

in-out: soil solution clay exchangeable cations charge concentration profile cumulated, mol+.m-2, none,tagged_array, >=0

description: Total amount of charges for the exchangeable cations sorbed on clay particles that are suspended in the soil solution. Obtained by suming the charges related to a sorbed cation for the whole profile.

in-out: soil solution colloids mass concentration, kg.m-3, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Concentration of colloids in the soil solution. To be used when there is no distinction between mobile and immobile water.

in-out: soil solution colloids mass concentration profile cumulated, kg.m-2, none,tagged_array, >=0

description: Total amount of colloids in the solution. Accounts for colloids in mobile water and colloids in immobile water.

in-out: soil solution degradation rate, mol.m-3.s-1, profile,tagged_array, none

description: Degradation rate for the whole soil solution. Use it as such or as the sum of the degradation rates in the various compartments of the solution if needed.

in-out: soil solution degradation rate profile cumulated, mol.m-2.s-1, none,tagged_array, none

description: Degradation rate for the whole soil solution and cumulated for the whole soil profile.

in-out: soil solution degradation rate profile time cumulated, mol.m-2, none,tagged_array, >=0

description: Degradation rate for the whole soil solution, cumulated for the whole soil profile and cumulated in time.

in-out: soil solution denitrification rate, mol.m-3.s-1, profile,single

description: This is the rate of nitrate consumption by the denitrifying microbial biomass

Anaee: soil solution denitrification rate

in-out: soil solution denitrification rate profile cumulated, kg.m-2.s-1, none,single

description: This is the rate of nitrate consumption by the denitrifying microbial biomass integrated on the profile

in-out: soil solution hydrolysis rate profile cumulated, mol.m-2.s-1, none,tagged_array, none

description: Hydrolysis rate of molecules into the whole soil solution and for the whole soil profile.

in-out: soil solution hydrolysis rate profile time cumulated, mol.m-2, none,tagged_array, >=0

description: Hydrolysis rate of molecules into the whole soil solution, for the whole soil profile and cumulated in time.

in-out: soil solution ionic strength, mol.m-3, profile,single, >=0

description: Ionic strength of the soil solution.

Anaee: soil solution ionic strength

in-out: soil solution organic pollutant desorption rate, kg.m-3.s-1, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Source of organic pollutant for the soil solution due to release from the sorption sites. Will be used in modules for transport and balance of the pollutant.

in-out: soil solution organic pollutant desorption rate profile cumulated, kg.m-2.s-1, none,tagged_array, >=0

description: Desorption rate of organic pollutants cumulated for the soil profile.

in-out: soil solution organic pollutant desorption rate profile time cumulated, kg.m-2, none,tagged_array, >=0

description: Desorption rate of organic pollutants cumulated for the soil profile and cumulated from the beginning of the simulation.

in-out: soil solution organic pollutant sorption rate, kg.m-3.s-1, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Sink term for organic pollutant due to sorptin on the solid phases. Will be used in modules for transport and balance of the pollutant.

in-out: soil solution organic pollutant sorption rate profile cumulated, kg.m-2.s-1, none,tagged_array, >=0

description: Sorption rate of organic pollutant cumulated for the soil profile.

in-out: soil solution organic pollutant sorption rate profile time cumulated, kg.m-2, none,tagged_array, >=0

description: Sorption rate of organic pollutants cumulated for the soil profile and cumulated from the beginning of the simulation.

in-out: soil solution pE, V, profile,single

description: oxydo-reduction potential of the soil solution

in-out: soil solution pH, -, profile,single, >=0

description: Potential hydrogen of the soil solution at grid nodes. It is defined as the decimal logarithm of the reciprocal of the hydrogen ion activity, aH+, in a solution.

Anaee: soil solution pH

in-out: soil solution pesticides degradation rate, kg.m-3.s-1, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Degradation rate of the pesticides in the soil solution.

in-out: soil solution pesticides sink, kg.m-3.s-1, profile,tagged_array

description: Pesticides sink term for the aqueous phase. Should be produced by a module implementing a pesticide fate process. This source term is to be used within a module implementing the solute transport/balance process. Unit is kg/m3 of soil/s.

in-out: soil solution pesticides source, kg.m-3.s-1, profile,tagged_array

description: Source term for pesticides produced by a module implementing a pesticide fate process. This source term is to be used within a module implementing the solute transport/balance process. The unit is: kg/m3 of soil / s.

in-out: soil solution sink source geochemistry, mol.m-3.s-1, profile,tagged_array

description: Sink and source terms for the solute species considered induced by geochemical processes. Provided by Geochemistry process. Unit could be mol.m-3.s-1 or mol.kg-1.s-1.

in-out: soil solution solutes balance terms cumulated, kg.m-2, none,tagged_array, >=0

description: For each solutes species, this is the sum of the time cumulated breakthrough flux cumulated, with the amount of solutes retained in the solution, the amount of solutes eventually sorbed on the solid phase and the amount of solutes degraded. This term minus the initial amount of solutes species in the profile must be compared to the time cumulated inputs. Based on the absence of production terms.

in-out: soil solution solutes degradation rate, mol.m-3.s-1, profile,tagged_array, none

description: Degradation rate of molecules in the soil solution. Unit is: kg.m-3.s-1 or mol.m-3.s-1 depending on the unit used for the concentrations.

in-out: soil solution solutes degradation rate profile cumulated, mol.m-2.s-1, none,tagged_array, none

description: Degradation rate of molecules in solution cumulated over the profile. Unit is: kg.m-2.s-1 or mol.m-2.s-1 depending on the unit used for the concentrations.

in-out: soil solution solutes degradation rate profile time cumulated, kg.m-2, none,tagged_array, >=0

description: Amount of molecules in soil solution degraded. It is the cumulated amount since the start of the simulation for the whole profile. Unit is: kg.m-2 or mol.m-2 depending on the unit used for the concentrations.

in-out: soil solution solutes instantaneous sites sorbed concentration, kg.kg-1, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Concentrations on the solid phase of the solutes species with instantaneous sorption (LEA assumption). Unit is kg of solutes per kg of dry soil.

in-out: soil solution solutes instantaneous sites sorbed concentration profile cumulated, kg.m-2, none,tagged_array, >=0

description: Total amount (profile cumulated) of the solutes species with instantaneous sorption (LEA assumption). Unit is kg of solutes per m2 of soil.

in-out: soil solution solutes kinetic sites exchange rate, kg.m-3.s-1, profile,tagged_array, none

description: Rate of exchange between the kinetic sites and the soil solution.

in-out: soil solution solutes kinetic sites exchange rate time cumulated, kg.m-3, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Exchange rate with kinetic sites cumulated in time.

in-out: soil solution solutes kinetic sites sorbed concentration, kg.kg-1, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Solutes concentration adsorbed on the kinetic sites.

in-out: soil solution solutes kinetic sites sorbed concentration profile cumulated, kg.m-2, none,tagged_array, >=0

description: Sorbed concentrations on kinetic sites cumulated for the whole profile.

in-out: soil solution solutes mass concentration, kg.m-3, profile,tagged_array

description: Mass concentration of the solutes species in the soil solution. Unit is kg of solutes per m3 of water.

in-out: soil solution solutes mass concentration profile cumulated, kg.m-2, none,tagged_array

description: Amounts of solutes contained in the solution of the soil profile. Unit is kg of solutes per m2 of soil.

in-out: soil solution solutes molar concentration, mol.m-3, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Molar concentrations of the solutes species in solution. Unit : mol/m3.

Anaee: soil solution solutes molar concentration

in-out: soil solution solutes molar concentration profile cumulated, mol.m-2, none,tagged_array, >=0

description: Amount of solutes species in solution for the whole profile. Unit : mol/m2

in-out: soil solution sorbed solutes sink source rate due to aqueous gaseous exchanges, mol.kg-1.s-1, profile,tagged_array, none

description: Sink/source term for the sorbed species related to the physico-chemical equilibrium between the aqueous, solid and gaseous phases.

in-out: soil solution strongly sorbed colloids desorption rate, kg.kg-1.s-1, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Detachment rate of strongly sorbed colloids from the solid phase in contact with the soil solution.

in-out: soil solution strongly sorbed colloids mass concentration, kg.kg-1, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Concentration of colloids strongly sorbed on the solid phase in contact with the soil solution.

in-out: soil solution strongly sorbed colloids mass concentration profile cumulated, kg.m-2, none,tagged_array, >=0

description: Amount of strongly sorbed colloids on the solid phase in contact with the soil solution for the whole profile.

in-out: soil solution strongly sorbed colloids sorption rate, kg.kg-1.s-1, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Rate of deposition of strongly sorbed colloids on the solid phase in contact with the soil solution.

in-out: soil solution volatilisation rate, mol.m-3.s-1, profile,tagged_array

description: This is the sink term for dissolved species at grid nodes induced by a volatilisation process.

in-out: soil solution weakly sorbed colloids desorption rate, kg.kg-1.s-1, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Rate of detachment of weakly sorbed colloids from the solid phase in contact with the soil solution.

in-out: soil solution weakly sorbed colloids mass concentration, kg.kg-1, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Concentration of weakly sorbed colloids on the solid phase in contact with the soil solution.

in-out: soil solution weakly sorbed colloids mass concentration profile cumulated, kg.m-2, none,tagged_array, >=0

description: Amount of weakly sorbed colloids on the solid phase in contact with the soil solution for the whole profile.

in-out: soil solution weakly sorbed colloids sorption rate, kg.kg-1.s-1, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Rate of deposition of weakly sorbed colloids on the solid phase in contact with the soil solution.

in-out: soil sorbed solutes degradation rate profile cumulated, mol.m-2.s-1, none,tagged_array, none

description: Rate of degradation of molecules sorbed on the solid phase integrated over the soil profile.

in-out: soil sorbed solutes degradation rate profile time cumulated, mol.m-2, none,tagged_array, >=0

description: Rate of degradation of molecules sorbed on the solid phase integrated over the soil profile and cumulated in time.

in-out: soil sorbed solutes molar concentration profile cumulated, mol.m-2, none,tagged_array, >=0

description: Amount of solutes sspecies sorbed for the whole profile.

in-out: soil specific microbial biomass mass ratio, kg.kg-1, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Quantity of specific microbial and/or micorhizal biomass that contributes to the degradation of the organic pollutent (PAH for example) in soil (kg/kg soil)

in-out: soil specific microbial biomass mass ratio profile cumulated, kg.m-2, none,tagged_array, >=0

description: Total mass for the soil profile of the specific biomass decomposing the organic pollutents.

in-out: soil structural pore volume per volume, m3.m-3, profile,single

description: Structural porosity. In other words, structural interstices through which liquid or air may pass.

in-out: soil surface albedo, ratio0-1, surface,single, ratio0-1

description: Albedo of the soil surface.

in-out: soil surface clay detachable pool, kg.m-2, surface,single, >=0

description: Clay mass that can be mobilized by rain drops at the soil surface. For example, in the SoilGen model, it corresponds to a fraction of the clay in the first mm of soil.

in-out: soil surface clay splash dispersion rate, kg.m-2.s-1, surface,single, >=0

description: The rate of clay dispersion at soil surface due to rain drops impact (splash).

in-out: soil surface clay splash dispersion rate time cumulated, kg.m-2, surface,single, >=0

description: Cumulated amount of clay dispersed by rain and splash mechanism at the soil surface.

in-out: soil surface clay splash dispersion rate yearly, kg.m-2, surface,single, >=0

description: Clay mass dispersed at the soil surface by rain and splash mechanism during the year.

in-out: soil surface conductive heat energy flux density, W.m-2, surface,single

description: Heat flux applied at the soil surface.

in-out: soil surface conductive heat energy flux time cumulated, J.m-2, surface,single

description: Cumulate heat flux at the soil surface.

in-out: soil surface covered fraction, m2.m-2, surface,single, ratio0-1

description: Coverage ratio of the soil surface by a crop or a mulch or a plastic sheet.

in-out: soil surface evaporation to maximum evaporation ratio, ratio0-1, surface,single, ratio0-1

description: Ratio between the real evaporation flux from the soil surface and the evaporative demand applied.

in-out: soil surface evaporation volumetric flux density, m3.m-2.s-1, surface,single

description: Actual evaporation from the soil surface.

in-out: soil surface evaporation volumetric flux density daily, m, surface,single, none

description: Cumulated soil surface evaporation at the day scale.

in-out: soil surface evaporation volumetric flux density deficit, m3.m-2.s-1, surface,single, none

description: Instantaneous soil evaporation deficit. Difference between demand and actual evaporation as controled by the soil.

in-out: soil surface evaporation volumetric flux density deficit time cumulated, m3.m-2, surface,single, none

description: Cumulative evaporation deficit from the soil surface.

in-out: soil surface evaporation volumetric flux density subtracted from rain, m3.m-2.s-1, surface,single, >=0

description: Evaporation volumetric flux density substracted from the rain or the irrigation flux density.

in-out: soil surface evaporation volumetric flux density subtracted from rain time cumulated, m, surface,single, none

description: This is the cumulated amount of soil surface evaporative demand directly removed from rain intensity due to the fact that rain occurs while at the same time the evaporation demand is not zero. This amount is thus a fraction of the total water evaporated amount ad must not be added to the cumulative soil surface evaporation. It is made available for sake of information.

in-out: soil surface evaporation volumetric flux density time cumulated, m, surface,single, none

description: Cumulated evaporation at the soil surface.

in-out: soil surface evaporation volumetric flux density yearly, m, surface,single, none

description: Yearly amount of water that evaporated at the soil surface.

in-out: soil surface flooding irrigation solutes molar concentration, mol.m-3, surface,tagged_array

description: Actual concentration of the various species in the flooding irrigation.

Anaee: flooding irrigation solutes molar concentration

in-out: soil surface flooding irrigation water height, m, surface,single

description: Flooding irrigation described by the height of water applied. It should be provided by the "cultural practices" process.

in-out: soil surface gas volatilisation flux, kg.m-2.s-1, surface,tagged_array, none

description: Flux of gaseous species between the soil surface and the atmosphere due to a volatilisation process. A positive value indicates a flux from the atmosphere towards the soil and conversely.

in-out: soil surface maximum evaporation volumetric flux density, m3.m-2.s-1, surface,single

description: This is the evaporative demand that is applied at the soil surface. It comes from the "mulch water balance" process.

Anaee: soil surface maximum evaporation flux density

in-out: soil surface maximum evaporation volumetric flux density pan daily cumulated, m3.m-2, surface,single

description: Daily evaporation measured with a Colorado A-class pan.

Anaee: soil surface maximum evaporation flux density

in-out: soil surface maximum evaporation volumetric flux density time cumulated, m3.m-2, surface,single, none

description: Maximum evaporative demand applying at the soil surface cumulated in time.

in-out: soil surface mulch with soil contact conductive heat exchange, W.m-2, surface,single, none

description: Heat exchange term between the soil and the mulch in contact with the soil. A positive value means a mulch contact temperature higher than the soil surface temperature.

in-out: soil surface runoff height, m, surface,single

description: Height of the water layer at the soil surface participating to run-off

Anaee: soil surface runoff height

in-out: soil surface runoff rate daily, m3.m-2, surface,single, >=0

description: Amount of water lost by runoff on a daily basis.

in-out: soil surface runoff rate time cumulated, m3.m-2, surface,single, none

description: Cumulative run-off during simulation time.

in-out: soil surface runoff rate yearly, m3.m-2, surface,single, >=0

description: Yearly amount of water lost by runoff.

in-out: soil surface runoff surface fraction, m2.m-2, surface,single, ratio0-1

description: Soil surface fraction occupied by run-off.

in-out: soil surface runoff volumetric flux density, m3.m-2.s-1, surface,single

description: Run-Off flow at the outlet of the considered plot.

Anaee: soil runoff flux density

in-out: soil surface solutes applied amount time cumulated, kg.m-2, surface,tagged_array, >=0

description: Time cumulated amount of solutes species received by the soil surface. This amount is calculated from the concentrations of the rain and the irrigation after influence of the crop canopy and the mulch have been acounted.

in-out: soil surface sprinkling irrigation rate, m3.m-2.s-1, surface,single

description: Instantaneous water flux applied to the system due to a sprinkling irrigation.

Anaee: soil surface sprinkling irrigation flux density

in-out: soil surface sprinkling irrigation rate time cumulated, m3.m-2, surface,single, none

description: Cumulated amount of water applied by sprinkling.

in-out: soil surface sprinkling irrigation solutes mass concentration, kg.m-3, surface,tagged_array, >=0

description: Concentration of the solutes species contained in the water applied. Please note that the unit is kg.m-3 and not mol.m-3. Note also there is a variable with unit mol.m-3 is also available.

in-out: soil surface sprinkling irrigation solutes mass concentration time cumulated, kg.m-2, surface,tagged_array, >=0

description: Cumulated amount of the solutes species applied at the soil surface by mean of sprinkling. Please note that the unit is kg.m-2 and not mol.m-2. A variable with unit mol.m-2 is also available.

in-out: soil surface sprinkling irrigation solutes molar concentration, mol.m-3, surface,tagged_array

description: Actual concentration of the various species in the water applied by sprinkling.

in-out: soil surface sprinkling irrigation solutes molar concentration time cumulated, mol.m-2, surface,tagged_array, >=0

description: Cumulated amounts of solutes applied with sprinkling irrigations. Unit is: mol.m-2 or kg.m-2

in-out: soil surface temperature, K, surface,single, >=0

description: Temperature at the surface of the soil profile.

Anaee: soil surface temperature

in-out: soil surface temperature daily average, K, surface,single, >=0

description: Daily mean soil surface temperature.

in-out: soil surface water flux density infiltration refusal, m.s-1, surface,single

description: Infiltration refusal calculated by a module implementing the "water and balance" process. The flux density refusal can be partly evacuated by runoff or can infiltrate later in case of no runoff.

in-out: soil surface water flux density infiltration refusal time cumulated, m, surface,single, >=0

description: Time cumulated amount of the soil surface water flux density refusal. The flux density refusal can be partly evacuated by runoff or can infiltrate later in case of no runoff.

in-out: soil surface water infiltration rate, m.s-1, surface,single, >=0

description: Instantaneous rate of water flow entering the soil profile. Can be less than the applied water flux in case the soil intake capacity is exceeded.

in-out: soil surface water infiltration rate time cumulated, m, surface,single, none

description: Cumulated amount of water that entered the soil profile at the soil-atmosphere interface.

in-out: soil surface water infiltration rate yearly, m, surface,single, none

description: Total amount of water that entered the profile through the soil surface.

in-out: soil surface water layer colloids exchange rate, kg.m-2.s-1, surface,tagged_array, none

description: Colloids exchange rate between the water layer at the soil surface and the water in the soil porosity. A positive value means a gain for the water layer.

in-out: soil surface water layer colloids exchange rate time cumulated, kg.m-2, surface,tagged_array, >=0

description: Cumulated amount of colloids exchanged between the runoff water and the water in the soil porosity. A positive value means a gain for the water layer.

in-out: soil surface water layer colloids mass concentration, kg.m-3, surface,tagged_array, >=0

description: Colloids concentrations in the water layer at the soil surface.

in-out: soil surface water layer solutes exchange rate, kg.m-2.s-1, surface,tagged_array, none

description: Exchange rate of solutes between the soil and the water layer at the surface. Positive means a gain for the water layer.

in-out: soil surface water layer solutes exchange rate time cumulated, kg.m-2, surface,tagged_array, >=0

description: Exchange rate of solutes between the soil and the water layer at the soil surface cumulated in time.

in-out: soil surface water layer solutes molar concentration, mol.m-3, surface,tagged_array, >=0

description: Solutes concentration of the water layer at the soil surface. This water layer may result from runoff or agricultural practices (temporary or permanent submersion).

in-out: soil surface water layer solutes runoff rate, kg.m-2.s-1, surface,tagged_array, >=0

description: Rate of loss for the solutes contained in the water layer at the soil surface during the runoff events.

in-out: soil surface water layer solutes runoff rate daily cumulated, kg.m-2, surface,tagged_array, >=0

description: Daily amount of solutes lost in runoff water.

in-out: soil surface water layer solutes runoff rate time cumulated, kg.m-2, surface,tagged_array, >=0

description: Cumulated amount of solutes lost in runoff water during the runoff events.

in-out: soil surface water pressure head, m(H2O), surface,single

description: This is a surface pressure head function of time. It is meant to be imposed to the "water flow" process.

Anaee: soil surface water pressure head

in-out: soil surface water retention height, m, surface,single, >=0

description: Height of the water layer at the soil surface when the application rate exceeds the infitration capacity of the soil. Usually this height grows until a minimun retention height is reached. Above this threshold, runoff takes place. See also the variable "soil surface water runoff height".

in-out: soil surface water volumetric content, m3.m-3, surface,single, >=0

description: Surface volumetric water content.

in-out: soil surface water volumetric flux density, m.s-1, surface,single

description: This is the water flux applied to the soil after influences of crop canopy and mulch have been accounted for.

in-out: soil surface water volumetric flux density time cumulated, m3.m-2, surface,single, none

description: Cumulated amount of water passing through the mulch and consequently applied to the soil.

in-out: soil temperature, K, profile,single, >=0

description: This is the soil temperature at grid nodes. It can be calculated by a "heat transport" module.

Anaee: soil temperature

in-out: soil temperature change due to plowing, K, profile,single, >=0

description: Temperature change of the soil due to plowing. Represent the difference between the temperature calculated after plowing and the temperature before plowing.

in-out: soil temperature daily average, K, profile,single, >=0

description: Daily average temperature calculated inside the organic matter module for weighting the decomposition in RothC.

in-out: soil textural pore volume per volume, m3.m-3, profile,single

description: Textural porosity of soil aggregates.

in-out: soil thermal conductivity, W.m-1.K-1, profile,single, >=0

description: Thermal conductivity of the soil.

in-out: soil tillage depth, m, surface,single

description: Description must not be empty.

Anaee: soil tillage depth

in-out: soil unfrozen depth, m, none,single, >=0

description: Depth before which in the middle of summer the soil is still frozen.

in-out: soil water accumulated deficit, m, profile,single, <=0

description: Accumulated moisture deficit (precipitation-evapotranspiration). Used to weight the decomposition rates of the organic matter pools.

in-out: soil water accumulated deficit profile cumulated, m, none,single, <=0

description: Monthly water deficit (monthly precipitation - monthly evapotranspiration) for the soil layer active in organic matter transformation (biolayer). Used in RothC to calculate a deficit distributed in the biolayer, which in turn enables to weight the organic matter decomposition rates as a function of water availibility.

in-out: soil water accumulated deficit profile cumulated maximum, m, none,single, <=0

description: Maximum monthly water deficit (monthly precipitation - monthly evapotranspiration) for the soil layer active in organic matter transformation (biolayer). This value is calculated in Rothc from the clay content. The monthly water deficit is at most equal to this variable.

in-out: soil water content change due to bioturbation, m3.m-3, profile,single, none

description: Change in volumetric water content as a function of depth due to bioturbation.

in-out: soil water content change due to plowing, m3.m-3, profile,single, none

description: Change in volumetric water content as a function of depth due to plowing.

in-out: soil water height, m3.m-2, none,single

description: Total water amount in soil described by the height of water.

Anaee: soil water height

in-out: soil water kirchhoff potential, m2.s-1, profile,single

description: The Kirchoff potential is defined as the integral of the hydraulic conductivity between two values of the soil water potential. Kirchoff transformation is used to get a transport equation with less non linearities. The problem is to have a relation between the Kirchoff potential (solution of the transformed Richards equation) and the soil water potential. This requires tabulation or strong hypotheses on the analytical form of the hydraulc conductivity.

Anaee: soil water kirchhoff potential

in-out: soil water matrix potential, m(H2O), profile,single

description: Soil water matrix potential at grid nodes.

Anaee: soil water matrix potential

in-out: soil water matrix potential cell, m(H2O), profile,single

description: Soil water matrix potential (for cell).

Anaee: soil water matrix potential

in-out: soil water osmotic potential, m, profile,single, none

description: Osmotic potential of the soil solution.

in-out: soil water pressure head, m(H2O), profile,single, none

description: Total pressure head in the soil profile. A a given point in the profile the total pressure head is equal to the soil water potential minus the depth of the point.

in-out: soil water pressure head gradient, NA, profile,single, none

description: Gradient of the soil water total pressure head.

in-out: soil water retention curve exponent, NA, profile,single, none

description: This is the n exponent in the van Genuchten relationship for the soi water retention curve. It can be simply read or calculated from pedo-transfer functions. It can change in time if soil properties evolution is simulated.

in-out: soil water retention curve exponent Campbell, NA, profile,single, none

description: Exponent in the Campbell water retention curve. It is often named : b.

in-out: soil water table depth, m, none,single, >=0

description: Water table depth. Profondeur du toit de la nappe phréatique

in-out: soil water volumetric content, m3.m-3, profile,single

description: Volumetric soil water content. It means water volumetric content as a function of depth. Unit is m3 of water per m3 of soil.

Anaee: soil volumetric water content

in-out: soil water volumetric flux density, m3.m-2.s-1, profile,single

description: Water flux as function of depth.

Anaee: soil water volumetric flux density

in-out: soil water volumetric flux density time cumulated, m, profile,single, none

description: Water volumetric flux density cumulated in time.

in-out: soil weathering pools cations flux profile time cumulated, mol.m-2, none,tagged_array, >=0

description: Time cumulated flux of cations produced by the chemical weathering process for the whole profile.

in-out: soil weathering pools cations flux time cumulated, mol.m-3, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: This is the time cumulated flux of cations released by chemical weathering as a function of depth. It is really a "profile type" variable. Unit is: mols of cations per unit volume of soil.

in-out: soil weathering pools charge concentration, mol+.kg-1, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: These are the pools of available cations that can be released to the soil solution by the weathering process. These pools are linked to primary minerals. Actual pools include gibbsitepool (Al) Capool (Ca) Mgpool (Mg) Kpool(K) and Napool (Na).

in-out: soil weathering pools charge concentration change due to bioturbation, mol+.kg-1, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Change in weathering pools charge concentrations resulting from bioturbation.

in-out: soil weathering pools charge concentration change due to plowing, mol+.kg-1, profile,tagged_array, >=0

description: Changes of weathering pools charge concentration resulting from plowing.

in-out: sprinkling irrigation colloids mass concentration, kg.m-3, none,tagged_array, >=0

description: Concentrations of colloids in the sprinkled water. Unit: kg.m-3

in-out: time synchronisation flag, NA, none,single

description: Indicates time has been forced in the previous compute call. It should be different from 0 in that case, 0 otherwise.

in-out: useless misc array none, NA, none,misc_array, none

description: Only for testing and useless purpose.

in-out: useless single layer, NA, layer,single

description: Only for testing and useless purpose.

in-out: useless single none, NA, none,single

description: Only for testing and useless purpose.

in-out: useless single profile, NA, profile,single

description: Only for testing and useless purpose.

in-out: useless single surface, NA, surface,single

description: Only for testing and useless purpose.

in-out: useless tagged array layer, NA, layer,tagged_array, none

description: Only for testing and useless purpose.

in-out: useless tagged array none, NA, none,tagged_array, none

description: Only for testing and useless purpose.

in-out: useless tagged array profile, NA, profile,tagged_array, none

description: Only for testing and useless purpose.

in-out: useless tagged array surface, NA, surface,tagged_array, none

description: Only for testing and useless purpose.

in-out: vegetation cover evaporation volumetric flux density, m3.m-2.s-1, surface,single

description: Evaporation rate of water stored on crop canopy. To be subtracted from climatic demand applying to crop.

in-out: vegetation cover evaporation volumetric flux density time cumulated, m3.m-2, none,single

description: Cumulative evaporation from the canopy (water that was stored on the leaves).

Anaee: vegetation evaporation

in-out: vegetation cover leaf specific humidity, kg.kg-1, none,single, >=0

description: Specific humidity of air in the canopy. Unit is kg of water in air per kg of humid air.

in-out: vegetation cover rain interception amount yearly, m, none,single, none

description: Yearly amount of water intercepted by the vegetation cover.

in-out: vegetation cover rain interception rate, m3.m-2.s-1, none,single, none

description: Amount of water intercepted by the vegetation cover.

in-out: vegetation cover rain interception rate time cumulated, m3.m-2, none,single, none

description: Cumulated amount of water intercepted by the vegetation cover.

in-out: vegetation cover water height, m3.m-2, surface,single

description: Water amount stored on crop canopy as a function of time.

Anaee: vegetation intercepted water

in-out: vegetation type, NA, none,single, >0

description: Type of the vegetation for the current year. There are four types, from 1 to 4: coniferous wood ; deciduous wood ; grassscrub or agriculture.

list of units

generated by vsoil-processes version 1.20241212.11770 on 2024-12-12 15:43:44

unit: %

description: percentage

unit: -

description: no unit

unit: Bq

description: Becquerel

unit: Bq.kg-1

unit: Bq.m-2

unit: Bq.m-3

unit: J

unit: J.kg-1.K-1

unit: J.m-2

unit: J.mol-1

unit: K

unit: K-1

unit: K.s-1

unit: N

unit: N.s.m-2

unit: NA

description: Non Applicable

unit: Ohm.m

description: electrical resistivity

unit: Pa

description: Pascal

unit: Pa-1

unit: Pa.m3.mol-1

unit: S.m-1

description: Electrical conductivity. Siemens per meter

unit: V

description: Volt

unit: W.m-1.K-1

unit: W.m-2

unit: W.m-2.K-1

unit: atoms

unit: atoms.kg-1

unit: atoms.m-2

unit: atoms.m-2.s-1

unit: atoms.m-3

unit: boolean

description: true or false

unit: kg

unit: kg.kg-1

unit: kg.kg-1.s-1

unit: kg.m-1.s-1

unit: kg.m-1.s-2

unit: kg.m-2

unit: kg.m-2.s-1

unit: kg.m-3

unit: kg.m-3.s-1

unit: kg.mol-1

unit: m

unit: m(H2O)

description: Pressure of a head of water

unit: m-1

unit: m-2

unit: m.m-1

unit: m.m-2

unit: m.m-3

unit: m.s-1

unit: m.s-2

unit: m2

unit: m2.m-2

unit: m2.s-1

unit: m3

unit: m3.kg-1

unit: m3.kg-1.s-1

unit: m3.m-2

unit: m3.m-2.s-1

unit: m3.m-3

unit: m3.m-3.s-1

unit: m3.s-1

unit: mol

unit: mol+.kg-1

description: Amount of elementary electrical charges per unit of mass.

unit: mol+.kg-1.s-1

description: Amount of elementary electrical charges per mass unit and per time unit.

unit: mol+.m-2

description: Amount of elementary electrical charges per surface unit.

unit: mol+.m-2.s-1

description: Amount of elementary electrical charges per surface unit and per time unit.

unit: mol+.m-3

description: Amount of elementary electrical charges per volume unit.

unit: mol+.m-3.s-1

description: Amount of elementary electrical charges per volume unit and per time unit.

unit: mol.kg-1

unit: mol.kg-1.s-1

unit: mol.m-2

unit: mol.m-2.s-1

unit: mol.m-3

unit: mol.m-3.s-1

unit: mol.mol-1

unit: number.m-2

unit: number.m-3

unit: rad

unit: ratio0-1

description: [0-1]

unit: s

unit: s-1

unit: s.m-1

unit: undetermined

description: default unit value

list of categories

generated by vsoil-processes version 1.20241212.11770 on 2024-12-12 15:43:44

category: biological processes

description: processes representing biological phenomenom

category: evolution of soil properties

description: processes representing evolution of soil properties

category: external factors

description: processes supplying data from the outside scope of the vsoil platform

category: geochemical processes

description: processes representing geochemical phenomenom

category: physical processes

description: processes representing physical phenomenom